Sertraline Beginner
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I've recently been prescribed sertraline as my mood was way down. I am currently in the last few months of my PhD (last bit of data collecting and writing up phase) so it's quite stressful and I overworked myself and needed to be prescribed these becasue I wasn't sleeping and was very anxious. I've been told to have 25mg (half a tablet) for the first week and then bump it up to 50 mg. I've taken a half a tablet for 3 days now and the side effects are awful! I feel queasy and have lost my appetite. I'm that queasy that I am dry wretching. I also feel so so anxious. It has increased so bad over the last three days. I'm also a little dazed and have not been sleeping well. I've never been on ADs before because I'm normally so happy. Please can somebody tell me that it gets better and after how mnay days will the side efffects wear off? I need to work and it's all quite scary!
Thanks in advance
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tony_51019 MurTof
sian03 MurTof
sian03 MurTof
iris46 MurTof
iris46 MurTof
lindajm MurTof
CG1964 MurTof
The mornings have always been the worst for me. My GP prescribed ATIVAN (lorazepam) to handle the extreme panic/anxiety if necessary.
particularly through the early days when you are working up to the therapeutic dosage you might need the relief that the additional meds offer- though i am limiting myself to every other day if necessary.
From all my investigations i have come to the conclusion that for many people it is a question of time - we need to allow our brains to adjust to the medication, and unfortunately for some (me included) that doesn't happen in the first couple of weeks. I am determined to wait at least 6 weeks at the current dosage of 50mg, and the ATIVAN should help me do that. Beyond 6 weeks - if I have not acheived a noticable relief I will have to consider an increase - but for now I find living in the moment and not worrying about the future to be all i can manage.
My advice would be to continue with the meds for as long as you can, giving them time to do their job. If your GP has prescribed supplemental drugs to help you through this most difficult period then at least try them once to determine their benefits.
Hang in there, its a moment by moment process and a long road, but you can make it and there are always people in this community to turn to for support, advice and encouragement. May today be a better day for you than yesterday was.
MurTof CG1964
I do think that the sertraline is lifting my mood slightly. I've had two pretty good days (more so in the afternoon) but today has been a bit wishy washy. I rang my doctor today as I'm supposed to move up to 50 mg on Friday but she suggested I stay on 25 mg for another week. I'm just hoping that the jump to 50 doesn't send me back into the starting side effects again. My appetite is slowly but surely coming back but can't finish a full meal yet.
One day at a time, I suppose
CG1964 MurTof
Hope the day has been good for you.