sertraline Only took 2, 50mg tabs - withdrawal

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Please help I am desperate. I have only taken 2, 50mg tablets and due to a bad reaction my GP Told me to stop. I am now 9 days post taking the second tablet and still feel awful and have Downe every day since! Mornings are the worst, as soon as I wake up my heart is beating so fast, then the nausea kicks in. I end up just going to the loo then having to just lie down and sleep again. Normally for another 3 hours. Even after that I still wake up with the fast heart and sickness but just stay in bed. I've never been this ill in my life. Can someone tell me how long it will take to get this out of my system, I'm so desperate. My dr has been useless and will not give me a straight answer. Thank you.

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    It should b well out of your system by now do u think maybe the whole episode has scared u so much its anxiety ur feeling now rather than the med?
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    I agree that it should be out of your system now. I had a bad reaction to a diff. SSRI, within a few doses I got very bad mania ( very bad anxiety, heart racing, and worse )....this did take about 3 days for the intensity to star to drop once I had stopped it and another week to feel fully over it, was not nice at all. I would be hopeful that you are past any reaction now.

    • Posted

      Thanks holly! I've gone 9 days now and I've had enough of this hell! Sounds like you had a rough 10 days too so hopefully not much longer for me fingers crossed! Thank you again! Xx

  • Posted

    Hi Clara,

    Weenet's right, first thing is to stop panicking. Are you taking any other meds, as this could be a reaction, in which case the doc was correct to stop the Sertraline? If not, and symptoms continue, I would return to the doctor. 

  • Posted

    Thanks everyone for the quick reply's Honestly I feel like a lost cause! I'll admit this had definitely scared me a lot! But I've never had a panic attack in my life until the second tab. And before the meds I would say I was a non risk taker with a bit of anxiety about things, traffic, flying etc but this that I'm feeling now is a whole other level. I want me back! The only other med I'm taking is diazepam which the DR gave me to get through the withdrawal bit. I try to hold off taking it each morning as long as I can, but like this morning in had to give in and take 1/2 a 2mg tab. Could it be that it's out and now my poor brain is trying to work out what the hell I did to it!? Thanks again everyone Xx

    • Posted

      Def. sounds like a panic attack then. Now u know, you should start to feel a lot calmer. Just take the tabs when needed and don't think about it. : D

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    I honestly think ur over thinking this ( im not judging coz im the queen of panicking) i think u need to relax a bit an try i know god i know its hard but try to not analise how u feel all the time
  • Posted

    I have had bad reactions to several meds the last one being a few weeks ago. I only took 1 but it was terrible, but I think the anxiety of what it did and my fear or taking it in the first place was what caused the extreme reaction (like yours) afterwards. If you only took 2 I would say you can be confident it is out of your system by now. Your symptoms are all symptoms of anxiety and I think they are possibly being made worse by worrying what the meds may have done to you. I would try to stop worrying about that bit of it and tell yourself it's all gone. That might lesson the anxiety for you slightly. Good luck!

    • Posted

      Thank you! I'm sorry you've been through this too it's awful isn't it! I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I know you're right, I'm blomin petrified and angry about what it did to me, I just need to get it out of my head, and draw a line under this bad experience some how. Xx

  • Posted

    Oh god I know my mind is going wild. But I manage to calm right down from about now (with the diazepam help) all the way until bed time. Then as soon as I wake up the next day boom! The nightmare starts again. It's the sickness and heart banging that takes over me. Like I said I've never had this before in my life so I'm not sure how to get myself out of this vicious circle. I was convinced it was the meds still in me, so was wishing the days away until this nightmare was over. so now it's not them, I'm like so now what!? How did I turn so crazy in a week. Xx

    • Posted

      You're definitely not going crazy, I promise you! I wouldn't wish this on anyone else either, it's hell on earth! But what I do know is that, I've had issues with depression and anxiety all my adult life (I'm 39) and therapy has helped me more than meds, but I've been on nearly every medication known to man it seems!! And I still have theses episodes of anxiety or depression or both at the same time! Currently anxiety! But what I've learnt is that IT WILL PASS. So hard to believe that at the time, I know. I'm like you at the moment. As soon as I wake the sickness and sweating start and the heart racing and the not being able to breathe all kicks in and all because I don't think I'm going to be able to cope with the day! I only feel relief when I'm asleep or had the odd diazepam. It's a horrible feeling. But I think I'm own worst enemy, if I wake and think oh I don't feel too bad this morning, my brain automatically thinks "so when's the anxiety going to kick in then?" So then I fear it, which makes me anxious and bang there it is again! Got to try and not fight it just go with it and distract yourself with something else. And go easy on yourself, beating yourself up about it just makes things worse. Be nice to yourself 😃

    • Posted

      Thanks joblond I'm sorry you are going through this too, and you are kind to help me too. Everything you're saying I'm feeling the same. The only thing that's really making me angry is that I'm blaming the cause on the 2 tablets, having never had this morning and high level of anxiety problem before. It's like it's all exploded all at once and I can't find the exit! I'm defo not helping myself relax tho because I'm worrying about what if it doesn't stop. I have a 3 year old little boy to look after and for the past week family have stepped in to help but how long can I get them to do this. What sort of help are you getting now? I can tell the DR's are fed up of me now and just want to give me more pills (the last one gave me beta blockers which I've not touched!) I just don't know where to turn to get some help with the whole trauma of this week xx

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      Im not sure wat to suggest maybe keep taking the diaz reg for a few days and then c how u feel? If ur not feeling any better check back in with ur gp?
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      Dr's do seem to like just giving out more pills. Sometimes they work sometimes they don't but the more you're on its more difficult to work out what's working and what's not! That's just my opinion though and I ended up in a right mess a few years back where I was on a prescription as long as my arm. That's why I've found therapy life saving and at one point managed to get off them all. I'm trying sertraline again now because I've been on it before and that's the one for me (I think!) that has the least side effects and I felt I just needed a little bit of help due to just general stuff going on. I have children too. 11 and 8 one of which has special needs. It's tough dealing with them and this combined so I understand your worries. I don't think sometimes dr really believe you when you say you've had a bad reaction to a med. God some of them I've taken I thought were going to be the end of me, the reaction was that strong! Just give it a few more days like Weenet said with the diazepam and see if it helps, if not go back to your GP and make them listen. One size does definitely fit all when it comes to stuff like this, every bodies different

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      I've been on it before and I think it helped. But started off on a higher dose and I don't seem to remember having the side effects I'm having this time, so not sure if it's actually the lower dose that's just not right for me. My anxiety was pretty bad when I started it and it's got worse for the past 2 weeks whilst I've been on it but I know that can be a side effect. Anxiety at the moment is pretty hideous and debilitating but I keep thinking it will get better and hopeful the increase will help

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      That's the thing joblond they saw the reaction I had at the start was bad enough to stop the sertraline but now they defiantly don't believe how I'm still feeling the aftermath of it all. It's only my family who can see that it's changed me. And I know I've never felt this blomin awful. I wish the therapy rout had been offered first but honestly the dr gave me the sertraline as if it was as normal as taking a daily vitamin. I could kick myself for not looking into it more but I trusted her. I filled out a form for some local talking therapy but no one ever came back to me or called. I did speak to a lovely emergency mental health guy when I was taken to hospital, but I don't think he's someone I can see regularly. I think I'll have to do some research and find some help. Thank you for talking to me. xx

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      Thank u. I think I'll set my alarm for an hour before my little boy usually wakes me up and take the Diaz then? I'm just worried about then relying on it I've only got 3 left cos they said I could get hooked! 🙄

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      No worries, it's helping me to talk to you too! Don't beat yourself up about not looking into it more, it's just unfortunate. They might have given you something else that might have totally been alright for you. It's all a bit of a lottery and trial and error. But I suppose like anything unless they experience anything like that themselves they just go by what their text books say, which isn't always helpful. If you can find some kind of talking therapy type thing that might help you or maybe Google some websites for relaxation exercises, takes practice but can work. is a good website for all kinds of different stuff. Have belief that this will stop because it will eventually xx

    • Posted

      Hey joblond how u feeling. I set my alarm for 7 this morning , still felt like crap. Took the Diaz bit I've only just woken up. Feel dam awful. I need this gone. I feel so ill. It's just like someone whose been poisoned. God awful. I want this over now. Xx

    • Posted

      Hey, don't give up. I know it's awful but you will get there. I woke the same this morning and took some Diaz straight away because it was early and I thought sleeping a bit longer would help the awfulness. I did sleep for a bit longer but was awake with the same symptoms a bit later on, so it just delays it a bit for me. Automatically stressing about what I had to do today even though it was hardly anything! I forced myself to do it all and it seemed to help. The anxiety comes back when I stop 😞 I find walking really helps so that's the first thing I did. It can really lower anxiety sometimes or I distract myself by reading, anything I can do to distract myself really I will try, just to try and take my mind off it. Have you thought anymore about going back to your gp? The sertraline will be well out of your system by now, it sounds like you have generalized anxiety. Could it be the stuff that made you go for the meds in the first place is still there on top of the awful reaction you had? You might need to try something else. Diaz is not great because it's so addictive and the more you take the more you need to get the same effect. It can also make you depressed as well. It's so hard when you feel so awful physically as well to do anything but I find the more I think about how bad I feel the more I worry about it which makes the anxiety worse. Anxiety is just one vicious circle! But it can be overcome. Maybe try and get an app with the dr. I hope you feel a bit better tomorrow morning xx

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