Sertraline concerns
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I am nineteen and recently my anxiety has gone through the roof to the point where I have had to interrupt my university studies and, although I was always extremely reluctant, I felt that I had to consider medication in order to cope. Since then I have visited my doctor and was put on 50mg of sertraline but the side effects were so bad I only lasted 3 days! I began with slight naesea, extreme jaw clenching and feeling shaky/jittery, I would sleep about 4 hours a night and would always wake up abruptly at 4/5 with the shakes and extreme anxiety. I felt so low in the mornings and constantly spaced out, I had a strange dullness or pressure in my head and I felt so high and wired, my eyes were always open so wide. I also had such bad eye pain and blurred vision that stopped me from using my phone and gave me excruciating migraines. And also I found no satisfaction in eating (which usually I love) and I think because I am quite small the lack of eating whilst on the drug probably made an already intense drug even more intense for my size? But I am just speculating. Overall I felt so drugged up for three days that I couldn't carry on but now I've stopped I feel slightly hopeless and like I'm back to square one. I really want to resolve my anxiety and complete my degree and just enjoy life!! But also I hate the idea of being on a drug that makes me feel drugged up and not myself. I understand that it takes 6/8 weeks for the drug to become effective but I was wondering if this spacey feeling goes along with the other side effects? I also felt like I could remember things properly and was just generally slow at reacting, I felt I had to put in great effort when talking to someone, did anyone else experience this? Did it go after being on the medication for a while? I also found that the day after I stopped I felt quite happy - I don't know if that's because I was relieved not to take it anymore or if it was the drug still in my system slightly but if it was the drug it makes me think a lower dosage might be more suitable for me and more manageable, does anyone else agree or have any advice? Feeling quite hopeless ATM and not sure what my other options are!
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MelvZz hattie58645
Hey Hattie
I'm on my 3rd week Sertraline. I experienced the exact same symptoms as you when I first started, I did start on a smaller dose of 25mg but was bumped up to 50mg after 4 days. The side effects are completely normal. I've lost half a stone in the 3 weeks because my appetite is completely gone and I have awful insomnia at night but most the other ones have leveled out. It's definitely a long run, as I'm feeling just as drained as you are but I'm a lot longer into it. If you don't think that you can handle the Sertraline ask them for another antidepressant/anti-anxiety, there are plenty of other options. But honestly this one takes a lot of will power if I'm honest. It's hindered my studies too (Final year uni) but I'm too far into the medication to quit imo. My advice would be have another chat with your GP and asses your options. If you decide to stick with it, just try and ride it out. It's gonna have to get bad before it gets good Hun.
If you have any more questions just drop me a message 😄
nicole0926 hattie58645
It does get better the first weeks can be horrible. I had bad side effects too but I stuck it out and each day gets better. I started at 25 mg then went to 50 and now day 7 into 75mg. I am feeling about 70% better. I can actually go shopping now I couldn't for a month leave my house for fear of a panic attack or that every little pain I was getting I was dying.
I would say to try again on a smaller dose at first and see how that goes. Then if you need to slowly go up. I hope this helps you.
ashleyrocks910 hattie58645
craig64791 hattie58645
UK-Rose hattie58645
Hello Hattie...
I agree with most of the responses you’ve already received, your experience does sound very typical to the start up effects of Sertraline. I experienced many of the side effects you have listed but can say 5wks later the majority of these have passed. It is tough going in the beginning, im not going to lie... but if you just take it one day at a time and read the posts / journeys on this site... you’ll realise, your not alone and were all going threw the same thing.
Good Luck!! 🌹
armelle88733 hattie58645