Sertraline help!
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I was diagnosed with severe panic disorder and social agarophobia with heightened anxiety and panic attacks 14days ago. I have been on Sertraline for 14 days but the side effects are horrendous. I have panic attacks from 730 till late afternoon. Does anyone else have this?? Please i need to talk to someone who understands as im alone 😨
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michelle71710 nicola32634
nicola32634 michelle71710
Hey Michelle, i have had a really good day finally! I've had no panic attacks for two days and i haven't taken any diazepam today. I went to the beach and into the shops and was fine! It was so strange!
How are you feeling? Have you had a good day hun? I hope you have xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Wow that's amazing Nicola, you should be so proud of yourself!
How are you sleeping? You had any side effects from upping the dose?
First day I've woke up not feeling sick but felt abit anxious today and low mood but I know will still get days like that.
I'm so pleased for you!! Xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Thank you so much!! I slept for 11 hours haha. Had slight anxiety in the middle of the night but went straight back to sleep. No side effects from upping at all, in fact i have lost my side effects? Ive got to go up to 100 in a few days so it might come back but ATM im all good x ahh sorry to hear you haven't had a great day 😔 but good news about the sickness! We have to appreciate those little positive parts as it hopefully means the tablets are finally slowly but surely doing their thing 😊 xx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Wow that's amazing Nicola, you must of needed that sleep. I could do with some im still not sleeping great.
I'm so pleased your feeling better and that the side effects have gone! How long have you been on it for now?
Yes fingers crossed, it's just rubbish when you get a rubbish day after having an 'ok' day but still early days xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Ive been on 50mg for 15days and 75mg for 2days x i could well wake up with them back as i know that happens alot but im just happy that it is starting to work x
michelle71710 nicola32634
Lol yes your body definitely needed a break!
Thats amazing and yes stay positive and enjoy when you have a good day, you've done so well.
julie7525 michelle71710
Oh and no, the new guys done a disappearing act! He's had a panic disorder in the past and seemed very understanding, but maybe it was all a bit close to home for him. Either that or he met someone else on tinder with less baggage lol. Gotto admit not much of a catch at the moment! Lol xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Lol oh bless you! Well concentrate on you and getting yourself better and I'm sure in time you will meet someone new that you deserve xx
julie7525 michelle71710
Thanks Michelle, I hope you can work things out with other half. I try to be positive but every now and then i'll think, how did i get in this position? Can i get back out? What if im getting better and i get bad result on 24 hr heart monitor on friday? (My ECG showed something 'minor' but doctor couldnt explain it even after speaking to a cardiologist!) so ive just been left wondering...she said it was 'normal' as in normal sinus rhythm but something about the atria that she doesnt understand. Originally she said atrial fibrillation then a few days later she said it isnt that! How to scare someone with panic disorder! xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Thanks Julie, will just have to see what happens. He works away so not seen him since New Year's Eve. Yes I know need to have positive thinking but sometimes it's hard to do especially when you feel so down. That must be worrying for you too but I'm sure all will be ok just try to keep calm and you'll get through it, at least it's on Friday and you don't have weeks to wait xx
julie7525 michelle71710
michelle71710 julie7525
Yes it's definitely the uncertainty, will it work won't it work. Will I ever feel good again, it's such a long wait to find out too but we are all in it together so it's just staying positive. No not spoken to him, just the odd text, says he's miserable and not happy and that my illness hasn't helped (doesn't understand) xx
julie7525 michelle71710
michelle71710 julie7525
Yes fingers crossed, I just want to feel better especially for my children. It's not nice for them to see me like this. Thanks for your kind words Julie. We will all get there xx
julie7525 michelle71710
michelle71710 julie7525
Yes Nicola has done so well, so pleased for her. I know everyone is different so it will be different for everyone until your body adjusts to the meds. I'm seeing my dr on Wednesday so she'll probably up me. I was supposed to do a week on 50mg then go up to 100mg but was to scared so took 25mg for 6days then 14days on 50mg. Sorry your not feeling great, I've not even got dressed yet, how bad is that!! Just feel so tired xx
julie7525 michelle71710
I'm the same...had to force myself to have a bath and put face on but dont even know yet if ill make it up to see family...and if i do will my dad be in a grumpy mood and upset me lol, but i can tell from her texts that my mums concerned so i should make the effort so she can see im ok-ish lol. Wish she'd visit me but she cant drive so my dad would have to bring her and he's obviously not offered. Perhaps they think its best to leave me to it. I guess some people prefer to be left alone but i feel better for a visit lol. My sis visited a few days ago and said to take the tablets and theyll get me right, shes not been since, its probably upsetting for people cos theyve never seen me in a mess before lol xx
michelle71710 julie7525
I don't know if I'll get out today either. Yes it'll be nice for your mum to see you feeling a little better. It's so hard because if you've never been through it, people just don't understand and it's very hard to explain xx
julie7525 michelle71710
michelle71710 julie7525
No not this time. I did a few years ago I suffered with GAD and panic attacks and went on sertaline and it really helped me and I got better. The panic attacks sort of came up from my feet, like a swoosh of adrenaline, is get so hot, sweaty hand, heart racing and like it was going to go out of my chest and it was probably most of the time. This time around I'm suffering more with anxiety, knot butterflies feeling in my stomach, racing heart and intrusive thoughts and thinking which then starting giving me a low mood so started back on sertaline but side effects have been so horrible and I'm just praying it'll work just as good next time xx
julie7525 michelle71710
michelle71710 julie7525
That's great you've managed to get out, that's a step in the right direction. Hope your still feeling ok? Xx
julie7525 michelle71710
julie7525 nicola32634
nicola32634 julie7525
Hi Julie, I had a really good day until i went to the supermarket with my daughter and had a panic attack. I came atraightbhome and took a diazepam and am now in bed 😔 how are you doing today? Xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Oh no well at least you managed to get out, that's really good. Feel abit better, doing tea now then I think I'll have a bath and try and chill, I'm just so tired but can't sleep xx
julie7525 nicola32634
Aww Nicola, I know its horrible but youve had nearly 3 full good days. Maybe the Sert was wearing off? I dont know how long it stays in your system. Maybe this is what happens at the start of recovery. Please dont be too disheartened, think of what youve achieved and how much progress youve made. I forced myself to have a bath and nipped to parents. I also felt my stress rise and a few palps as they were talking loud about my in laws wife whos dying and i guess its hard to think about stuff like that when feeling fragile n emotional! Also my dads concerned about antidepressants but my mums for them and thinks theyre a good idea for me as she said i was irrational last week! I explained that thats what adrenalin does lol. I also told them i'll feel worse before better n could take a few weeks. Better to be honest. Did you get an adrenalin dump and pounding heart? Its horrible and messes with your mind. You will be ok though, just a blip... Xx
ann55375 nicola32634
julie7525 michelle71710
julie7525 ann55375
nicola32634 julie7525
I not sure how long it stays in for either? Oh god the last thing you need around you is any kind or negativity or drama bless you x and yes it is better to be honest so well done for opening up 😊 and yes i got that and started to hyperventilate and had chest pains. It passed now as i took a diazepam, now im just really tired xz
nicola32634 ann55375
michelle71710 julie7525
Yes it makes a difference if not sleeping too. Yes the same couple of nights I've been less anxious in the evening and like you rubbish in the day although I had an ok day last Wednesday xx
ann55375 julie7525
julie7525 nicola32634
Hope you've had a calm evening with no further events. Wish they could just turn that adrenalin tap off. I suppose the closest thing is the betablockers to stop it affecting the heart. You will get there though, sounds like your recovery's already started and youve had an annoying blip today. How long do you have to be on 75 mg? Will you go any higher? My docs not even mentioned increasing from 50mg. I almost cant wait to, to get thru this quicker, but it prob doesnt work like that! Hope you're ok now xx
julie7525 ann55375
nicola32634 julie7525
nicola32634 ann55375
How are you feeling Ann? I hope you're okay xx
michelle71710 nicola32634
nicola32634 michelle71710
michelle71710 nicola32634
Oh no Hun, hope your ok? Don't feel to bad, you've had some really good days and you'll get some more good days again. It's still early days and you've done so well. Have you taken anything to calm you down? I'm not bad had a low day today and just tired and no energy I'm hoping I'll improve tomorrow xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
It feels like i did at the start but im trying to be positive x I've taken 5mg diazepam but its not working yet x ahh im sorry you've had a low day babe, i really hope you get a good nights sleep and feel alot better tomorrow x at least i have had 5 panic attacks like i was having before x maybe its the up dose to 75? I think i might need to go to 100 but its scary x what are you on? Xxx thank you for talking to me xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
I'm sure it will kick in soon Hun and you can settle. It might be because you've upped your dose and maybe your just having the odd side effect from that. When you thinking of upping to 100mg? I'm still on 50mg been on it 14days and 6days 25mg. My dr wanted me to do a week on 50mg then upto 100mg but I was to scared xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Yes im hoping its that x I've been on 75 for 3 days and tonight will be my forth, i haven't taken it yet x maybe do 75 first? Im going to take 100 on my 7th day at 75 x i think the side effects are better doing it in stages x i know I've had a bad day but i feel alot better on 75 than i did on 50. 50 is such a low dose and sometimes that makes it worse cos you don't have enough in your system to fix the illness x all I can say is you are in control a and you have to do what you feel comfortable with. Cos if you don't then we worry more and that's the while point to taking this drug, to stop the anxiety and panic. Is your doctor supportive? Mine is amazing and understood I only wanted to go to 75 first x all i can say is do want you want to do hun x try one week at 75 is my advice, i do feel alot better. 3 days have been really so much better apart from this blip today xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Yes I was going to do 75mg before going straight to 100mg. I see my dr on Wednesday so she'll probably want me to then. Yes she is good and I told her last time I didn't want to go straight to 50mg and she was ok with that. I'm still scared of upping the dose tho as I'm only just getting over the side effects and really don't want anymore. It's great you are feeling the benefit already, you will get good and bad days but you've felt an improvement which is fantastic xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
That's brilliant she is understanding, and don't worry about the effects being worse, mine improved so much going to 75 and im not scared anymore about going to 100 x some people are on 200 so 100 is still only half of that. And remember the Sertraline is putting back what we don't have in our brain, the serotonin.. So its a good thing hun x the reason we are ill is because we don't have enough in our brain. I think of like like a headache. We take paracetamol to fix that and it works. The Sertraline is the same for our serotonin only it has side effects and takes longer x i hope that helps hun xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Yes Hun it does, it's so nice to speak to people on here they are so supportive. I really appreciate it. I hope you feeling calmer now and are able to settle. Fingers crossed you'll have another good day tomorrow. I'm goner try and get some sleep if I can. Night night im here if you wanna talk tho xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
You go get some sleep babe you deserve it 😊 ill be fine x lets talk tomorrow x sweet and peaceful dreams to you hun xxx ?
julie7525 nicola32634
julie7525 ann55375
ann55375 julie7525
julie7525 ann55375
Hi Ann, i know exactly where you're coming from, I m only on day 5 and waking every morning with anxious thoughts especially about the heart loop monitor im having on friday and the what comes in waves of anxiety. I had the sert at ten and feel weird too, heavy arms, and general weirdness!
julie7525 ann55375
Sorry, clicked too soon! Yes its weird to take but then im looking at how Nicola is improving now shes on 75mg and you cant be too far from turning your corner at 11 days. What dose are you on? We need the serotonin to get better. As bad as it is at the moment, this should work for us! I wouldnt go cold turkey but if you still feel like stopping tomorrow, ring your docs for advice,but theyll probably encourage you to continue. Mssg Nicola too for advice. Stay strong Ann, we'll all get thru this xx
ann55375 nicola32634
charlie3514 ann55375
Ann, Nicola ,Julie and co ,,, I think Ye are nearly up to 2 weeks now ... I started on 50mg and after 2/3 weeks I turned a corner , the feeling after that time was ok with and now I'm up to 100mg after 5 months.. Anxiety , negative thoughts , fear , and scared to engage with people have all left me now ... I also have a CBT therapist which I find very helpful and practice mindfulness as in living in the now .. I suppose I'm really trying to say stick with Sertraline and although it's hard what you're experiencing is purely the drug taking effect .. If you didn't have these side effects it wouldn't be working . I'm no expert but as I wrote before it dies take time to work ... Best of luck everybody .... I still have off days here and when I do I tell myself it's the Meds and simply wait for the uptake again ,,,
julie7525 charlie3514
ann55375 julie7525
julie7525 ann55375
Hi Ann, yes it's hard, especially daytime, i seem to be calmer im the evenings and am sleeping a bit longer each night now. I took mine at 10am, i wonder if id feel better in the daytime if i took it at night? Or does it keep you awake? Its so isolating, id feel better having someone around. Still not braved a trip to supermarket yet. My best female friend wanted to meet for coffee n i said im not up to going out and she could pop to reply, and my other make best mates loved up with new gf so hardly see him, my parents dont really get it and havent visited in days, my sisters busy with the kids and her partners mums dying so i cant be popping round there with my problems. Do you have much support Ann? Like Charlie said, if were having this bad anxiety it means its working. You must be so close to getting your first good day, im only day 5 and its already doing my head in! If only i could sleep thru the day! Dont suffer alone, mssg me and others, we will get there and come out stronger for it xx big hugs
nicola32634 ann55375
Yes Ann i had this in the start. I got a better around day 16 when i upped my meds to 75mg. And no i haven't used it before. I can honestly say what you're feeling is what we are all feeling and you really should stick with it. The more you are worrying the more you are causing the anxiety to worsen. I really do know how hard it is hun i was right where you are but am feeling so much better hun i promise, just give it a bit more time to do its thing xx
nicola32634 julie7525
Hey Julie, i slept all night and most of today! I feel zombie but no anxiety thank god x how are you feeling?? I hope you're wel xx
julie7525 nicola32634
Hi Nicola, that's great that you havent felt anxiety today and you mustve needed the sleep! I had a long sleep and got the betablocker im time, but did wake up worrying and stressing about the heart monitor mainly and had a lot of anxiety till maybe an hour ago and have settled down a bit. I end up worrying about worrying! Did you read charlie's post? Is very encouraging. I cancelled work this week...cant even make it to the shop let alone work. Must feel lovely when the anxiety lifts? Apart from being tired n groggy, but thats better than anxiety. Things are really looking up for you, it gives me hope to get thru another ten days xx
nicola32634 julie7525
Im glad you got a good night a sleep and got your BB in time that's brilliant 😊 i worry about having anxiety and PAs all the time and it normal brings them on. But ATM its there in my chest but hasn't came out, if you get what i mean. Im scared to go back to the shop after having an attack yesterday in there x And i really hope it doesn't take 10 days for you and you wake tomorrow feeling like new! We can but wish xx
julie7525 nicola32634
Ahh thanks Nicola but im sure it's going to take time. I was reading a book last night on CBT to end panic disorder & it gets you to face the situations say 5 times and by the 5th time youve conquered it & no longer have a panic attack. But start with things that only scare you 50%. Easier said than done tho- i still havent made it to the shop yet! Maybe tomor afternoon as i seem to calm down by then. I know exactly what you mean about the anxiety being in your chest but not coming out as a full on panic attack. Id imagine a lot of that is muscular tension. Since ive been on BBs thats how my anxiety feels as im not getting the adrenalins effects thank god! Plus all the negative thoughts about health concerns. Maybe i should start taking the sert at night, wonder if id miss all the hours of anxiety? Dont worry about facing places yet if you dont need to, feel positive about all the improvements, and take small steps when youre ready. Xx
nicola32634 julie7525
Ill have a read into CBT thank you Julie 😊 I take mine just before i go to bed as i find i sleep through the side effects after you get from just taking them x Thank you for you kind words. Im going to try going for a walk later this evening xx
julie7525 nicola32634
Well done you're doing brilliantly. Yes i think i'll gradually adjust to take mine at night but 1st time i had it at night i was sick in morning, but i took it on empty stomach. Yes as cruel as it sounds the cbt makes you expose yourself to situations that would give you a panic attack until they no longer affect you. But you have to feel in a good place to try it. Small steps! Just had some left sided chest discomfort & went into alert mode, its probably the soup giving me indigestion! Not eaten much all week. Are you starting to eat better? Xx
julie7525 nicola32634
pam01968 julie7525
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 julie7525
Yes I kinda had something last night that awoke me from my sleep like I couldn't catch my breath.i am so ready to be back to normal
nicola32634 julie7525
Hi sorry i have been sleeping again. God its all i do ATM x i have been eating better yea, just a small meal once a day that i keep down x and i used to get that but I don't anymore. Im hoping its because the Sertraline is doing its job. When i just woke i thought I was going to have a PA but it passed in about 30 secs which was brilliant x how are you feeling now? Xx
pam01968 nicola32634
I am doing ok just haven't left the house still scared I guess.Does that not sound so silly?
julie7525 nicola32634
Its good that you're sleeping a lot, i cud do with sleeping thru the first half of the day which is horrendous. Good that you didnt get the PA on waking. Its all down to fear isnt it...the more we fear them, the more we bring them on. Im not eating much but a bit more each day. Yes that huge palp freaked me out so ive come round my parents for the night & have been calmer for it. It was probably down to acid reflux stimulating the vagus nerve but boy was it a big one. It scared me, but i didnt have a PA, so thats progress. Hope youve had a calm evening. Sleep well and catch up tomor xx
julie7525 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, you've been quiet today, just checking you're ok? Hope its not been a bad day for you. Catch up soon xx
nicola32634 julie7525
Hey well done, that is progress for you too 😊 im glad you have your parents with you and you feel better for it bless you Julie and have a peaceful eveinh and I hope you sleep really well xx talk tomorrow xx
julie7525 nicola32634
Thanks Nicola, you too. Ive not heard from Michelle today, hope she's ok. Night xx
nicola32634 julie7525
Okay i will message her now hun, don't you worry about that you just get some rest and ill check on her xx sweet dreams to you xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Hey Michelle are you okay?? You've been very quiet today and we are a little worried. Can you let us know you are okay please hun xxx
julie7525 pam01968
michelle71710 nicola32634
Hi Nicola, how are things? How you feeling? I'm ok had another low day but I'm ok just very tired as not sleeping. Thanks for checking on me tho xxx
michelle71710 julie7525
Hi Julie, how you doing today? I'm ok had a low day today, been crying too so eyes all puffy I'm ok tho. How's your day been? Xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
I slept most of the day so aren't tired, im so glad you answered we was worried about you x do you think you can get some sleep now? If not i can talk with you if you need to? Xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Oh have you, how have you felt today? You still feeling ok? Aww thanks Hun im ok just had a low day again. I'm tired but just takes me ages to get to sleep xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
I had the start of a PA but it passed really fast so that was great x i just feel like a zombie and cant do anything and feel so miserable and keep trying to stop myself from crying in front of my children x have you got anything to help you sleep? I have diazepam but i think that is why i feel like a zombie during the day x i was taking kalms but they wasn't really working xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Well that's good it passed quickly for you. That's how I've been today, miserable and crying. My mum took the children out so at least they didn't see me like that. No ive not got anything like that. I've been getting hot baths before bed to try to relax me but feel so tense. Back in work again tomorrow too. If still same I'll speak to me dr, seeing her on Wednesday xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Ahh im sorry to hear that hun, sending big hugs to you x i know how you feel about the kids, i have two as well x maybe you should ask for some diazepam it really has worked for me during the rough patches x i have 5mg tablets but just take half when im feeling low and anxious and it takes it all away x i take 10mg to sleep at night at the same time as i take the Sertraline and i don't feel any effects so i sleep through it x its an option for you, we all need something to take the edge off while the Sertraline does its job xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Thanks Hun x Yes I will ask her when I see her Wednesday and see what she says. I think it was because it can still be effective the next day, make you sleepy and with me working and driving I think that's why she didn't but can always ask. Your side effect eased off aliitle now then? Mine have got abit better, not feeling sick last few days and eating more xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Ahh hun you are lucky you can still drive and work as i cant even leave the house so you are doing so well 😊 i don't have any panic attacks well not full ones thankfully i just feel like a prisoner in my own home and like a zombie x i hope it will pass soon as im so down xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
I don't think I could of done a few weeks ago as the side effects where terrible but lucky I was off for 2weeks, I really can't face work but it's a case of having too. Oh it must be so difficult not to get out the house, you did so well to go to the beach the other day then!! I'm sure it'll well it's just a blip you'll still get good days and bad days xxx
pam01968 julie7525
Thanks Julie.I hope you get a good nights rest as well.Praying we will all be better soon and can look back at this and help others 🙂
julie7525 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, good to hear from you, we missed you yesterday! Sorry to hear it was a rubbish day for you, mine wasnt great with anxiety then a big palp scared me in the evening n i ended up at parents for the night. Slept well tho. Feel a bit shaky this morning as just come down n heard brother in laws mum died in the night so its a bit unsettling for the nerves hearing about it. I'm dropping mum at shops n will see if i can go in n pick up milk n bananas! How are you doing this morning Michelle? I hope you have a better day, mssg anytime you need to xx
julie7525 nicola32634
Sorry to hear you sounded a bit down yesterday, after 3 pretty good days. I stayed at parents and slept like a log, after that massive palp i had at home last night that freaked me out! Its ok but my dad keeps making general statements about 'just getting on with it' and i know its a hint to me. Also my brother in laws mum died in the night so stressed me hearing all that this morning. Im going to drop my mum at the shops n see if i can pop in for milk n bananas, we shall see! Do you think sertraline would keep me awake at night if i dont take something like diazepam? Just wondering whether to change from taking it in the morning. Best get ready so i'll mssg you later, hope youre ok xx
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 julie7525
Julie I am so far so good it is only 7:45 a.m where I live.I take my setraline at night.I hope to have a better day each day😊That is easier said than done with what we are going through.
nicola32634 julie7525
Im sorry to hear your bad news, my condolences to you and your family 😔
I really hope you manage to get to the shop, you can do it!! Errm i cant say if it would or wouldn't? I haven't tried taking it without a diazepam but then again i always have had sleep problems and used to take sominex. Its definitely worth a shot x good luck today and speak soon 😊 xx
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 julie7525
I live in Georgia in the United States.i hope you get to feeling better at least you did make it in the shops.That is a start😀
charlie3514 julie7525
Julie to get out to the shops is fantastic .. At my worst I didn't leave the house for 3 weeks not to mind my room ... To be able to put one foot in front of the other and move is a great achievement .. You should be so proud... Well done ,, by the way I boiled bananas and took them bout an hour before going to bed and they did help me sleep 😴 ... I'm 6 months on sertraline now and trying every day . Don't underestimate this drug it is hard at first but in my case it helps greatly .. Regsrds to all fellow Patient users x
pam01968 charlie3514
julie7525 nicola32634
julie7525 charlie3514
julie7525 pam01968
julie7525 charlie3514
nicola32634 julie7525
I haven't taken beta blockers before, juatvthe diazepam which works so well for me x im so pleased you got into the shops though, it feels like such an achievement doesn't it x its raining hard here but if it stops im going to attempt a walk x i have no anxiety at all today and haven't taken any diazepam x just feel cloudy headed and tired x because the take the sert at night i don't know as im sleeping. But its not woke me up before so that's why i stick with taking them at night at 11pm and then get into bed xx
pam01968 julie7525
julie7525 nicola32634
Brilliant Nicola, i will def try to adjust the timing till i take it at night. No anxiety again...thats brilliant! I know you feel rough in other ways but its the anxiety thats hardest to deal with so you are making brilliant progress. I was frustrated not to be able to stay out shopping with my mum as normal but at least i made it there n back without a full on attack or wobbling over! In between watching tv im doing a few jobs round the house just to be more active & avoid thinking! Ive been a bit hungrier today after losing half a stone in a fortnight, im sure eating more and sleeping more (9hrs last night) will help my state of mind! Seeing my doc on weds for sicknote so i will get chance to talk about the dizziness etc and see when i can up the dose. Hope you manage to have a little walk or at least sit outside for half hour. Must be some lovely scenery nearby? xx
julie7525 pam01968
michelle71710 julie7525
Hi Julie, how are things? Sorry to hear of your sad news. Did you manage to get out to the shops? You feeling ok? I'm not bad, felt abit sick again this morning so had to take a anti sickness tablet which made me sleepy. Went to work this morning then came home and slept for an hour. Just feel so tired, no energy and miserable then I get intrusive thoughts coming into my head. Do you get anything like that? Xxx
michelle71710 charlie3514
julie7525 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, yes i made it to the shop for milk bananas & hair colour & am doing my roots now! You are doing brilliantly to go to work, ive not managed it. I am trying to kerp busy with tv, cleaning and hair colouring. The thoughts i get are worrying about my heart mainly, cos ive got the minitor friday and my doc orig said id got atrial fibrillation but now says its not thar but something else which she cant explain! Hoping all the palps and panic attacks are down to anxiety but shes increased my anxiety by telling me half a story lol. So yes i do have intrusive thoughts but about that really and worrying if theres something wrong with my heart. How about you? What are your intrusive thoughts about? Happy to listen xx
michelle71710 julie7525
That's great that you managed to go to the shop and your doing things like cleaning and hair. My roots are shocking and just having got the inclination to do it, not been wearing any makeup either so look terrible but just don't feel like it, so hard to get the energy, just wish I felt ok. Yes I can imagine that would play on your mind about your heart. Mine is just all sorts, about my children, relationship, the house etc just goes round & round xxx
pam01968 julie7525
Yes I have dealt with this since the birth of my son but have been on meds 12 years and the Paxil cr did a great job but it stopped working after such a long period of time🙁
julie7525 michelle71710
Yes that's totally understandable...not only are you dealing with this illness, horrible side effects of meds, youre also dealing with your relationship difficulties as well as trying to keep things going for your children, plus work. Thats a lot to deal with! Are you getting enough support from friends and family? Have you heard from your husband lately and is he managing to show any support? Xx
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 julie7525
I have anxiety and panic attacks.Mine has gotten worse as 4 years ago my husband had a trauma accident they told me if he lived he wouldn't have any arms.he is alive with both arms just no use of his right hand.After all that my nerves seem to stay on edge.I worry constantly about if something happened to me what would happen to my children as he dosent think like he used to his mind dosent work quite as it used to
charlie3514 michelle71710
Hi Michelle ,,I was a happy go lucky guy with a wonderful wife and 4 gorgeous kids unti 2012.. I suffer with Anxiety and was diagnosed with severe depression in 2012. I was hospitalised to a clinic similar to Priory in the U.K. for 3 months from Jan 2013 til March .. Quite simply I was under pressure in business and out of the blue I couldn't get out of bed .. I became like a child and was afraid of my own shadow My marriage fell apart as a result of being on various drugs over the years that changed me as a personand we put it down to a previous fiancée dying tragically years ago and my dad died when we were young etc .... I attended therapists etc and nothing worked longtime until Sertraline was prescribed to me .. A friend recommended it and after discussions with my GP decided Id nothing to lose.. Yes the first few weeks are horrific as the drug takes effect ,, starting in 50mg I became normal after 2/3 weeks and continued on til raising to 75mg and today I'm on 100mg. You will get there as I did but hell it wasn't easy and I am making amends with my family.. Please don't push those close to you away as I did and best of luck to you sll
michelle71710 julie7525
I know it's a lot to take on but I'm trying. Yes my mum is supportive, makes us tea a few days a week & helps out with the kids. I spoke to him for the first time yesterday, still not sure what we're doing. I don't know what I want either I'm just so confused. My dr said I'm not in the right frame of mind to make any decisions xx
julie7525 michelle71710
julie7525 charlie3514
julie7525 pam01968
michelle71710 charlie3514
Wow Charlie you've been through a lot but here to tell the tale. You've done so well to get through everything like you have. Your story is so positive. Are you back to your 'old' self now? I'm having problems in my relationship so that doesn't help the situation, I'm just trying to get myself straight but so horrible with the side effects. Did you find that you had no motivation or energy or zest for life when you started on sertaline? Just feel like I'll never feel 'normal' again I know it's a long process but it's just so hard x
michelle71710 julie7525
Yes I know and that's what I'm trying to do. Spoke to him for the first time yesterday and said he wasn't sure what he wanted and what did I want but I couldn't make a decision just said I can't think about that at the moment just want to feel better. Thanks so much Julie means a lot xxx
julie7525 michelle71710
charlie3514 michelle71710
Hi Michelle,, motivation when I started on sert was a very dirty word and I nearly gave in a good few times .. I also had "amateur" psychologists !!! ( so called friends) advising me to give it up . It takes time to imbed but I will say that my whole mental state has improved since going on it. I still battle with whatever caused my initial slide into depression but with mindfulness (highly recommend looking into this ) and CBT I will admit I'm improving !!! Any further queries please just ask as I don't normally join these forums but if I can say just a all thing to help someone it's worth it ... Best of luck ,, chat soon x
pam01968 julie7525
nicola32634 pam01968
Hey Pam, how are you today? I hope you have had a good day? Sorry I've been quiet but I've been really low today xx
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 nicola32634
I have had a anxious day I have taken my ativan but hasn't done much.It seems a never ending cycle
julie7525 nicola32634
nicola32634 pam01968
Oh Pam i am sorry to hear that 😔 how long has it been for you know? Im on 20 days today xx
nicola32634 julie7525
No anxiety unless i think about leaving the house ,I've cried so much today and feel worthless and a burden to my family. Im hoping its just the meds messing with my brain cos i feel like its been a major set back today x its been 20 days today and i thought as was better. I went to the beach and for a walk the other day but the thought of doing that now brings on such anxiety xx How are you doing? I really hope you're okay? Big hugs to you too hun ? xxx
pam01968 nicola32634
michelle71710 charlie3514
Thanks for messaging me back. Yes it's so differcult when you have no energy, motivation or zest for life. Seems to have just vanished and I have 2 children and feel so bad that I'm so miserable but I just can't be bothered doing anything. So you where the same? So must be the meds then? Yes I've done abit of mindfulness which I like and I've just started counselling once a week. I'm so pleased your feeling better and heading in the right direction. I don't usually go on forums, this is my first time but it's been so helpful and made some very supportive friends on here. Thank you x
michelle71710 nicola32634
nicola32634 pam01968
nicola32634 michelle71710
Hey Michelle thank you for asking. I have had a really low day, didn't get out of bed till 630 and have cried so much today. I am so scared to leave the house in case i have an attack like i did a couple of days ago x i keep thinking negative thoughts and im so miserable x how are you today hun? I really hope you are okay xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Hi Nicola, aww know you poor thing, has the anxiety settled abit tho or is it still there? I cried most of yesterday and 1 eye is all blood- shot today. I've had another low day. Felt abit sick again this morning so had to take an anti sickness tablet. Just feel unmotivated, no energy, no zest for life just gone. I'm fed up of feeling like this. Just can't be bothered doing anything. I did manage to go to work for a few hours but couldn't do the full day and I can home and had a nap for an hr on the sofa. Do you get really cold feet? Mine don't seem to warm up. Always been getting the tingling through my body again, not unpleasant but it's just there xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
The anxiety is only there if i think about going out, crying must be a side effect then we are both fed up so that does take its toll x i am so happy you managed to go to work, even if it was only for a while x you are doing so much better than i am you should be very proud 😊 i don't get cold feet but i do have the tingling all over most of the day x its horrible isn't it x how are you sleeping? Im due to up my Sertraline to 100mg in 2 days and im really frightened xx
michelle71710 nicola32634
At least it's calmed down abit now then and you know what it's linked too. Yeah the tingling isn't great. I'm still not sleeping great but hopefully that will improve sooner rather than later. You sleeping ok? I know it's scary upping your dose but you've been doing well so far. I see my dr on Wednesday so she'll probably want to up my dose. I'm scared of getting more side effects too xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
julie7525 nicola32634
Oh Nicola, so sorry to hear you've had a sad day. Maybe you are being a bit hard on yourself for not being ready to go out again. If you get anxious at the thought of going out, do some stuff around the house to get you active and dont put pressure on yourself to go anywhere. I found it hard going to the supermarket...wobbly legs n dizzy, made me anxious and was pleases to get home and sit down. Ive popped to see my friend tonight which isnt bad cos i can drive door to door, no real walking involved! But ive cancelled work this week and cant see me going to the job interview thursday, which i know i'll regret but how can i? Its more important to get better and its the same for you. Dont be too hard on yourself, take small steps xx big hugs
julie7525 michelle71710
Hope you're ok Michelle xx things will get better, i know it must be hard, but we're here for you, give any of us a shout if you're feeling low xx big hugs
nicola32634 julie7525
Its amazing you are able to get out and about even if it is a struggle x be positive about your interview you can do it! I believe in you x it wont take long and like you said you will regret if you don't, those are the small steps we have to take to beat this hun xx you CAN do it xx big hugs to you bane and thank you xx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Well st least that's something then. 100mg but I think I'll do it like you and just do few days on 75mg first. She did want me to do 50mg for a week then up to 100mg but I was too scared. It is scary cos we've not idea what side effects, if any will get xxx
michelle71710 julie7525
Thanks Hun, it means a lot. I'm here too for anyone that needs a chat xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
That's exactly the same as me, i have done 75 for a few days and don't feel any worse so hopefully doing it in stages works better for the side effects xx
pam01968 nicola32634
I may have improved some.still can't get out and go without anxiety if this dose of sertaline dosent work the dr is changing me to lexapro.I just hate to change and start over with side effects etc
nicola32634 pam01968
I am the same i cant leave the house at all x i hope you get it sorted i know how bad you must be feeling x starting again on another drug is scary but maybe that is what you need and the side effects won't be as bad cos it is the right drug for you? Xxx
julie7525 nicola32634
Thanks hun but i dont think i'll make it to interview...ive literally only seen parents and friend who know the situation. I'll see on wednesday hiw i feel but im actually seeing the dic on weds to get a sicknote so i dont have to attend the jobcentre hopefully for a month. I havent been doing a jobsearch cos been too ill so theyll stop my money if i dont go on sick. Im only on day 6, not had a good day yet, just evenings arent too bad. How are you doing now? And never think youre a burden, i felt the same last night when i stayed at my parents, but life gets hard at times and our brains get over burdened and we need some time out to get it back into a good state. Xx
julie7525 michelle71710
I know hun and thank goodness...we'd all be going stir crazy if it weren't for this site! Xx
nicola32634 julie7525
You need to do what is right for you hun and don't feel down about it, its not for long cos as soon as meds start working we will be back to our better selves 😊 im not great at all but have just taken some diazepam with my Sertraline so hopefully i will sleep xx i hope you do too hun x big hugs xx
pam01968 nicola32634
I am praying the increased doseage of setraline starts working for me so I do not have to just takes so long to know if a medicine is going to work or not 🙁Is it bedtime where you all live?
nicola32634 pam01968
pam01968 nicola32634
julie7525 nicola32634
Yeh if its not the right time for a new job it'll have to wait! Hope you get a good sleep too and dont beat yourself up if you dont want to go out tomorrow...itll all come in time. A day at home without anxiety is still progress compared to a week ago! Go to bed thinking of the positives xx
julie7525 pam01968
Yes its bedtime Pam so i'll say goodnight and hope you have a calm evening and a good sleep. Xx
pam01968 julie7525
Goodnight to you Julie!I hope you wake up in the morning feeling well again 😀
julie7525 ann55375
Ann, how are you? Not seen you post for a couple of days...can you let us know you're OK please? X
julie7525 nicola32634
Morning Nicola, hope you slept ok and woke without anxiety? Im only on day 6 but am still waking up with negative thoughts. I slept on settee, didnt sleep as well as the night before at parents. Its worrying thoughts about health, this condition, will i get better and get back to work, will i be well enough to have a relationship again, noticing any body twinge and worrying. Then i'll have a brief moment when i think, its early days, its normal for now, the pills need more time to work, i'll get there etc. i suppose this is 'normal' for this stage? Its hard isnt it cos itd be good to do things to take our mind off it but too unsteady to go out and about. How are you feeling today? Xx
nicola32634 julie7525
ann55375 julie7525
julie7525 nicola32634
julie7525 ann55375
nicola32634 julie7525
Hey Julie, i have been out! I went into the high street and into 3 shops, i also took my dog out for a good hour and i feel fine! Was a bit anxious when i first left but i put my earphones in and it passed x i didn't get jelly legs so maybe its the BBs? I hope you are feeling better hun and sending big hugs from the Isle of Wight xxx
julie7525 nicola32634
Wow Nicola! Thats amazing! Youve done absolutely brilliant! And i bet a bit of walking makes you feel so much better. Proud of you hun!
I looked up side effects of sert and dizziness is noted in 17% of users. I already had some dizziness from the BBs before i started Sert so its either or both. I'll ask doc about it tomor. Its the main thing keeping me indoors.
So pleased that things are on the up and up for may get some blips but i think the general trend will be overall improvement for you now! Well done! Xx
nicola32634 julie7525
I definitely feel alot better for being out and not having an attack, thank you so much Julie 😊 i have to up my meds yet and expect some more side effects but we have to enjoy the small pleasures don't we.
Fingers crossed that your Dr can fix your dizziness and you can start venturing out more as well! Its a great feeling xx
julie7525 nicola32634
michelle71710 julie7525
Hi Julie, how are things? I'm not too bad now. Had a terrible night, couldn't sleep and when I did, kept waking up with anxiety and sweating was horrible. I didn't want to get up this morning was so tired!! But had to do the school run and then work xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
nicola32634 julie7525
I hope you don't have to either hun, but im sure it is just a side effect that will pass bless you x
And yes my children were really happy to see that id been out... More so id brought cakes lol xx
nicola32634 michelle71710
julie7525 nicola32634
michelle71710 nicola32634
Wow Nicola, that is amazing!! Well done you! Do you feel better for it? I'm so pleased your having a good day again. I'm not too bad now but had a bad night, couldn't sleep properly and when I did I woke up with anxiety and sweating too. Not nice. Didn't want to get up this morning but had to do the school run and go to work. I'm seeing the dr tomorrow morning so will see how that goes. Xxx
julie7525 michelle71710
michelle71710 julie7525
I know it's just constant. I'm ok at work, I'm self employed cleaner so usually on my own and just concentrate on the job but it's tiring. No haven't got anything to help me sleep but I am seeing the dr tomorrow morning so will see what she says. I take sert in the morning before the school run so about 8:30/9:45. Do you take yours at night or morning? Xx
pam01968 julie7525
Hey Julie I just got home from work I managed my way through it.😬
nicola32634 michelle71710
Thank Michelle 😊
Im.really sorry you had a bad night, anxiety is just the worst especially at night. Honestly hun you are doing so very well to be going to work!! Don't be too tough on yourself you still very early days x are you better this evening? Sending hugs xxx
julie7525 michelle71710
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 julie7525
I am doing ok.i am going to have to get my son at school.I am anxious about that even though it isn't 15 minutes from my house😟I guess it is just anxiety
michelle71710 nicola32634
Thanks Hun, yes I feel a little better at the moment. It's just the not sleeping and waking with anxiety, it's so horrible! I'm so pleased your feeling so good today xxx
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 julie7525
Yes I am just going to try and push through and be able to do this hopefully I won't have a panic attack
julie7525 nicola32634
nicola32634 michelle71710
I had that for the first couple of weeks but i woke straight having. a panic attack, i promise you it does pass. That's why i take my meds at night with diazepam and i don't feel it anymore, im 3 weeks today xx
julie7525 nicola32634
julie7525 pam01968
pam01968 julie7525
julie7525 michelle71710
julie7525 ann55375
Hi Ann, how have you been today? No Ive never taken this med before but it does seem to work for a lot of people, just takes time. Hope you're ok? Xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Yes I know what you mean, maybe it's best to change the time but then I don't want it to mess me up. I'll speak to the dr tomorrow and see what she says.
I'm feeling ok at the moment just tired but at least I feel ok at the moment.
How's your day been? Xxx
nicola32634 julie7525
michelle71710 julie7525
Thanks Hun, I've come off fb for abit especially while I've been unwell but I'll be sure to add you if I go back on xx
michelle71710 julie7525
That's great news your seeing some effects already!! Have you had any side effects or have you been ok?? Xx
nicola32634 julie7525
julie7525 michelle71710
Glad youre feeling ok tonight & hope you do manage to sleep, everythings so mich worse when sleeps rubbish. Ive been up n down with anxiety then calmer from about 4pm but the jelly legs are keeping me in. Gotta get to the docs tomor tho but at least if i wobble over i'll be in the righy place lol. I feel that the sert has put my BP and HR up, good job im on BBs as well. Yes FB later, i just didnt want snyhhing to go wrong with this Website n lose touch with you all. Its helped keep me sane! Xx
julie7525 michelle71710
Julie I made it back with no big attacks🙂I was a little anxious but made it
nicola32634 pam01968
Hi Pam, sorry I've been away from here for a bit so missed where you had to go? But hey well done! You should be very proud of yourself! Another step closer to recovery for you 😊 xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Yes I had weak legs at the beginning too, sometimes I lose my balance but think that's cos I'm knackered too!! I've just a bath so hopefully will sleep tonight. At least you're getting out abit and keeping busy that's the main thing. Your doing well so far xx
pam01968 nicola32634
I had to go pick my son up from school.something I haven't done since October🙂how are you
nicola32634 pam01968
Ah and see you did it! Well domte to you hun 😊 im okay tonight thank you for asking xx
julie7525 pam01968
Well done Pam! That's brilliant! It'll get easier every time. With CBT it reckons the way to cure panic disorder is to do the things that make you anxious and rate your anxiety level each time, starting with situations that only give you 50% anxiety,do each thing 5 times and rate it each time, in other words build up to the harder situations gradually. Do you feel good for getting back without a PA? Xx
julie7525 michelle71710
Thanks Michelle, hopefully i'll get my balance back soon then! Hope you're nice n relaxed after your bath and get a good rest tonight xx
michelle71710 julie7525
julie7525 michelle71710
After about a week without one, woke up at 3.45am to slight chest discomfort...negative thought followed...then panic attack. Took betablocker. Done lots of breathing & checked wrist pulse till its calmed...taken an hour. Betablockers seem to take an hour to work. Sat watching the news now hoping i'll get tired enough to sleep. Sisters coming at 9 then doctors 11.20. Disappointed but its just unlucky as im not covered by a beta blocker in the night so its more likely to trigger a PA if I have a negative thought! On a positive note, it was only a 50% intensity PA, maybe cos i started working on breathing straight away and tried not to keep revisiting the negative thought.wonder if there are slow release BBs that last thru the night...will ask doc later. Hope youve all slept well ladies, going try to get my head down xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Hi Julie, how you feeling now? At least you were able to calm it down and it wasn't as bad as you usually have them, that's a start. Hope your feeling ok now and you managed to get some sleep. I didn't go to sleep until after 1am but I slept through. Woke up anxious,doesn't seem to be as strong as it was but it's still there like butterflies or a knot in my stomach and can feel my heart beat too. I've got the drs at 9:20 today xx
julie7525 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, i got back to sleep thanks, which i wouldnt have been able to do normally on a full dump of adrenalin! Feel a bit low with the setback but i suppose it might be time to increase dose (day 8 at 50mg). Seeing doc 11.20. How did you get on at the doctors? Hope you're ok xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Hi Julie, how you feeling today? How did you get on at the drs? Mine has upped my dose to 100mg starting tomrw, which I'm abit scared about. I've had an ok day today actually after the drs I went to work then went to my friends for a catch up and felt a lot better I know I'll still get some bad days but it's been nice to feel 'ok' oh also my new prescription for 100mg is a different brand do you think it'll be ok? I've heard you can get bad side effects from changing?? Xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Oh went to my drs today and she wants me to up my dose to 100mg tomorrow! I'm really scared!! When I got my new prescription for 100mg it's a different brand, I've heard that it can give you bad side effects, do you think it will I'm really worried about it xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Hey Michelle, im okay thank you for asking, just so tired its unreal. I feel like i haven't slept for a week x how are you today? Xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Hi Nicola, glad your ok. I know what you mean. I didn't go to bed until after 1am last night but slept which is a plus then up early this morning. I've had an ok day today actually, no nausea, not much anxiety just ok. I've been the drs this morning and she wants to up my dose to 100mg tomorrow! I'm abit scared it up the dose plus I'm on lupin brand 50mg at the moment and the new prescription is ranbaxy 100mg so a brand change. Do you think it'll be ok? I'm really worried as I've heard can get bad side effects from changing xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Good, im glad you've had a better day 😊 I've got to up mine to 100mg and have been too frightened as well x i haven't heard anything about different brands making more side effects? Ill have a google and see what i can find out hun xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
I have read a few stories of people having side effects but also read an article saying that by law the active ingredients have to be the same whether a generic or named brand x i think the slightest thing worry us cos that's what most of our problem is! If it was me i wouldn't be worried, we have very strict laws regarding medicine in this country x you are more likely going to get a few extra side effects from upping the dose not the brand hun xx did you discuss doing 75mg first? Xx
julie7525 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, I don't think the brand should make a difference tbh x glad you've had an Ok day... To us, 'OK' is so much better than the alternative! And its good to catch up with a friend, nice to do 'normal' things when we can! Cos of my wobbly legs my doc thinks she started me on too high a dose at 50, so shes halved it for now and given me diazepam and i can stay on the betablockers. So i took 25mg sert at lunchtime and not felt anywhere near as anxious. Doc said some people are more sensitive to meds. So i was expecting to go up and ive gone down! I guess it doesnt matter tho as long as im getting sone serotonin into my system. We're going to try this for a bit before looking at hrt maybe. Just managed to nip to local shops and get petrol, result! Lol. Was nice to feel normal ish for a few minutes lol. Well done for getting thru work again, roll on the weekend for you xx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Thanks for looking for me Nicola. I've heard the same that the 'active' ingredients is the same but the ingredients differ in brands. It's abit scary and plus I'm upping it too so that makes me worried. No I didn't say anything about doing 75mg but I think I'll do that for a few days but it means I'll be using my first brand first then switch brands when go up to 100mg! Xxx
michelle71710 julie7525
I know but it just scares me, the increase alone is bad enough but if it's different with brands too. Glad you feel better, maybe the 50mg was just to high for you and well done for going out to the shop, you should be proud of yourself, baby steps xxx
julie7525 michelle71710
Thanks Michelle! Why not ring your docs tomor and just query least you'll have peace of mind. Cant see the harm in doing 75 for a week then 100? I was quite prepared to put up with the side effects if it meant being sorted quicker but got to follow docs advice, might just take me a bit longer to get there! Hope youre ok hun xx
julie7525 ann55375
michelle71710 julie7525
Yeah I may do Julie, it's just abit scary. I think I'll have the 50mg tomorrow as I've got a long day in work tomorrow and start the 75mg on Friday for a few days then go up. I'm so scared to take them just don't want all them side effects to come back especially now I'm back in work. How's your evening been? You feeling ok? Xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Hi Hun, how you feeling this evening? I've been ok just had a really bad headache that I've not been able to shift xxx
julie7525 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, yes best to increase when youre off work. How are you doing today? I nipped to see a friend last night which was a nice change but woke up with high anxiety this morning, worse than normal probably cos halved dose of Sert due to jelly legs! I dithered about taking my first diazepam, im such a chicken! In the end i took half a 2mg and a cple of hours later, just now, took the other half. I had read so many reviews about it being so calming that i decided to put faith in my doctor! I noticed a slight improvement after 1mg, enough to get me in a bath with facepack and under eye collagen masks and got dressed instead of going back to the settee in pjs! Hoping to feel calm enough in a bit to do something productive like clearing old clothes out of wardrobe! I hope work wasnt a nightmare for you today. Let me know how you're doing xx
Hi Michelle, Nicola, Pam, Ann, Charlie and anyone who's newly contributed that I've missed! How is everyone doing? Halving my dose to 25 mg made me extra anxious today so ive braved it and tried 2mg diazepam for the 1st time, in 2 halves cos im such a chicken! Heard good reviews about it...whats other peoples experience of it? Hope you are all ok and only quiet on here because youre having a reasonable day & keeping busy! Xxx
ann55375 julie7525
nicola32634 michelle71710
Hi Michelle how are you doing? I hope your headache has shifted now bless you x how are you feeling otherwise? I slept really badly but otherwise don't feel too bad x Had a Drs appointment this afternoon which always makes me feel anxious but better now im home xx
michelle71710 julie7525
Hi Julie, how are you doing now? Did the diazepam help? I woke up feeling nausea again and slight anxiety. Took a anti sickness tablet which helped but has made me so sleepy. Work was ok, managed to get through it just about. I'm going to take 75mg tomrw I think and hope that I don't get increased side effects again xxx
michelle71710 nicola32634
Hi Nicola, how you feeling now? What did the dr say? Lucky my headache went last night. Woke up with nausea and slight anxiety took a anti sickness tablet which helped but made me so sleepy. Thankfully managed to get through work. I'm going to take 75mg tomrw and hope that I don't have any bad side effects upping the dose xxx
nicola32634 michelle71710
Well done for getting through work 😊 x when i upped from 50 to 75 i had no extra aide effects so hopefully you wont either hun x be positive its only 25mg more not double, you will be fine x i took my first 100mg last night and just had trouble sleeping xx
pam01968 julie7525
ann55375 julie7525
michelle71710 nicola32634
michelle71710 ann55375
michelle71710 julie7525
pam01968 michelle71710
michelle71710 pam01968
Hi Pam, I'm not too bad thank you. I've been to work and I upped my dose this morning to 75mg and feel ok so far. How are you doing? Xx
pam01968 michelle71710
michelle71710 pam01968
pam01968 michelle71710
The side effects aren't as bad as they were so how are you
michelle71710 pam01968
That's good. I'm ok, day has been alright so far. How long have you been on sertaline? Xx
pam01968 michelle71710
julie7525 pam01968
julie7525 michelle71710
julie7525 ann55375
michelle71710 julie7525
Hi Julie, how you finding it lowering your dose? Have you got to take that for a few weeks then up it again? I started on 75mg Friday, seem to be ok so far but don't want to tempt fate! I'm really tired and eyes find hard to focus and odd headaches too. How did you get on at the hospital? Xxx
ann55375 michelle71710
michelle71710 ann55375
It's awful for you. Have you seen your doctor? Is there anything else they can give you to help? You getting out at all o is that still a struggle xx
ann55375 michelle71710
saw psych monday. Hes not sure what to try next as i dont get on well with these meds.  He will write to me with  suggestions.
i just dont know what to do. I am on low doses of two meds and wonder if i should try to get off both and see how i go. Problem is they are very difficult to drop slowly, not sure he would approve
michelle71710 ann55375
Hi Ann, I'm sorry your still suffering. It's awful to go through. Glad your getting out every day that will do you good. Have you tried any form of counselling? Xxx