Sertraline and diarrhea

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I've been taking 50mg of Sertraline per day for eight days now and am experiencing unpleasant diarrhea. Is this likely to stop in a few days and would taking immodium help? I'm really worried about going to work with this, I already have a complex about public toilets sad Any other helpful tips for easing it would be appreciated too. Thanks. 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Laura I can definitely relate to this, diarrhoea is a definite side effect when first taking sertraline This does eventually settle down though, it can take a couple of weeks during which you will be fine one minute and rushing for the toilet the next minute. Taking Imodium can help but take the Imodium instants that.dissolve on the tongue rather than the capsules. Test out how many you need as well as sometimes one is enough. Don't keep taking them though just take them as and when you need them and give yourself at least a few days break for your system to return to normal as sometimes they can block you up for more than a day or two. I still have to take them now but that is only when I go for a long run, for some reason since being on the setraline this sets it off again. It should settle down soon enough anyway hope it improves for you.
  • Posted

    I was on 50mg and had terrible tummy trouble so doctor upped me to 100mg and just made it worse I struggled for weeks then had to give up after a 3 stone weight loss. As people say it gets better after a while but I was not in a position to wait it out. I have ms and these side effects were to much to cope with on top of everything else. I am now off sertraline but the tummy trouble continues just hope it will not last much longer. My mood is so much better and I got my appetite back on New Year's Eve.
    • Posted

      Hi Laura, forgot about that, like Paul I too lost a stone in weight that i couldn't really afford to lose. I have still not put the weight back on but I think mine is more to do with it happening when I go running now. In my case I really have to 're train my stomach to get used to running again. If you are in a situation like Paul that you are losing too much weight or it doesn't level out then you should go see the doc again. The doc has said to me that if the diarrhoea doesn't settle down with the running that he will have to take me off sertraline. It's not looking too good at the moment but I have till the end of Jan and then see the doc again to reassess the situation.
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    When I was on sertraline it also caused me the same problem but then I was later diagnosed with celiac disease which also causes diarroeah. When I went back to my doctor he did say this was a common side effect so maybe it's worth chatting to your gp and see what they say. Imodium worked for me but having it made my anxiety and OCD worse so I came off them and went on another one which is disgusting! All I can say is if your doctor wants to change your tablets I would strongly suggest staying away from venlaxafin! They are poison xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Laura!  My father is 87 and experienced chronic diarrhea.  Diarrhea began about 2 weeks after his perscription was increased from 50 to 100 mgs, so we didn't make the direct connection between the meds and the diarrhea.   Diarrhea continued for about 45-days before we realized that the medication was causing his problem.  The decision was made to discontinue the medication and he found relief from diarrhea soon after.  Please watch this closely.  Wishing you the best!
  • Posted

    Hi Laura I've been on sertraline for 5 months now and had really bad diarrhoea in the beginning it has improved slightly but still don't have hard stools they r still soft and mushy but better than before x
    • Posted

      hi michelle14134,

      I am having the same problem and just thought....

      is it the tablets. my doctor says out of the two stool samples taken, the cancer one is negative , thank goodness but the other shows as abnormal. he is arranging an endoscopy. I have had diarrhoea for eight weeks now. Started the tablets 10 weeks ago. I get horrendous pain before i go, then relief. Go during the night too , mustard coloured mess! Sorry to be descriptive.

      I do hope you are feeling better and wondered if you have come off the tablets?

  • Edited

    So I started taking sertraline again and am suffering the same damn problem. Like before when I was on it. No issue.

    I’m on 50mg and 5 pills in and have to take the sertraline and lay in bed in the morning as it always makes me feel a bit weird coming up off it... and as it enters my gut... then for the next 4-5 hours I am p*****g out my backend.

    Just complete evacuation of my bowels. when thats over...then like the occasion disgusting seepage. Gross. And the occasional outbursts later on during the day 😦

    I have literally just been researching how to remain on sertraline to avoid the suicidal depression thing.

    And maintain a life where I don’t have to be right next to a toilet pretty much all day just in case. Sertraline really worked for me when I was on it before. Like it brought me out of where I was. But the diarrhoea now?!

    Like that’s getting in the way. So I’m trying this Imodium or loperamide. Just took what the packet told me to. So fingers crossed.

    This forum has helped me hear similar stories from others. Rather than just a list of side effects on a piece of paper. Let’s hope that it does settle down in time as has been said when my gut gets used to sertraline being in my system again and there is no need for loperamide.

    Until that time. Thanks for everyone’s comments

    I think Pepto bismol May be an alternative? No idea it’s just with all the meds and poly pharmacy like the interactions between all these things? If I need to take a CNS depressant or sleeping aid. Like loperamide being an opiate. Like not a good mix. Let’s see maybe loperamide will be enough to chill me out and sort out my bowels. I want this to work. Sertraline does work. Best one I’ve tried. Just that loperamide is an opiate is kinda disconcerting considering like potential respiratory depression.

    Who knows. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to write down their experiences.

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