sertraline quit cold turkey worst side effects

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I am suffering w'd symptom of side effects of ringing in ears since l was on sertraline 50mg 3 months, l adruptly stopped taking it due to horrible sude effects and l was med free for 3'months until a few days my gp advised me take 50mg for reinstatement to alleviate w/d symptoms. I have hearing clicking and popping louder on both ears it's very unpleaseant and it disturbs my sleep due to noise. I am very depressed and anxiety l don't know when this symptoms will go away. I want to ask if anyone has experience this please drop me a line..thank you.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    hi shakespare8, i was on 50mg i found i couldnt eat and sweat alot gp upped it to 100mg felt worse so im now on 50mg of sertraline and 15mg mirtz at night. the mirtz have taken the side effects of sertraline away! result :-) hope thats of some help.


    • Posted

      Hi Julie, thank you for your reply. What is mirtz? Speak soon.
  • Posted

    Just a thought i myself went cold turkey off cilotapram and ive never got rid of the tinnitus (ringing in the ears) but anxiety obviously makes you think about it more. Firstly you seem to have anxiety still so getting on top of that before coming off a tablet. Ringing in the ears is a common side effect with most anti ds. Obviously also maybe try another med some agree with us some dont, some have side effects and some dont. Good luck to you and keep on the path of healing. 
    • Posted

      Hi thank you for your reply. My gp gave me informations about tinnitus. It says that if a side effect of a medicine that you are taking is causing tinnitus, then a change of medication may cure the problem. l think that l gonna give it a go. How long did you have a side effect of ringing in ears? Speak soon.
    • Posted

      Hi again, ive had tinnitus for around 4 years after my first trail of citilopram quit cold turkey after about 6 months when i felt good. Its never gone but when im on anti ds it comes back louder also when i get tension headaches with my stiff neck muscles its loud. Just something ive always had and not really took notice untill either my anxiety is bad or my compulsive thoughts. One thing i did get that felt like a life time withdrawal symptom was spaced out that much i felt like the walls were closing in on me and lasted around 3 months that was hell and felt like giving up but i fought through it and gained all confidence back untill 8 months ago my social anxiety was really bad starting a new job and got stomach problems nervous stomach and bowels that ramped my anxiety attacks so need something to take the edge off a little to get back to normality. Only been on sertraline for 2 weeks tomorrow and just started getting headache and pressure hope this goes soon 
  • Posted

    Hi and I have to say that I suffered the same kind of symptoms with the clicking in my head. It was due to Seratonine Syndrome (too much) as I had to stop taking the 150mg I was taking as I felt so ill. I was sweating so much my clothes were literally stuck to me, and it wouldnt stop. I thought I was losing my mind, but I was determined that I wasnt going to take it again.  When I did, the depression came back with avengence and I really went through it. It will be 12 weeks this week without the Sertraline and I have to say that I have got through the worst of it...getting off the Sertraline was the best thing that I have done and I have 75mg of Amytriptiline instead. This also helps me to sleep too which was one thing that I couldnt do.  Make sure that when you go back to your doc, tell him/her about the side effects as they think that they dont exist...they give you the meds and then I found that they dont listen to what you are telling them. I still have bad depression but I have found that taking various natural things such as Omega 3 oil, a good multi vitamin and Vitamin C have all helped, plus eating things like flaxseed and food with a high dose of natural seratonine have all helped, and getting out into daylight and sitting for a while all helps too. . I still feel like death some days, but you WILL get through this...its only time and 'healing yourself' which I have found does anything to help you. If of course you want any help at any time, then please feel free to drop me a line - there are many of us out here who know what you feel like...and dont forget - you are  NOT on your own. Take care.
    • Posted

      Hi, thank you for your reply. I try to be positive all the time enjoy life focus other thing. I am glad to find this web site you all been helpful. 
  • Posted

    Hi,  I was taken off Zoloft due to severe side effects.  I was put on Paxil.  It seems better.  Perhaps you could discuss this with your MD
    • Posted

      Hi, thank you for your reply. Hope u don't mind if l asked what was your side effect when you were on zoloft? l am going to try another med hope this side effects will go away. Speak soon. 
    • Posted

      Hi..I was absolutely miserable on Sertraline.   I finally told the Dr I am done with it and wanted Effexor.   Feel SO much better.   A little nausea for the first couple of weeks but that was it.  Feeling so much better now.  I would ask for different med for sure.  / Lois
    • Posted

      Hi, thank you for your reply. How long have you been on Effexor? speak soon.
    • Posted

      About 3 weeks now.I am on 37.5 mg.  I believe that is the lowest dose .  Let me know how you do if you decide to try it.  / Lois

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