Sertraline for generalised anxiety disorder

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I need some help managing my anxiety Ive just started on 25mg sertraline to start on 50mg in a weeks time I have a few diazapam 2mg but doc won't prescribe any more I'm at the end of my tether with this constant panic it's making me sick to my stomach dizzy and legs weak can't look after the house or my child husband don't understand and keeps wanting to go out but I get panicky with the thought of leaving the house walking or doing anything Ive been on a few AD in the past few months after 4 weeks seem to get so sick doc changes them just don't want to be like this over xmas and wondered if anyone had found anything to manage their panic other than diazapam 

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I know exactly what your going through but you need to tough it out unfortunately. Doctors shouldnt of had you on a few anti ds in the short space of time as any decent doctor should of told you it is very rough for the first few weeks. If i were you i would stick to 25mgs untill your side effects have gone as it will just prelong your suffering. I really hope you stick it out as sertraline is very good after 7 or 8 weeks
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    Oh and the panic side of it go to the doctors and ask for propanalol 40mgs or 20mgs twice a day and they will stop your panic as they did me. Its a beta blocker and is safe and not addictive 
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      They put me on those and my hair started to drop out 😪
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      Wow rare side effect that is, but not unheard of. I think you need to work closely with your doctor on this med as if he takes you off them after 2 or 3 weeks then it wont work as it takes upto 8 weeks to kick in. If he does not help with side effects then request to see another doctor or change practitioners. But my biggest advice would be to stay on a dose for the full 8 weeks then you will know to go up in dose or stay at that. Im on 50mgs and im fantastic now 9 weeks tomorrow. Took 7 weeks upto 8 weeks to feel rather good. Be patient they do work 
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      I will not quit this time as they have worked for me years ago just got to be strong I guess thanks for your advice tho glad ur feeling better x
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      Agree with evrything Scott said.  You need to give them time.  I strated on Sertraline taking 12.5mgabout 6-7 weeks ago and have been on 50mg for 2 weeks now and already I feel so much better than I did before.  4 weeks is not long enough to know if an AD is going to work fro you.

      Be prepared for a possible increase in anxiety during the first week or 2, you may not get it but it it is a common side effect.  Also I know it's hard but try not to put pressure on yourself over being better by Christmas,  This won't last for ever but for now your body and mind need time with the help from the pills to fix themselves and step you down from your constant state of high alert (I know the feeling).

      Best of luck, I hope they work for you.

  • Posted

    Docs are afraid of long term benzos but for panic normally rx a couple weeks of them to stop attacks until the ssri kicks in.  If they don't, the attacks and normal conditioned response can get worse.   Tell your dr and hubby your response makes sense, if they got an attack (migraine, panic, nausea, whatever,) when they left home, they'd feel panicky every time they tried to leave, only thing to relieve that panic is stay inside, that's how agorophobia can start.  

    I was mad at a new dr who was eager to rx ssri's but not benzo's.  She was right about ssri, the sert she gave me did stop panic attacks after a few wks (but didn't reduce anxiety, I'm dealing with that.)   She gave me an rx of hyrdoxizine (like benadryl, way too weak to stop panic.)   I said we agreed sert wouldn't stop panic immediately, I needed xanax now.   She gave me a couple weeks klonopin and admitted that's a normal thing for docs to rx for panic.. 

    Please explain to your dr. the panic you feel needs to be stopped now before it becomes conditioned, that you'll only take diazepam or similar drug he recommends until sert works.  (I think docs don't like to be told exactly what to give us, they need to be allowed to choose.  Like children smile 

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      I been on sertraline 50mg for to weeks and yesterday was upped to 100mg. I still feel really sick and dry heaving. Top of chest feels heavy like someone is sat on me and also my left shoulder feels really tender and achy and apparently it's due to muscles where I tense up but I don't feel like I tense up. Does this sound right? 

      Also how long should I give these tablets to work before I know nothing is seriously wrong with me?

      Please help

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      Doesn't sound right to me.    It seems people with panic attacks get similar symptoms to those of heart attacks (which you described,) and go to ER.  No way for me to know what it is, you do need to talk to doc now regardless, you shouldn't be having those side effects. 

      I would have replied earlier but was out, a reason to always ask doc if you think something might be seriously wrong.

      After you figure that out you can ask how long should you wait before they work?   Weeks,  maybe you need to go slower and have something to tide you over till it helps.



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      Thanks for your reply

      The feeling comes and goes and if I put deep heat on it seems to go so surly it wouldn't be a heart attack? 

      I have been given 2mg of diazepam if and when I need it and at the moment I seem to be taken two aday just so I can function. 

      I have been to the doctors and she said the pressure is where I tense up as Iv been anxious for about a month and not been able to go out the house. 

    • Posted

      I really feel for you I'm just fed up with the feeling of dread everyday started with my 18 year old who is autistic meeting up with a 43 yr old woman and moving in with her and 2 kids and believe me she's horrible she flea'd london due to glassing someone and is ex druggy I fear for his safety and have blocked contact as she calls me a control freak if this carries on how am I supposed to get better
    • Posted

      So sorry to hear what you are going through. if your worried about his safety and your son being autistic is there nothing police or social services can do? I really hope it all gets sorted soon for you and your son is safe and well and back with you. 
    • Posted

      Not a lot I can do as he is 18 but she is not good for him at all and it's all that's on my mind at the minute with panic waking me every morning at 5am and then the thought of it sets me off for the day feeling sick to the stomach dizzy and weak feel like I'm going mad but what can I do if he won't listen as everything that comes out of his mouth is relayed by her she has threatened me swore at me and I'm frightened now for my younger son who is 12 she had court in 2 weeks with a bit of luck she will get sent down
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      I'm not used to those classic heart sx for panic but understand panic perversely creates heart sx to make us worry more.

      Glad you're getting diazepam.  I didn't like that my doc thought 100mg a

      "therapeutic dose"  and rushed me to get to that.   I'm sure that varies (by body size, metabolism and other factors,) felt too much for me. 

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