sertraline & my son

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I posted on this site back in March 09 regarding how desperate I was over my sons anxiety and panic attacks that had plagued him for 3 years virtually bringing his life to a standstill. he barely left the house, stopped all his sports , stopped attending college - life was pretty much unbearable.

Along came 2 miracles - one a new Doctor who promised me she would give me back my happy, outgoing, sport loving son and secondly SERTRALINE,

With her counselling, which she promised would be ongoing until when ever and the medication I now have a son who is attending college full time and has moreorless caught up on his college work, he plays, rugby, football and cricket and has a great social life. OK he is still a stroppy and sometimes very rude teenager but no more than any other!! I never thought I would see him like this again.

Anyone worried about taking Sertraline, give it a go, OK yes the first 2/3 weeks were hard, my son was desperately tired and felt, sicky and light headed, but it was worth that discomfort to see how they have worked for him. He is still on them and will be I think for a few more months.

Hope this is helpful

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5 Replies

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    Lovely to hear about your son and how well he is doing, I have been on Sertraline for 5 weeks and I have felt an improvement also. I was just wondering what dosage he is on. I am on 50mg at the moment and the doctor has said I can increase it to 100mg if I want to. Just scared of the increase at the moment.

    My doctor has said I can stay on these forever if I chose as they are perfectly fine long term.

    Glad you have your son back, couldnt have been easy for you to see him like that. Not nice for him also, its a horrible thing for anyone.

  • Posted

    Hi, my son started on 50mg for approx 4/5 weeks then went up to 100mg which was back in March. he is still on 100mg and I think he will be at least into the new year . I just hope all will be well with him when he comes off them.

    Good luck to you and hope you feel as good as my son does, mind you he also had some excellent counselling which I definately recommend to run along with the medication

  • Posted

    Anyone who is or has been on Sertraline will know how desperate and low people feel when they are in the situation where they need them.

    I am on them at the moment for the fourth time and feel for your son and for everyone else in this situation.

    I wish your son a speedy recovery and hope that he never finds himself in this situation again. You seem like a wonderful mum and I cannot stress enough how much your love and support will be helping him.

    I wish your family all the best for the future.

  • Posted

    thanks for the replies and wish you all well. Anxiety and Panic attacks go hand in hand with stress related issues, i cannot recommend strongly enough that counselling is as necessary as sertraline, my son wouldnt be where he is today without both. It took a lot of fighting on my part to get him the help he needed and more importantly a person my son could feel comfortable and relaxed with and most of all he trusted.
  • Posted

    Your comments are extrememly comforting. My 20 year old son has just taken his first tablet tonight.

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