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been on Sertraline from Jan now on 200mg for just over 2weeks I would say they are defiantly doing their job so to speak but what I would like is some feedback on has anyone felt like they are there but not if that makes sense like say you have done something fast first thing in the morning after not long getting up and you go fuzzy sorry not sure how to put it I know what going on around me and what I'm doing and can still go about my daily business etc just this weird feeling won't go away have been like this since Jan only had half a day that I have felt Normal for lack of a better term . any advice peeps
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Holly1974 LFCste
Hi there,
I have been on 150mg for over a year, and am now on 100mg a day.( 200mg is a big dose as I am sure you will be aware. I am assuming you were on a lower dose and have had it increased ).
First, I am glad you are getting some help from taking it.
Second, a fair few people inclusing myself do reports sometimes feeling disassociated from themselves. ADs by their nature are meant to even out the highs and lows, the problem is when you can't feel the natural high from doing something you enjoy etc.
See how you go, another couple of weeks and the dose should have settled down. I am guessing a psych started that dose, as most UK GP's will not prescibe in excess of 100mg. My 150mg dose was started in psych. as an outpatient and then I was discharged to my GP, and they continued to prescibe it. I may taper down again soon if I am honest, but when I dropped last time I did get some rebound anxiety for 2/3 weeks and slept for days on end....a side effect of dropping the dose down.
I don't think you are alone. I take other meds ro chronic pain, so my memory is poor anyway so finf it hard to nail it any one medication I take. !
Good luck
LFCste Holly1974
thanks for reply holly appreciated it was my GP that has put me on them have been on 50/100/150/ now 200mg increased over the past 8months my anxiety and panic attacks are well better now . you hit the nail on the head with feeling disassociated that's the word I was looking for. so would you say this is down to the Sertraline will this improve or go away in time or will it only stop when I'm off this medication
thanks for your time
Holly1974 LFCste
You have a very brave GP, or one who has experience with metal health then !! which if it is the second then a good thing. Sometimes you can get a young GP who has recently done a stint in psych for their training, in the past the odd GP used to do a day a week helping out in psych O/P they had more experience also. Most SSRIs are a fixed dose, but sertraline as you know can be used anywhere from 50mg upwards, although I wouldn't expect your GP to go any higher. Just remember whehn / if you come off it some day to step it down really slowly.
Glad you are seeing some improvement in your symptoms, very often helpful if you are getting some CBT or similar intervention once at an effective dose, as this gives the best outcomes.
sammyjo2014 LFCste
Is it a bit like you know what you're doing and you can control your body like normal but it almost feels as if it's not you doing it, like you're in someone else's body?
If so then it is called disassociation and from what I'm aware is a side effect. I've been on 200mg for about 7 months and get this, but it happens less frequently the longer I've been in it.
I hope this helps??
LFCste sammyjo2014
Hi Sammyjo thanks very much
that's what I wanted to hear your a star ty
a-new-day LFCste
is it something like: depersonalization (a state in which one's thoughts and feelings seem unreal or not to belong to oneself)
or, derealization (a feeling that one's surroundings are not real)
both of these side effects are quite common when getting used to antidepressants, i've had my share of those side effects myself it doesn't last though so don't worry, you are just adjusting still that's all
LFCste a-new-day
Hi a-new-day thanks for that it's very reassuring to know that it only a side effect of the medication there hope for me yet lol
thank you