sertraline decreased feeling

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I've been on Sertraline 100 mg for 4 weeks now and thinking about having it increased. I like this anti depressant. I sleep well, my anxiety has eased a little and generally feeling a little happier. The main problem is though,  that I feel disconnected from my feelings. Like I'll feel really upset in my chest but feel unable to actually cry. I need to be able to cry as and when I can because this helps relieve my depression. Can anyone tell me if they have had this experience themselves, anything similar and did it go away with time. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I’ve been on sertraline for 4 months now for anxiety and depression. I started ion 25mg, then 50 now 100 mg . My depression has lifted massively but I still suffer badly with anxiety. Since I started the medication I have been unable to cry at all. I don’t like this feeling and it is so unlike me as I used to cry at the slightest thing. I even get to the point where I think of sad things to try make myself cry but the tears don’t come. I feel as though my emotions have been numbed. I’m not sure if this is common or not or how long it lasts so sorry I can’t be any help to you . 
    • Posted

      That is very helpful Cindy. Thank you. Maybe it isn't for me then. Just wish it was because I had good nights sleep. I hope your anxiety gets better. Will you let me know in future how you get on with your emotions and if you feel more in touch with them? I hope Sertraline works for you x

  • Posted

    Hi Sally. .like you I used 2 cry a lot at the start. Which did relieve the stress. .But. as time has went on. .I don't/ can't cry either. .But I just assume that the medication is working. . And yes I still feel a bit ODD at times. .But hopefully will go as time go's . . Hang in there. We're not alone. .Bless

    • Posted

      Thank you Ida. Are you taking Sertraline and if so how long have you been on it? At what dose? X
    • Posted

      Hi Sally. .yea sertraline. .Was on 50 for bout 2weeks at start. .I've been on 100 for almost 4weeks now. . .found quite a difference. . . Side effects for me was kiss of appetite. .But I'm getting there . .slowly. . Hoping this helps. .God bless

  • Posted

    I experienced odd sensations too. Definitely slightly depersonalisation, not reacting to things or people. It sort of placed me in a little cacoon. I think it was part of the beginning of becoming calmer and not reacting . I feel so much more perspective now , which keeps the reactive anxiety and catastrophising as bay. With lots of quiet , rest and other calming activities I am coping well with life's challenges and feeling motivated and happy again . Stick at it . I am on 50mg. It worked for me and took 10 - 12 weeks with a few setbacks . Onwards and upwards .

  • Posted

    I had the same experiences on sertraline it felt as those I couldn't express the emotions i felt which I found really uncomfortable to.. but it does away with time , probably just your body getting used to the drug .. my doctor told me it takes about 6 weeks to fully take shape in your body x

    • Posted

      Hi ziggy

      How long was you on sertraline for before you felt like you could express emotion again? X

  • Posted

    I had the same experiences on sertraline it felt as those I couldn't express the emotions i felt which I found really uncomfortable to.. but it does away with time , probably just your body getting used to the drug .. my doctor told me it takes about 6 weeks to fully take shape in your body x

  • Posted

    This went away for me. maybe like 6-8 weeks in on each dose. I am a cryer! I’ve only cried 3 times though since starting in December but it’s nice to know it will come when I really need it. I am very emotional and so I was worried I wouldn’t get choked up about cute dog videos anymore lol but I am feeling more connected to my emotions by the day: maybe not the same as before but I’m still in the early days.

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