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Does anyone feel like there going to pass out on this tablet this is making my anxiety worse as I have a real fear of passing out I won't even leave the house at the moment I was on 25mg since 10th feb and tonight is my 5th night of 50mg any positive comments as I feel like I can't cope like this anymore x
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Hollyworrier19 rachaelxo
rachaelxo Hollyworrier19
Digsby rachaelxo
The meds are helping me overcome my suicidal depression so I can relate to being in a desperate situation. The side effects are variable and we all experience them differently so try to ride the storm if you possibly can until things settle down. You are not alone and will always find plenty of support on this forum. If you need to talk to someone, have you got the crisis number of your local community mental health team? The Samaritans are there 24/7 too and I have had a couple of occasions when I've needed to offload on them. They are great listeners :-)
I hope you are giving yourself space at this time, with as few external pressures as possible. It's not a sign of weakness to let your life be put on pause for a while until you are feeling better. You would if you broke your leg, wouldn't you? ;-)
Have you got a support network of family and friends? It's always difficult to tell loved ones the whole story but you can share pieces of how you feel, as you think they can cope with the knowledge. The wait for CBT is very frustrating but it will be worth it in the end. There may be useful information online you can find about anxiety/depression and CBT in the meantime. Keep yourself distracted and difficult as it may seem, try not to let your mind dwell on negative or catastrophic thoughts. It can become a vicious cycle so if you can find an emotional place of calm in the storm, it should help. You can't deny the reality of what you are going through, but you can take control of the mental suffering it causes you.
Keep us informed on how you get on as we are all on your side :-)
Big hug, Digsby x
rachaelxo Digsby
Digsby rachaelxo