Sertraline advice
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Hi all its my first time posting on here.
To cut a long story short i had been on Citalopram for 7 years and it really suited me. A lot has happened in my life this year so my GP advised me to swap my medication, as i was no longer feeling the benefit.
I stopped my Citalopram straight away and
Took 25mg a day for one week
Then upped to 50mg a day for one week
Im now on day 7 of 100mg and i feel just as bad if not worse than i did before.
Is this normal? Any advice would be appreciated
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shah12 emma67737
emma67737 shah12
Gerrymoo emma67737
My gp suggested I swap from citalopram 20mg to sertraline due to my ongoing insomnia. I haven't done as yet as I really can't face going through the side effects and increased anxiety!
lattifa7777 emma67737
I'm sorry to hear how you are feeling , I know the feeling very well I was their last year around this time and I will never forget it In my life the dark lonely place in my head full of sadness and feelings of utter despair. Listen guys you have to have to keep taking the messages at same time roughly each day and push through, just think of it this way , nothing can make you feel any worse than rite now, so the only way is up now. And I promise you that you will feel so much better than today in about 4 to 6 weeks time , some people longer ! But... it will happen it's a very good drug for depression and especially anxiety and panic attacks, and I had all that and taking the mess does make you worse before better. I was suicidal and called Samaratines.
But after 4 .5 weeks I was so much better and six months I was feeling my self again. I get the odd blips that last about a week but nothing that I can't pull my self through.
Pray and keep the faith do good deeds and help others and also make sure to give ur self a break and do what u need to do to help feel even a slight relief, I used to walk a lot and I mean a lot.
Good luck and this forum was a huge help to me. So come on here and talk even if it's 10 or 20 times a day.
Big hugs and love xxx
emma67737 lattifa7777
I try to meditate and talk as much as i can to get things off my chest, its just so bad at the minute and has been for a while ive kind of lost all hope.
The suicidal thoughts really distress me because im trying to tell myself i want to live but i cant live the way i am any longer.
Im just going to take every day as it comes and hope things pick up.
Thank you so much again
lattifa7777 emma67737
That's it Hun, that's why people with depression want to comit suicide because they feel they can't go one feeling the way they do, and having been there I get it100%
Just take each day at a time, do try and walk in nature is good, it's calm and tiers you out a bit and helps u fall a sleep sometimes..keep me updated xx
emma67737 lattifa7777
lattifa7777 emma67737
shah12 lattifa7777
shauna_04240 lattifa7777
God I hope this will pass as I have put my body through all the side affects of which were bloody awful
Vivid dreams have Started and jyst doom and gloom now
jennifdr11527 emma67737
Did you stop the first med and start the other one with no laps between?
emma67737 jennifdr11527
jennifdr11527 emma67737
Hi Emma,
I know how you feel like no light at the end of the tunnel or why me? How am I going to carry on? I'm no good to anyone? However, you are important to everyone who met you. This med saved my life as my anxiety and depression was so bad I could feel it it in me whole body. I took Valium one to two times a day until the meds kicked in full force. You have to give it time. I never thought I would go off of it but I'm currently (after 8 years) weaning off. We all. Wed help from time to time and I find it helps to talk to someone who Understands the attaches and awful thoughts that come with it. I found people who weren't close to me understood best. If there is a way I can give you my number without it being
Public let me know I would be glad to help in any way I can. My dr always told me my calling was being a psychiatrist lol. I was so alone when my attacks started and really needed someone who understood to talk to me. Your not alone and I know if you stick to the meds soon you will be posting happy reviews. Your stronger minded then you know because it takes a strong person to reach out and get help. Best of luck to you!
emma67737 jennifdr11527
shah12 jennifdr11527
emma67737 jennifdr11527