Sertraline side effects

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So I've been taking sertraline for nearly 3 weeks now, had the normal side effects of anxiety getting worse etc. But now I've noticed I feel quite dizzy not spinning but like light headed and like bobbing if you get me. Is this a symptom or would I not just start getting this around about now? Also if it is a symptom will it go? 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    You don't say what mg you are taking. I presume 25mg or 50mg. This feeling is more than likely a side effect. If you are on 25mg I would think you need to increase. Speak to your doctor. This is a slow working med. Increases need to be very very slow and gradual till you find your correct dose.

    Good luck


    • Posted

      Hi I'm on 50mg I was on 25 but increased quickly to this other dose. I've not got a phone call with the doctor till July but I'll be sure to mention it then. Hopefully it will of subsided by then. 

      Thank you Hun 

  • Posted

    I’m experiencing  the exact sam thing Hun it’s only starting this week at week 3 but I was on 25 for one week then 50 for two so don’t know if it’s juat side effects I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow and will ask also want to go up to 75 see if that will help with the flat feeling xx
    • Posted


      Yeah I was on exactly the same however I've got to wait to speak to my doctor in July before she will up my dose. Can I ask what type of dizziness you feel? My head feels so heavy these last couple of days to like my forehead is bunged up. 

      Thanks for replying xx

  • Posted

    Hi Jess

    Dizziness is a symptom of Sertraline. If it doesn’t subside, I would see your GP. You might need to give it longer than 3 weeks. 


  • Posted


    I was on sertraline for three weeks at 50mg a day and felt like crap so I stopped taking it and went back to work I lasted four weeks and my world crashed I was in a bad place, so back to the doctors and they put me on sertraline 50mg again at three weeks still all the crapy side affects that every one has but felt no better in my self week 4 they put my meds up to 100mg a day and at week 5 the side affects were much less week six the only side affect was finding it hard to sleep week 8 that's this week I am back to work but only for 2 hours a day to start with I do feel better but I have this empty feeling I don't have the feeling of wanting to go out and do stuff so I still have some way to go my doctor has said I will be on sertraline for six months min may be a year so I have a long way to go.

    All I can say is don't give up yes you will feel like crap but it will pass it will get better but it takes time and you have to go with it, at week seven you will look back and see things getting better.

    Am also having counselling as well.

    I hope everything works out for you.

    • Posted

      Hi Chris 

      Thanks for taking the time to reply.  What is that you felt most crap with? I've found I'm wanting to get out because if not I sit at home and dwell on the side effects etc. I suffer with health anxiety and it's so severe. I get a twitch in my eye and I obsess and google constantly. I can tell the meds are already working for me just don't get why I've noticed dizziness over the last few days but hoping it will go. I'm waiting for my CBT sessions to start so hopefully that will happen asap. I hope all works out for you too! X

  • Posted


    The side affects I found bad was the dizzy spells could not sleep, no energy, not wanting to get out of bed because I new I will feel bad, lack of focus just sitting thinking about things all day worrying about things , this went on for about four weeks really unpleasant but it dose pass.

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