Sertraline 100mg to 150mg feeling awful

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I've started sertraline 50mg on the 10.8.17 then upped to 100mg after a few days. I didn't seem to be making any improvements so the doc upped them to 150mg on Friday 16.9.17. And now I feel worse then ever. I hardly sleep and my anxiety starts as soon as I open my eyes. I'm sick every morning and I've got no appetite. Also started getting headaches. Anxiety is bad all day. I just don't know which way to turn. Has any body got any advice please 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    These are side effects of taking a higher dosage and should subside after a while. Just out of interest the brand of medication has not changed from when you were taking lower doses has it?
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    Thats ok then as different brands seem to cause different side effects, it should settle down, everytime i increased dosage the side effects came back.
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      I just haven't got any confidence in sertraline. 

  • Posted

    It might be that sertraline is not right for you but i would still say give it time. It can take 8 weeks for some positive effects to take place, however there are no set rules. I think you have had some big increases in dosage, quickly and your body is adjusting. Certainly everything you described after you most recent increase are side effects im sure of it. When they wear off than slowly you should see improvements.
  • Edited

    Hi. I was on sertraline 100mg and jumped to 150mg and had bad and rare side effects. An option is reducing it to 125mg for a week then increase back to 150mg. 100mg to 150mg is quite a lot for some people, so maybe try that. 
  • Edited

    Ive been on antidepressants for 16 years. Only recently have i been offered other therapies. I've been on them so long I have no idea what id be like without them. The most recent medication I've been prescribed is sertraline. I felt like a zombie for 3 weeks but then it slowly got better. An then worse. I don't sleep. I feel angry and even rage at times. It's not me. I'm coming off all medication because I seriously feel like it's damaged me. I struggle to concentrate. I can't remember things I've done or said. It's scary. And no onetells you about the withdrawals. I'm be going cold turkey and to be honest.. it's horrendous. I can't escape the symptoms but I'm determined I'm going to get off it altogether. Don't take what your doctors says as gospel. These are dangerous things with serious effects. Be sure you know what your doing.

  • Posted

    Hi Claire, I've been on sertraline for nearly 1 year now I started at 50 then to 100 then the past 6 months 125, I went from 50 to 100 without any side affects but when I went to 125 I felt the increased dose. Maybe reduce down to 125 then if you feel you need more after 2 weeks then take the other 125. I gave to say this drug had changed my life it worked for me 100% so please do give it a good go and listen to your body, xx 

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