Sertraline and propranolol

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Anyone take these together?

I was prescribed 40mg yesterday once a day or when needed haven't taken one yet as I'm unsure about them

Anyone have positive stories about them?

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4 Replies

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    ​I am due to start Sertraline tonight, no idea what to expect!. I have however taken propranolol for around 3 months. Had no real side effects other than a bit of weight gain around my hips.

    ​I am swapping to Sertraline for something more long term to hopefully stop the Propranolol as I do a lot of cycling and beta blockers really impact performance.

    ​For me though, Propranolol has been brilliant. it just calms my body right down and blocks the ardrenaline rushes that give me panic attacks. No real side effects to be honest worth worrying about! The first week, I remember being tired though and getting some crazy nightmares. These stopped fast though,

  • Posted

    Yes I do, but the Prop now only if I need to calm down. I found that if i was taking the 3 per day as originally for Panic Attacks and as recommended by my GP when I started Sert, I was so slowed down I could have been a Sloth and my heart rate was really really low. 4th week on 50mh Sert.
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    I was taking propanol b for sertraline once my sertraline stared to kick in I stopped the propanol as I didn't get the panic and anxiety x

  • Posted

    Hi Kayleigh,

    I tried Propranalol and I found it reduced my heart rate but fdid nothing for my anxiety. It's function is to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety but not the mental symptoms. This means it will reduce your heart rate, probably tremble but it will do nothing for mental anquish. I also noticed that I didnn't sleep well after taking it. Sleep is very important to help you get better.


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