Sertraline Side Effects
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Hi I have been taking sertraline 50mg for 4 days. Since taking them I have had slight tingling in the face (around my cheek bones), feeling shakey, groggy and today I've had the most awful headache. Also been a lot more anxious than normal! Has anybody had this similar experience and can tell me it gets easier? Really really struggling today 😢
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anthony29576 clare2729
I had same sort, shakes etc when its first getting into your system. Stick with them I would say but everyone's different.
clare2729 anthony29576
How are you feeling now? What dosage are you on? Do you really feel these have helped?
stuart1979 clare2729
Hi care, I felt exactly the same as you when I first started the same dose as you and didn't feel things would get easier but a month in I can honestly say starting these tablets was the best thing I've very done. Never felt so good.
Just hang in there and give them a bit longer. I know it's easier to Say than done, there were days I thought I was going mad.
All the best
Stu x
clare2729 stuart1979
Hi Stu,
Thanks for your reply. I'm feeling dreadful with the extremely low mood, intrusive and overwhelming suicidal thoughts. Did you suffer with any of this?
On top of all that now feeling very shaky and exhausted.
Was your sleep affected as well?
Clare x
alf123 clare2729
clare2729 alf123
Do you mind me asking your story?
Clare x
suzie43139 clare2729
Hi Clare. What you've described is completely normal for side effects so try not to worry too much - I know it's hard not to. Usually side effects subside after 2-3 weeks and you see gradual improvement after 4-6 weeks. My side effects lasted about 4 weeks because I'm very med sensitive and I noticed a massive improvement in my anxiety at 8 weeks+. Everyone is different though and adjusts differently. Also remember that each time you increase your dosage (which you might not have to) the side effects start up again. There's a lot of help on this forum so never be afraid to ask anything. All the best. X suzie
anthony29576 suzie43139
I started on 50 but now take 100. I don't get depressed but am very short fused. It keeps my anger at bay so to speak. Long term??? I'm not sure going to see doc again soon .
clare2729 suzie43139
Hi Susie,
Thank you for your reply.
I'm really struggling with the low mood, anxiety and overwhelming suicidal and intrusive thoughts.
With the side effects of this now making me feel dreadful as well I'm just at the end of my tether.
Did you have any issues with sleep?
Clare x
michelle71710 clare2729
Hi Clare, how you getting on? I'm on day 12 of sertaline. 5days on 50mg.
I'm dealing with side effects too, heightened anxiety, low mood, dry mouth, not sleeping nausea.
I know it takes a few weeks to get into your system but it's not great feeling like this when already low.
How long have you been on yours for?
Michelle xx
clare2729 michelle71710
Hi Michelle,
I'm on day 9 and still not great. The face tingling and headache have gone but I'm still feeling extremely anxious with the same negative thoughts going round my head. I'm literally driving myself mad.
Sleep is still a massive issue. How's your sleep?
My appetite is slowly coming back which I'm hoping is a good sign.
I had a better day on Wednesday and yesterday morning but in the afternoon yesterday I started getting really anxious again and it's just got worse today. I'm totally fed up!
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
What dose you on Clare? I get the tingling still throughout my body. Sleeping isn't great, I'm so tired but can't sleep and when I do it's time to get up and I've been waking up anxious and feeling sick too.
I still get the odd headache but not too bad. I managed to eat yesterday and today, nothing huge but in the right direction.
It's my heightened anxiety and constant thoughts going around my head that I can't seem to shift, it's horrible makes me so scared too.
Michelle xx
clare2729 michelle71710
I'm on 50mg but I'm going to ask on Monday if I can increase to 75mg or 100mg
Did you start on 25mg? Is this your first time on antidepressants?
I was on citalopram on and off for 10 years but consistently on a low dose for the last 4 years and been absolutely fine. I came off them in August/September and was fine until 5 weeks ago when this hit! I've only ever suffered low mood in the past, nothing like this! The anxiety and intrusive thoughts are just horrendous and there 24/7. They put me back on citalopram when it all started 5 weeks ago but despite increasing to the maximum dose it did absolutely nothing!
I changed to sertraline 9 days ago and I'm just petrified they aren't going to work. I'm trying so hard to keep going every day but going to bed every night, not sleeping or sleeping very little and know you have to go through exactly the same thing the next day is just horrendous!
I just want to feel better!
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
Yes the doctor wanted to start me on 50mg then up me to 100mg after 7days but I wanted to start slower so asked if I could split the dose which she agreed too but that I had to go to 50mg within a week so I did 6days on 25mg then 7days so far on 50mg I go back to the doctors in 2weeks which I think then she'll higher my dose.
No I was on sertaline about 3years ago which worked for me so much so I was forgetting to take my tablets and just come off them with no side effects (not recommended) and I've been great for the last 2years but in Aug/sept it suddenly hit me again! It's been horrible, suffering with low mood too because of it.
I didn't want to go back on meds and researched and tried supplements but in the end my doctor said I needed to go back on them to help me, which I have.
Sertaline does take awhile to get into your system and it was only when I upped mine to 100mg that I was ok, it's usually between 100-150mg.
I remember the dry mouth and metal taste in my mouth but not much else, must of blocked it out, I just hope these work again for me as they did last time and I felt 'normal'
clare2729 michelle71710
Hi Michelle,
It's encouraging to know it worked for you last time!
I almost dread saying it but I feel a little brighter today. Not so anxious! Mind you I felt ok Wednesday and half of Thursday but then came back just as bad!
How are you feeling today?
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
Hi Clare
Glad your feeling better today. How long did you say you've been on them for?
I feel rubbish today, woke up anxious and hasn't really shifted all day. Feel bad on my kids, just had no energy. Got a tingling warm feeling though my body too, don't know if it's the meds, anxiety or both.
Michelle xxx
clare2729 michelle71710
I've been on them for 10 days today.
Really hoping the fact that I've had an ok day today is a good sign. Thing is I have had times when I've felt ok and then gone downhill again and it's so disheartening.
Has your day got any better?
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
I know what you mean, I felt better last night but then woke with it again but it'll take time. I've been on it 13days today, 7days on 50mg.
I feel a little better now, comes in waves. Tingling has calmed down abit now and I've eaten a little something.
How you doing? You still feeling ok? Do you work? You from the uk?
clare2729 michelle71710
I know what you mean about it coming in waves! It really does.
Days like today though give me some hope that I can get better though. In my darkest times I'm convinced I'm stuck like this!
I work in a school office. Was meant to go back Wednesday but there's no way I could do it. I'm going to try going in for a couple of hours on Monday just to see how I get on. I'm very routine focussed and I'm hoping that going back to work and the kids going back to school will help. Do you work?
Yes I'm in uk what about you?
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
I know what you mean, I get like that too thinking I'll be stuck like this forever. It's a horrible feeling!
Yes I work. I'm a self employed cleaner so if I don't work I don't get paid so I need to go back. I do about 24hrs a week to fit around the school hours too. Yes I'm the same, I like my own company and routine with the kids.
How old are your kids? Do you have support around you?
Yes I'm from the uk also
Michelle xxx
clare2729 michelle71710
Oh not nice having the pressure of having to go back to work! Or could maybe be a good thing to help you get back into a routine?
My children are 12 and 13. Their dad has actually been very good for the last few weeks. He's suffered himself so knows how it feels. His support with the kids has been really helpful. We don't normally get on so it's been quite nice to be able to ask him for help.
My family have also been amazing. Makes a big difference.
Do you have lots of support?
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
No it's not nice and I'm dreading it really as I have no energy but thinks crossed it'll be ok and help me back into a routine again.
Mine are 10 & 5 so still quite younger. How are your kids finding it with them being abit older?
That's good you've got great support around you and that's so good you've got the support of the children's dad. Bet that's a real help.
I've got a supportive mum & her husband and my dad too so they have helped with the kids.
I'm married but my husband left me on New Year's Eve day, works away anyway but said he wasn't happy and he needs to think about 'us' so that's not really helping me feel any better as I've no idea what's goner happen with my relationship.
Where abouts are you in the uk?
Michelle xxx
clare2729 michelle71710
When it first started 5 weeks ago my 13 year old found it really hard. I've had to send them to their dads house a few times because I've been so bad and I didn't want them to see me like that. I've been very open and honest with them about everything though and I think they understand a bit more. My 13 year old is very sensitive and doesn't like change very much so struggled with things being a bit different.
So sorry to hear your husband has left? Is he struggling with you not being 100%? It can be so hard for those closest to is cant it. My poor mum and sister have been in tears more than once because they feel so helpless when I'm telling them I don't think I can go on much longer.
I live around 40 miles outside London. What about you?
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
I know it's hard for family to understand especially there is no sign of illness (like a broken bone you can see) I don't think it's to do with my illness well apart of it is abit. When I first started anxiety in Aug/sept I told him I didn't feel happy and in a rut but it was my illness and in my head but he was ok and got on fine but when he came back Christmas leave, he was different and distant and said he didn't think he was happy anymore so I think it's coming to an end. I'm just up and down waiting for a decision.
It is hard for family but you'll get through it.
Have you had many side effects?
I live near Chester
Michelle xxx
clare2729 michelle71710
Oh that's horrible and not what you need on top of everything else you've got going on. Maybe he just needs some time to get his head straight?!
Just really hoping I don't go back to square one tomorrow! Also starting to feel a bit anxious about going to bed! Sleep is still a massive issue for me.
I had a tingling sensation in my face for the first few days and then a really bad headache and shakey feeling but that seems to have passed. What about you?
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
Maybe but it hasn't helped me. I was scared to take the meds too cos of the side effects and he said not worry I'll be here (on leave for 3weeks) so would help with the kids but after taking them for 5days he left, felt so alone. Had a few crappy nights after too but need to concentrate on me and get better for me & my kids.
I know it's horrible isn't it? That dread of what the next day will be like.
You still not sleeping probably? I find it hard gettin off to sleep even when I'm tired and wake up early too. I've been waking up with nausea and anxiety and got dry mouth, palpitations, clenched jaw ache and a few headaches. Oh plus loss of appetite but that has returned slightly in the last few days. Also had night sweats too but they seem to have eased abit now.
Michelle xx
clare2729 michelle71710
Oh that's really awful! Has he been seeing the kids?
The sleeping is still not great but I am getting some. The physiatrist gave me some tablets to take before bed to help me relax a bit and they do seem to help a little bit. I'm so anxious about all these tablets though!
It's silly isn't it, I start getting anxious about getting anxious! It's a vicious circle.
I read that the appetite returning in the first 1/2 weeks of starting the medication can be a good early indicator that they are working! Let's keep everything crossed!
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
No he's not seem them or spoke to them. My daughter texted him the other day and he replied but that's it. Nothing.
I know it is a vicious circle, it's horrible. At least your getting abit more sleep now which is good.
I know but they wouldn't prescribe them if they were bad and it's only short term with the sleeping tablets.
My doctors given me anti sickness tablets and some beta blockers propranolol, I took one the other day but it spaced me out!
How has your appetite been? Yes fingers crossed that's it starting to work.
Michelle xxx
clare2729 michelle71710
That's not good! These men do seem to be able to just switch off though! Even from their kids. They must be used to not having him around though if he works away. Doesn't make it any easier for you though.
Still not sleeping like I used to but definitely an improvement. Waking up very early and then can't go back off! I've never had trouble sleeping before! I've always loved getting into bed and reading but now I dread bedtime.
Yes I have propranolol as well. I just take that when I need it and luckily haven't really had any problems with it.
My appetite was awful for 5 weeks and I've lost over a stone. It's definitely coming back now though which is meant to be a good sign.
You got any plans for tomorrow?
Clare xx
michelle71710 clare2729
I know, my daughter was upset that he'd gone and not said goodbye I felt so sad for her but I'm son wasn't bothered. Yeah they are used to it so it's ok for them. Try and keep things as normal as possible. Have you got a partner?
Well hopefully your sleeping will improve and if you need to get the sleeping pills then they are there to help you.
Yes I'm goner take them as and when but try my best not to take them if I can.
Yes I was exactly the same when my anxiety started, lost a stone and half altogether and my mum was so worried but just couldn't face food and when I tried it was such an effort so I'm glad it's starting to return again.
Me and the kids are going around my mums for Sunday dinner tomorrow so at least I'll be out the house for a bit.
You got anything planned?
clare2729 michelle71710
That's really sad. I hope he gets in touch with them soon. Has he gone back to work now?
It's hard when you have kids but then they also help us to fight to get better. My 2 had an awful Christmas because I was in such a bad place. My family were great so they did have some fun but I was an absolute mess and feel so bad that I couldn't pull myself together.
No I don't have a partner. Been on my own for quite a long time but really don't know if I even want to meet anybody. Sometimes it's more hassle than it's worth.
We are both very lucky to have such supportive mums aren't we. Must be so hard for them seeing us like this and not being able to fix it for us.
I've got to pick my son up from London tomorrow. He's in a show at the moment so I spend a lot of time running him back and forth. To be honest that's caused a lot of stress over the last few months and has probably contributed a bit to me getting so bad! He loves performing so much though I can't not do it!