Sertraline - Powerful Stuff!

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Won't go into detail but in early October I found myself in a real mess after a year or so of suffering depression. Managed to cope until early December but then anxiety set in and it was time to seek medical help. The doctor prescribed 50mg Sertraline and said it 'may' cause side effects making me feel worse than I did already and would take 2 - 4 weeks to start working. 

Took the first tablet that evening and in the morning had the worst panic attack ever that lasted about 4 hours. That left me feeling very shaky and extremely nervous. Swallowed a second tablet before bed that day but found sleeping was very hard as my mind was milling over every 'small' worry I had. Eventually got a couple of hours sleep but again in the morning had a massive panic attack - it was horrible!! Called the doctor to ask if this was normal when first taking Sertraline and was told yes, try to stick with it. 

It has improved over the last 2 weeks but this morning I couldn't stand it anymore after reading on these forums that Diazepam could help calm me, also Propanalol 40mg would help stop the panic attacks, so went to see the doctor. I was in a mess in the surgery but the doctor I saw wouldn't give me Diazepam - not one - but agreed to prescribe Propanalol 40mg twice a day and 7 days supply of Zopiclone to help me sleep. 

Don't feel too bad this evening and already had 2 x 40mg of Propanalol, just leaves the Sertraline and Zopiclone for later, hoping they will make me sleep and feel better tomorrow.

Question: I notice some on here start on 50mg Sertraline and the doctor increases the dose to 100mg after 3 days! Some after another 3 days increase it to 150mg. Does this increase side effects at all?

Any advice would be truly welcome, thanks.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi anxious...These side effects are common for taking the sertraline...and yes they will increase if tablets are increased.

    I am currently coming off sertraline and it's the same coming off as going on!

    • Posted

      Cheers Jules, I'm hoping the additional meds will help tonight and tomorrow, time will tell.

      Do you know if once the side effects wear off increasing the dose won't bring them on again?

    • Posted

      It may do bring them on again but not as severely...its been so long since I first went on them but I think once they are in your system, if you increase once your body is used to them ,  the side effects would be present but not as severe. ..
  • Posted

    Hi there the 40mgs of propanalol would of been from my posts ive been taking it for 3 months now and 3 weeks before i even started sertraline. Im sorry you have been through the mill with side effects but i must tell you be your own person i advise no increase at all for 8 weeks as it can be very unwanted side effects and still maybe to high of a dose. I got told by a doctor to increase after a week then increase again the following week. After seeing my wonderfull full time doctor who told me that he was wrong as he was standing in for her while on holiday, she has been on sertraline and knew everything about the tablets from how they make you feel to start with and coming off them. She told me never take an increase unitill 8 weeks as thats the time you know if they are working if not up it by 25mgs at a time for 2 weeks at a time. Ive been on sertraline at 50mgs for 11 weeks and never increased at all and its worked wonders these last 3 weeks. May increase after christmas as a little is still missing but 80% better on 50mgs. Please go with your gut and not with someone telling you that has never took the tablets 
    • Posted

      Cheers Scott, it may well have been your post about the Propanalol, can't remember I read so many. Thanks for the advice about increasing, I'm not due to see the doctor again until January - 2 weeks - so will wait to see what she says, guess it depends on how I feel.

      Glad to read your feeling better and I hope soon you reach 100%

    • Posted

      I have been on sertraline for three weeks now - went straight onto 100mg.

      Felt really rough for the first two weeks but feel good now.


    • Posted

      It's been pretty rough on 50mg for 2 weeks, not sure I could have coped with 100mg!

      Pleased you're feeling better, I'm hoping for the same myself - can only hope..

    • Posted

      Hi Scott after reading your post I thought you may be able to advise me. I had Sertraline 50ml for 3 weeks and then my doctor changed it to 100ml as I was still anxious and weepy all the time. I've took the 100ml for 10 days now and don't feel any better at all. I've also lost my appetite and have lost too much weight. I spoke to my pharmacist yesterday who is on ad's herself. She said she thinks the Sertraline aren't suiting me and should see about changing to another kind such as citralopam. She said Sertraline is a strong one. I'm only little so maybe its too strong for me. I have to see doctor on monday so may ask to change. I can't put up with feeling like this. Its xmas next week and my two small children need their mom happy. xx

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