Sertraline Help

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Iv been on sertraline 25mg for 10 days

First few days I had bad headaches and felt sick

Had a couple of good days in between

But last night my heart seemed to skip a beat and it panicked me and this

morning iv woke up feeling anxious, tingling fingers, and a feeling I'm

burning up from the inside. Crying like a baby, feeling sorry for myself

Are these symptoms normal??

My partners away and I feel alone and scared.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Julie, yes, all of these are side effects of the med. Hang in there. It will get better. 
    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply.

      I just want to feel care free and happy again.

      Not a feeling of doom every day.

    • Posted

      Thank you for getting back

      I hope so, I'm not having a good day so far.

      Hope I will see a light at the end of the tunnel soon.

      Hope everything as worked out for you

  • Posted

    Yes those are normal with the med. The side effect should go away soon. However, you are on 25, so i assume the doctor will increase it to 50 and then you might have the side effect again for a week or so.

    Hang in there

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying

      I take it your on these too.

      What dose are you on if you don't mind me asking.

      And how long did your side effects last.

      What was your side effects.

      Gp is phoning me tomoro to see how I'm getting on with them

      I have had about 4 days out of the 10 when I felt ok

      But the bad days like today I'm finding it hard to get motivated.

      Hope you've come though the other side

    • Posted

      No i am on another med but they all the same. I am seroxat ( paxil ) 40mg which is the same as sertraline 100 to 150 that range. My side effect subsided around day 18 but they got better before that like in 2 weeks. However, my doctor increased the dose twice and now i am on day 16 of my last increase which is 40mg. My side effect at the start were headach, dizziness and pressure in my head and face. I also detached from reality and my anxiety was worse and nausea of course. I had the heart like what you felt for 2 weeks specialy when sleeping. Also i felt nerves and cant stand still.

      And when i increased i hade some side effect like when i first increased i had sick feeling like flu and wierd head. But when i increased the 2nd time i had my anxiety got worse i mean like i was feeding my anxiety with the med not to overcome it. And really bad headache. And now i have mild headach from time to time only.

      Insomnia also a side effect i have but it should go away soon.

    • Posted

      Thank you for the info.

      Sounds like youv had a rough ride.

      Glad your feeling better,

      Hoping after Thursday 14 days on them I start to feel some

      benifits of it, but the doctor did say could take 6 weeks

      Fingers crossed eh

      Wishing you well

    • Posted

      Thank you and also i hope u feel better.

      Yes 6 to 8 weeks for the full effect. Thats mean, aroun week 3 you will start to improve and have the ups and downs untill it reach the full effect.

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