Sertraline making me feel EXTREMELY anxious and jittery!

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I've read where this is a common side effect but how long does it last and is it anything I should be concerned about?  I feel like I just drank a whole pot of coffee!  I'm a very anxious person as it is so this side effect isn't exactly welcomed.  Any words of hope or wisdom out there?  

I've been on this medication for 3 days, FYI.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I know how u feel its dreadful. The first two weeks are bad with most people. Iv found I just improved but at 4weeks its back. Just got to ride the storm and pray. I was so poorly with pnd and anxiety that I have little choice but to try try try
  • Posted

    Oh dear I know it's pure hell and is say you won't feel great for at least 4 wks. I'm at 8 wks and my anxiety seems to have calmed but still feel down, no motivation.

    This forum is a lifeline and your family and friends hopefully can support you.

    Hugs x

    • Posted

      Thank you for the kind words, liz1234!  smile  I have a good support system although I feel they get annoyed with me sometimes always "being in my head", ya know?
  • Posted

    That jittery drinking coffee feeling lasted for the first week for me, side effects lasted in total about 5 weeks! Did the doctor give you any other medication? I found diazepam incredibly helpful to soothe the side effects!! X
    • Posted

      Yes, I have tranxene to ease the jitters but I am scared to death to become addicted to them.  Is this just my body adjusting to the meds?
    • Posted

      It's definitely your body adjusting! I am a very jittery fidgety person, so for me that side effect was the most annoying!! It was worth it though I've recently had 4 weeks from week 6 to week 10 of feeling great! Not so much the last three days, feel like I've gone backwards tbh, by that's because of stressful things in my life! Don't use the orher tablets unless you really need them! I was scared of addiction to diazepam so I tried not to rely on them, but in the first three weeks I couldn't have it without them!! X
  • Posted

    Hi Futtanical

    Just wanted to show you some support and I know what your going through, I have been on sert for 11 days now and have had a few very low days but a few ok days. So all I can say Is hang in there and let us know how things are going for you as we are all in the same boat. keep well

    • Posted

      Yeah the nervousness and jitters were pretty bad that I could just about get out of bed, but they have eased up and not as bad now so hang in there. I was at my doctors today so she could see my progress and I was telling her about it and she said it was just Normal and will pass in time, keep us imformed with your progress and keep well.
  • Posted

    Hi, I've been taking sertraline starting at 50mg and now I'm on 200mg, I have through out this been feeling jittery, I'm not sure if it's medication related but it drives me mad, as it feels like my entire body is pulsating.... I have been taking 200mg sertraline for about 4 month and since Monday I am now starting to withdraw 100mg in the first7 days and I'm moving on to another medication that can be increased to 370mg, I also take zopiclone for about 12 weeks for sleeping as I can't sleep naturally.... my body is feeling tired but my mind goes at 100mph and all I can do is clean clean clean to keep myself from topping myself and going mad!! I hope your seek your answers to your question well....

  • Posted

    It's my first day and hours after I took my recommended dosage and ate dinner I started to feel anxious, most likely from scocial anxiety.Tthen jittery then sleepy & jittery at the same time before feeling calm. I think once you start to panic it takes affect and that's the jittery/drowsy feeling. It's strange almost like having a anxiety or panic attack but not quiet as bad because I didn't feel like running to the bathroom or feel like stepping out for fresh air. Just sat it out like I did before my prescription and turned out okay

  • Posted

    I've been on Zoloft for 3 weeks now. The last few days I started feeling jittery. My whole body is shaking. Prior to this I had two pretty good days and I thought I was making progress. I used to late lorazepam and have been off of that the last three months but I am taking diazepam at 5mg. It does nothing for me at all. The lorazepam used to really work but I started to get addicted and found I needed more and my morning anxiety was horrible.

    is there anything else I can try. This is really hard for me. 

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