Sertraline Plasma Peak Levels 4-6 hours question

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Hi all

I have increased from 50mg to 100mg and have been on 100mg for coming up to 7 weeks. My doctor thought 150mg should be my target but I am struggling to get my head round the plama levels

Basically what I have been finding is that I am getting a peak of anxiety most days sort of early to mid afternoon. I did a little research and read that zoloft peaks at 4 - 6 hours which would work out about right for me

Has anyone else found that they receive peaks of anxiety on Sertraline? I never used to have this years ago but it is very noticeable now and I am reluctant to increase to 150mg if this is the case. 

I thought about taking it at night instead but I don't want it to affect my sleep as I sleep really well

Hope someone can shed some light on this one, you may also experience this?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I seem to peak at different times of the day I've only been on 100mg for a week now
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    I Tom I'm on day 24 of 150mgs and I get real high peaks of anxiety Ard 4 to 6 hrs after taking it still got anxiety through the day
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    Thanks for the replies. Would you expect these peaks to even out or is it a side effect which will always occur? 

    I used to be on Sertraline years ago and these peaks only lasted a few weeks and never experienced them after that

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      Evened out for me once side effects went I'm hoping it does this time as well
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    Hi Tom

    I take my dose at night before bed and I wake up with horrible anxiety at some point throughout the night. It's like I can tell when it's starting to work. I was always a great sleeper so this is hard for me. Hoping it passes in a few weeks. If you can deal with the hightened anxiety during the day then I would stick with taking it when you are. Hope things get better soon! smile

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      Thanks for your replies. Do these peaks that occur 4-6 hours disappear in time? and is normal?

      I have had 5 weeks on 50mg and 7 weeks 100mg, these peaks really are naff and not improving over the weeks, not sure wether to start taking at night, increase to 150mg or just stick at it

      Amanda - with taking yours at night do you not notice any real peaks during the day?

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      Well I took mine at 8.30 this morning and been having highten anxiety the last 30mins but normally passes after an hr I'm hoping it's on temp till tabs settle
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      Tom I usually feel a bit of anxiety at some point during the day but it's not as bad at the peak during the night.
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      Tracey do you do anything to control your anxiety when it hits those points?
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      Hi Amanda I usually just try keep myself busy for the 45 mins to an hr it peaks x
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      Hi Tracey

      I am doing well this morning, usually around 2-4 is when I have a peak of anxiety out of no where which hits me even harder if I am having a good day

      How are you doing?

    • Posted

      Hi Tom yeah I'm not to bad this morning just a bit of anxiety lurking but not high glad u r doing good

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