Sertraline Issues. Please help

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I had a phone consultation with my GP on Monday and he has prescribed 50mg Sertraline and 40mg Propranolol a day. I am so anxious about side effects that I haven't started the Propranolol yet. I spoke to the pharmacist and he said if I was concerned to break the Sertraline in half and take 25mg for a week to see if I felt OK, then increase to the full dose. I've taken 25mg for 2 days and today my anxiety feels overwhelming. I was suffering badly with unsteadiness already and that feels worse, I feel sick and my stomach is a bit upset this morning. I really don't know what to do, each day I seem to be worse and worse. I've already missed two weeks at work, I'm meant to be going back on Monday but I feel so weak and scared.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry you’re going through this. I also started sertraline and my anxiety was worse. I know that it takes several weeks to really work but I couldn’t stand the horribly increased anxiety so I stopped. The day I stopped I felt so much better. I know I probably should have waited it out for several weeks but I just couldn’t. Talk to your doctor to see what else can be done. I actually even broke the 25 mg in half and that was still too much. At least for me. I hope you can get this figured out so you can feel better.. maybe another medication? I know that my counselor said he did not care for the sertraline. There might be another medication that is a little milder for you. take care

  • Posted

    I had a terrible time when I started taking sertraline 50mg several months ago. I was also prescribed 40mg of Propanalol at the same time. Can I ask what time of the day you take them? I've felt a lot better since I started taking them before bed. I also stopped taking the Propanalol unless I felt a panic attack coming on. I recently upped to 100mg and I'm experiencing the same horrible side effects again, however, I had switched back to mornings with 50mg so I'm going to change back to the evening.

    • Posted

      I've been taking them in the evening. I've been prescribed 50mg but have started myself on 25mg to try and minimise the side effects. I have an awful health anxiety and I've been feeling awful for weeks. I don't know whether to persevere with them. My head is a mess.

  • Posted

    ive been on sertraline for 4 years now at 100mg and id say the majority of the time it works well especially with the shooting pains i was getting. problem i find is it still doesn't stop you from thinking about health issues which 99% don't exist and is all in my head. i tried propranolol for a short time but that just made me feel worse.

    id say keep with it for couple of months and if you are still feeling not right consult your doctor.

    also one of the best things i find help is thunder and rain in a tent on YouTube. just lay in bed and play

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