Sertraline 200mg withdrawals
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Looking for some advice if any one can help? I was on Sertraline 200mg for just over a year but it didnt seem to make much diffrence to my anxiety and agraphobia so the doctors changed me to mitazapine 15mg. I dropped the dose if sertraline down to 100 and then went cold turkey and straight onto mitazapine. I felt so ill the doctors then stopped the mitazapine after 2 weeks and put me on fluoxetine 20mg but nothing got better i am now 4 months without ang sertraline 2 months without mitazapine and i stopped the fluoxetine approx 3 weeks ago as i just couldnt cope putting anymore of these nasty drugs in my body. But 4 months on and i still feel so unwel my anxiety is through the roof i wake up in instant panic, shaking constantly on the inside, feels like i have convulsions in my stomach and legs. Skin feels like its burning from the inside out. Black dots in my vision i could go on. I hate what had happend to me im so tired of feeling like this everyday from the second i wake up. The only medication i take now is proparanol 40mg twice a day to try and stop the palpitations and the tremor inside but it barely makes a diffrence. Is there any light at the end of this tunnel? Everyone always goes on about me not going out the house but that is the least of my worries at the moment. I just want to wake up and not feel constantly ill with all these physical symptoms.
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Aspinan Loopylou2k7
Hi Loopylou, my initial thoughts are that you stopped sert too quickly which would account for you feeling so ill once you started Mertazapine, then another quick change to fluoxetine, your body would have known what was happening!
All anti depressants you've taken are now out of your system so may be its time to re start Mert or Fluoxetine on its own abd on a proper titration regime.
Id also recommend a short course of benzos such as Clonazepam which is long acting ( take when needed) whilst you adjust to the anti depressants.
Another anti depressant which is particularly potent for anxiety is Venlafaxine so there are plenty options for you.
Now as for going out I'd recommend you try your best to keep going out and socialise as best you can, agoraphobia creeps up on you but if you take small steps such as just going out for an hour abd you will beat it.
Finally ask your GP to refer you for CBT or get a self help book from the library on how to manage anxiety.
I see your not keen on meds but they are an important part of your recovery and can help enormously, you may have start up side effects but if you start on a low dose and gradually work up these should be manageable.
I never found propranolol very effective for anxiety more for those people who suffered rapid or heavy heart beating and which triggered anxiety or panic.
There is light at the end of the tunnel for all of us, it's just it's too dim to see just yet.
Go see your GP and make a fresh start.
Loopylou2k7 Aspinan
Thank you for your reply
I just dont no what to do with myself everyday i try and get up and act normal but the physical symptoms are so bad. Will it get better without taking anymore medication? I know you said i need it as part of the recovery along with CBT but i would rather not go back on any srri's. They can cause more anxiety sometimes and are better for depression and i am not depressed apart from the fact that i feel so ill. Will these symtoms ever go away without medication?
charlie40922 Loopylou2k7
I didn't agree with any ssris so doc has gave me pregablin, I haven't started them yet as I'm very wary of taking stuff now as it seems everything makes you worse before the my make you better, but that isn't one of the side effects on these and sooo many people do recommend these so I do want to start them, it's just building upto it aha. It is an off label med for anxiety, but it's meant to stop anxiety in its tracks before it even starts. I'm exact same as you tho, haven't even been out my house in months, put on a calcium channel blocker as I can't have beta blockers Coz of asthma but my heart rate was really high. Will let you know how the pregablin work when I work myself up enough to try them. In the meantime ask the doctor to give you some diazepam, alot of people won't agree with this as they can be very addictive, but as long as there taken sensibly and for less then a month you will be fine, they work in less then an hour even for the most severe panic attack. I'm just like you tho, from the minute I wake up until the minute I go sleep and sometimes through the night I wake up in pure panic, we will get there eventually guess it's just hit and miss with tablets and finding one that works for us, Coz ssris certainly didn't for me, they made me sooooo poorly. Good luck on getting better and keep me updated x
Loopylou2k7 charlie40922
I havent been out of the house for over a year but at the moment indint really care about that part of the condition i just want to not feel so ill with all these physical symptoms 24hours a day. Everyday is a struggle but everyday i think hopefully this is enougher day i am getting this disgusting stuff out of my body and prey to god that i will feel better again soon. I always say to family if i actual didnt have all the physical things going on like the tremor and the burning skin etc etc the list goes on as u proble know yourself i wouldnt find it so hard to go out. Keep me updated on your progress and thank you for replying