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Hi, I'm very new to forum but wanted to ask a question?

I went to see my GP only five days ago for clinical depression and I was taken off mirtazapine 30mg that I had been on for roughly six months and put onto sertraline 50mg. I was advised by my GP to reduce the mirtazapine down to 15mg immediately. My question is this.... Is it just me or has Sertraline made anyone else feel worse? As of day one I've felt like what I can only describe as a 'zombie'.

It feels like I'm constantly wading through thick mud, I now feel constantly anxious, I have no appetite whatsoever, I wake up at 3-4am and can't get back to sleep because all these thoughts keep whizzing around in my head, when it is time to get up I feel utterly shattered. I don't want to go out and everything I used to find enjoyable I cannot now face. I have a 7 y/o son whom I love and adore but feel like I can't even look after myself at the moment let alone him, the guilt of this is now exacerbating my feelings.

The thought of facing another day feeling like this is terrifying me, let alone moving forward with life. I've restarted with my private councillor and am avoiding alcohol etc as my GP advised, but just feel terrible.

I'm not expecting miracles overnight or anything but I think I'm just searching for some reassurance I guess?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


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  • Posted

    No one has mentioned the fact, far as I can see, that your 50% cut of mirt could be causing withdrawal along with start up side effects of sert.  It makes it very hard to know what's what when they have you cut that steeply at the same time as starting a new med.  Mirt has horrendous withdrawal.  Some common symptoms are tingling/numbness of lips/tongue/arms etc, burning skin sensations, digestive upsets, headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia or extreme fatigue, and more.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your comments, I must admit I hadn't really thought a lot about coming down off the mirtazapine. I had just kind of assumed the new meds would override the old but, it could indeed explain why I'm feeling the way I am. So again, thank you for your input re. the withdrawal symptoms of this drug. And yes I agree the feeling is absolutely horrendous. Hope you are doing good now and all I can do is ride it out for the time being myself in the hope I feel better soon. Thanks again. Paul
  • Posted

    Hi Paul,

    So sorry to hear how you feel at present I know how you feel its vile.

    I have suffered with this for 10 years before I went to see a psychiatrist through my GP. I felt un safe all the time which was strange as I was working as a doorman, I couldnt even play golf without panic attacks and had to drink to go to socail events and spent days alone locked up at home and wanted to run out of meetings in work, lost my temper and was angry all the time . I constantly googled ADHD and BI POLAR and all other mental health illnesses due to the constant madness going on in my head which was making me feel there was something wrong with me its been hell. I was prescribed with anxiety and given 50mg of sertraline which increased to 100mg after a week. I have been on them about a month now and have noticed a massive difference. I even watched the rugby in a packed out club and drank soda water and did not have any panic what so ever which to me is like wining the lottery. I went out last nighth had a few beers no where near the amount i would normally drink as i do not need to get smashed to function anymore to hide the anxiety i know now when i hve had enough which is very very healthy i couldnt control it before. I honestly cant recomend this medication enough its like an emotional cruch the only think i get every now and then is that a worry i dont get panic anymore suppose its a little paranoia but that will pass as I continue to get better. I have stopped beating myself up and thinking am mad. Like millions yes millions of others I have been through alot of emotional sh*t in my life and its caught up on me and i need a tablet to help me get better in my eyes its no different to taking a tablet for an illness like high blood pressure or something simalar. Anxiety Depression can be beaten but not alone this tablet will help you but i have also realised once you start feeling a bit better i make sure i do stuff that used to scare me simple things like shopping , playing golf , going the pub , driving or what ever it is. Its like I am now strong enough to offer my anxiety out and going to smash its face in!! and live a deserved happy life. Dont get me wrong its not easy i live alone and dont see many people but i have realised that it helps to make an effort to mix with people. This is what i do.

    Tell myslef I am a nice person things happend in my life out of my control and try and realise that people in my life love me and like me. I stay grounded and appreciate all i have and look forward to getting better and maybe one day supporting those who are going through this vile illness to help them get better.

    Be strong mate , believe in your abiltiy to get better , take the tablets even if we need to take them for ever, WHO CARES! If it helps us to enjoy life so be it.

    If someone breaks thier leg its easy to reconise and show empathy no one knows whats going on in your head but you would be suprised like I am how many millions of people suffer with this, YOUR NOT ALONE AND IN TIME CAN BEAT IT.

    Take care mate I am always here if you need a chat



    • Posted

      Great stuff, Phil. Thanks for relating that encouraging story. Keep on. keeping on.
    • Posted

      Hi Phil! Wow! What an encouraging story!! That's amazing, really. I haven't been on this forum for about 5 days now as just finding the will to get out of bed in the morning is hard enough let alone using a laptop! That sounds really daft I know but the anxiety is just destroying me now. It's day 11 and I'm not sure how much more I can take. I can honestly not remember in my 43 years on this planet ever feeling this bad for this length of time.

      Thanks so much for your words of encouraged however, means a lot and I will try another week if I possibly can.

      Kind regards


    • Posted

      Thanks Phil ! We need more stories like this ! How are you feeling ? Going to my gp today to increase to 50 mg after 3 weeks on 25 mg 😌 Noticed a difference but still have panic and anxiety attacks .
  • Posted

    I dont really know much as the Psyci that seen me said to start of at 12.5 mg which is a quarter of the 50 mg pill... i Feel like it wacks me on day one. Sorta spaced out like i dint sleep well seeing as i am taking it at night.

    But aside from that its like at day 3 all hell breaks loose.

    I stopped the first time and tried again after a week. Same happened. Its like a small dose works too well and like what will a bigger dose do if this is from just so little a dose.

    I dont even know if i can take a chance a third time.

    The doc said to go slow from 12.5 for a week then 25 for a week and then 50 from there on...

    He says that due to me showing symptoms of being faintly Bipolar that i should rahter start slow and work up.

    And its like i get worst heart burn slowd down feeling of euphoria spaced out but ok and then weak in the legs like i got no energy to stand and then by the third day my anxiety comes on strong on just 12.5 mg.

    Dont know how better to explain it and if i should go on with it or not. I stoped last week.

    Really banging my head here...

    • Posted

      Hi it sounds like you have reacted badly to a very small initial dose. I would say on balance to try to stick with the 12.5mg but take your doctors advice.

      Having read up a lot on this AD the general consensus seems to be the first few weeks appear to be anything from dreadful to horrific! But after that it settles down and it does the trick.

      My worst time is waking up very early 3/4am with sheer terror, anxiety, deep deep sadness, tears, the whole nine yards. Oh and the dreams I have on it are not of this world!!

      I'm going to have a go at staying awake as late as possible tonight in the hope I can sleep past 3/4am.

      Anyway, I digress, I would say (only from what I've read on here) it will significantly increase your anxiety even past day three I'm afraid. (My current level on day 6 is unbearable) But it will help in the long run, so my advice to you would be to try to ride it out.

      Stay strong! Let me know how you get on


  • Posted

    my update day 7 of Cirtraline.

    I went back to see my doctor this morning, I’m not ashamed to say I broke down in front of him. im only on day 7 and the anxiety is crippling me (i didn’t start taking this drug for anxiety incidentally, it was only for depression)  I know that might seem to some as being overdramatic, using the verb "crippling" but I don’t think it's until you’ve really experienced it for yourself you (one) can really understand just how bad this feels.

    The lack of sleep i can cope with (pretty much) it reminds me of when my son was little! the banging headache all day long -not a problem, the flu-like symptoms –any day, the lack of appetite -fine, the nausea the dizziness, the blurred vision, the shakes and the constant ringing in my ears, 'the trots' too - BRING IT ON! bring them all on, but the anxiety from the early hours to mid to late afternoon that is utterly debilitating. leaving what little respite there is for the late afternoon/early evening, when you are too tired to care and end up nodding off and missing it anyway!

    For me personally I wake around 3 maybe 4am and that’s it, I can feel the anxiety creep in and that’s it for me, I know the chances of getting back to sleep are virtually impossible.  The trouble with this is by 2-3 in the afternoon you are yawning your head off. that in itself i have no problem with but this Anxiety i now feel: HORRENDOUS!  I tried last night watching some TV and reading in order to try to keep myself awake as long as possible to try to sleep longer in the mornings and thus avoid a few more hours of the darkness (i don’t mean darkness in the literal sense, i mean the terror that is anxiety) but it was to no avail.  I think today is the worst that I have ever felt, and its terrifying me what tomorrow has in store for me. I was fortunate enough to talk to a friend who has experienced exactly the same feelings and that I found “comforting” to just know I am not the only one feeling this bad, and hopefully given time it will pass.

    My doctor has given me some diazepam 2mg tablets he said I could take in the early hours of the morning it it gets too unbearable, but I am a little scared to take one, sounds daft I know but just feel like its one drug to counteract another. But I’ll see how I go and try one if I get really desperate. I just keep clinging onto the fact that the general consensus is the first two weeks are the worst. 

    It is entirely possible that I feel worse today because I feel guilty that this weekend just gone was my weekend with my son of 7 and we are always out and about doing things, here there and everywhere having fun non-stop. This weekend however, we left the house once to go to the park (and even that was a real struggle)  I know my child understands that I’m currently “poorly” and I’ve told him that when I am better I will make it up to him but the guilt is really weighing on me on top of everything else.

    Anyhoo before this turns into War and Peace I shall leave it there, I must say though having this forum is really good to be able to see other peoples experiences and coping mechanisms (or lack thereof) and know you (one) are not alone and there ARE countless others going through exactly what YOU are going through.  I just wish I could convince my brain of this fact.

    Hoping and praying that tomorrow is, if not better (as I’m not expecting miracles) but Its not worse than today. Apologies that post has ended up all me me me,  but sometimes it feels good to let it out. and who knows someone may relate to my experiances and know they are not alone...


    Wishing everyone better days to come.



    • Posted

      Has your dose stayed the same? I spoke to my dr today and ive definitely got to up mine tomorrow, I'm scared to say the least. Today has been another day of a knot in my stomach and nausea sad it lasted pretty much allday too. The dr said I'm likely to experience more side effects upping the dose. These tablets better eventually work for me. I'm so fed up of feeling this way, just want to be 'normal' again. Someone said if you just except anxiety and ride it out it will clear off, but I'm having trouble excepting all this. Good luck for you tomorrow!
    • Posted

      Hi Sian,

      I talked to my doctor about my dosage this morning and asked him if the thought it might help if I was increased to 100mg? and he said it was far too early to be thinking of at the moment  given the side effects I’m currently experiencing, he said it would likely make it even worse and not better. And he would like to see me stable on 50mg and getting over the anxiety (or at least managing it better)  first before “round two” - remember however, this is just me and eveyone of us is different and on this med for different reasons. 

      Re. “accepting” it’s very easy to say that, I’ve had it all said to me this week… “oh remember it IS just a feeling” or “just try not to think about it”, “keep yourself busy”... yeah cheers for that! just tell my brain that would you please?  None of us are idiots, we know essentially an irrational emotion, but telling someone (or for that matter telling yourself) and actually doing it are two entirely different things. If it was that simple I would much rather be on facebook now and not on a depression/anxiety forum!


      Good luck to you tomorrow and remember  what you put into your own body is entirely up to you, if you have concerns raise them with your doctor, perhaps tell your doctor you would prefer to leave it a week or two before stepping up a dose if you are unsure ? I’m not a doctor (clearly) but you are in control surly?


    • Posted

      Thanks for the response. I have to say in one sense I think I've been quite lucky. The 1st 3 days were rough with side effects, but the last 3 days have basically just been anxiety, although yesterday I had more hours feeling well than unwell. Will see how I go on the 100mg, if I feel it's too much I will speak to my dr. School holidays are coming up, I'm really hoping I feel a bit better for it.

      When my anxiety is high it's all I can think about! As you say I wish I could just switch it off!

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear your latest news, Paul. It sounds like you're experiencing panic attacks. Hang on in there, they will subside, one way or another. If you haven't tried it already, give Deep Relaxtion a go. It takes a little bit of practice but once you can control your breathing and settle your body down and away from the fright & flight syndrome it will reall help. It also helps if you're lying in bed and can't sleep. It's a way of resting your body and soul and it is also very beneficial for the immune system. Just lie on your back in a space where you are not going to get disturbed. Unplug everything while you try this otherwise your mind will still be in a state of expectation - you don't want that.  Feet slightly apart with your hands resting by your side, breath in (pushing your stomach out as singers do) and count 4. Hold for 2. Breath out slowly for 6, allowing your stomach to rest again. Hold for 2. A CBT counsellor advised me to do this years ago. I have convinced friends to try it when they can't sleep or are having a difficult time. Believe me, it doesn't sound like any big,but believe, it does work. Slowly relax every muscle in your face, neck, chest everywhere. Hear your heart beat slow and quieten. As I say, it's not easy at first but persevere and you will see the benefits. Good luck, Sunshine. You'll work your way through this. Remember, everything is temporary.
  • Posted

    This is the beginning of my fourth week on 50mg Sertraline. The associated fatigue is gradually subsiding. The irritability and negative thoughts (etc) are also gradually fading. Whether they will completely disappear, maybe it's too early to say. Despite the 'sidies' which are not overwhelming, for me personally, at this stage (it's different for everyone). I have summoned the optimism to hang on. From everything I've been told and read about Sertraline (and so many other SSRIs) is: 'it gets worse before it gets better'.  Have faith, it will get better.  You sound like a decent human being to me. You deserve - like all of us - to wake up with a smile on your face. Just because you can. 
    • Posted

      Thank you! I will try to keep going until next week but this is destroying me it's only Day 11 for me, I know, but If the anxiety doesnt start subsiding by next week I'm going to see if I can come off certraline. sorry to be so negative but this is not a life it's just a miserable existence.

      Exhausted and sorry to be a downer people but I'm close to breaking point. (And I really don't normally give up easily)

      Happy Easter to everyone, and much respect to anyone struggling or those who have.

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