Sertraline not working

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hi all just registered and a little new to all of this and was hoping for some advice.

ive recently been perscribed 50mg and experienced the initial side effects for a couple of weeks, felt great for a week and for the last couple of days felt absolutely awful same if not worse than before and all the old behaviours returning.

is this normal and a glitch, should i be more patient or perhaps consider upping the doseage.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    im not there yet but i have read MANY stories of weeks 5-7 being bad lots of awful days and then the sun shines through keep going xx

  • Posted

    Keep going, the side affects will lessen its perfectly normal to feel worse before any antidepressant kicks in, you may have to 'Up' your dose to feel better this is something you will need to discuss with your doctor, just give the drug time to work. Hugs xx

  • Posted

    give it a bit more time as it can take couple of months for you to really feel the difference,

  • Posted

    Totally normal! And for most of us is just part of the getting better. Just ride through it and remind yourself that this is temporary, keep busy, think positive 😃

  • Posted

    So popped to the docs today as they wanted to see how I was progressing and mentioned i was struggling a little - (on 4th week now) and they've taken me off sertraline and given me mirtazapine.

    I thought i needed to stick with it but the doc said mirtazapine was a better option

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      wow doctors are your going to have startups from mirt.and withdrawls from sert.

    • Posted

      I'm at week 5 and crashed really bad and felt like I'm back to square one if not worse. it's what happens and i know I have to keep going. it takes a lot longer than 3 or 5 weeks to feel better. the fact you had a good week is positive so my advise would be to stick at it x

      mirtazipine will make you sleep and eat like you've never seen food before as that's side effects of them.

  • Posted

    Follow whatever you think is best for you. However, I have to say that four weeks is not enough to evaluate the efficacy of sertraline for most people on here with anxiety. I am now starting my seventh week and am beginning to see the light. I often think that doctors are quick to switch doses or entire medications as they want to do something to help you when you come see them.

  • Posted

    Hey, it took me about 8 weeks before i felt the positive effects of Sertraline. I was also on 50mg. Bear with it honestly, I was in the same position as you and felt like giving up but i am so happy I never

    • Posted

      can I just ask I've crashed pretty hard this past few days I'm 5 weeks in x did this happen to you at all x sorry to ask x

      your post just made me feel an little better knowing it can take 8 weeks x

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