Sertraline support - my story so far (looking for and giving hope)

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Hi all, maybe you're new here or maybe you're like me: searching these forums frequently for advice and hope. Either way welcome, I think community is important for everything in life and i'm glad you're looking for it too during this. Repeat after me: We're never alone.

I'm currently on my second treatment for depression and anxiety. I have gone through periods of my life that I experienced waves and weeks of these experiences but they seemed to pass or i could ignore them, until i couldn't. A tough life experience tipped the scales for me and i now think it really just exposed the things i'd been pushing away before.

After many months of thinking I could be strong and fight back, meditating, exercising, eating healthily, trying to distract myself with uni work, I needed help and got an emergency appointment with my GP. I was waking up with severe anxiety every day, experiencing every classic symptom of both conditions. I stopped working, was barely continuing with university, I had called the doctors months prior and been given an online course of CBT, which helped me feel less alone in my symptoms and pushed me to try and manage things better, but I knew after some weeks things were just getting more serious.

I began to be possessed with endless rumination, only able to distract myself for short periods, and never really able to drown out the thoughts which were becoming more alarming.

The GP prescribed me SSRI, sertraline at 50mg a day. I was terrified that it had come to the point I needed to take drugs for my health. How had it got this bad? I thought. But this was a also a moment to celebrate, I deserved to get better, and taking this drug was self care, and a spark of hope. I started counselling through this period through a donation based charity, and the support was a life line. on the days I felt there was no end to this, I was forced to get out of bed and go and talk about it, and after some weeks my counsellor reflecting my progress back to me was such a nice feeling.

I can go through the symptoms of the first few weeks in more detail for anyone in need but overrall I felt calmer by week 4, and continued to see light and joy and growth for weeks to come. I even got so well I was forgetting take my dose some days. I graduated, went travelling, got a new partner. and decided after 5 months to taper off.

for those how are searching for hope, this is part 2 of my story and not something i want to alarm you with, just a word of caution to think about for the future. don't be scared, take care of yourself and keep battling and trying. there is light.

The initial first weeks were okay, but i felt anxiety creep in. discontinuation symptoms i thought. But i continued determined to be 'healed'. Over the next few months I was Okay, but winter crept in and I thought I was experiencing 'the winter blues'. 4-5 months later it clicked, this was a reoccurrence, not just a low mood. I cried every day, the paralysing anxiety was back. I was so disappointed in myself, after my whole journey only to end up in the same place. I knew it was time to get help.

I called the GP, explaining that nothing had triggered this episode and i didn't know why this was happening again, i suggested diazepam just to see if this was an episode. But she assured me that would only pass symptoms and not treat, I may just be someone who needs to stay on meds, and thats okay. I prescribed sertraline at 50Mg again.

This is the part that i'm looking for others to reflect on my journey. I had so much weighing on this med working again. So at the 1 month mark, when i wasnt better like my last experience, i felt so hopeless. But i persisted. At 7 weeks of 50mg, I had a check in with my gp, I said i'm better ( maybe 50% myself) but not where i want to be. She suggested 100mg. Again scared I hesitated and she prescribed me enough meds that I could adjust if I changed my mind. A few days later I went up to 75mg. At which i've now been on for 2 weeks.

I thought there was a small improvement, but I also got tonsillitis which i took antibiotics for, which can i believe impact the effectiveness of SSRI's. Also effecting the gut biome, which is where a lot of our serotonin for those whole dont know is made, and there transferred to the brain. So maybe that's stopped progress. Things got really bad again, struggling to get out of bed, distract myself from those thoughts. A dip ? The dose settling?

But I'm unsure of where to go at this point, i want to get on with my life. but i am unsure of treatment options. I'm starting counselling again soon which i am excited about. But should i increase to 100mg, change med? add a med like Bupropion?

side note on side effects: Most things settled after 2 weeks, besides from sexual effects, still experiencing stool issues lol, and also random one but i developed tinnitus? My first round i think i either got used to it or it got better. This time its still super annoying and definitely louder on my bad days- anyone got any thoughts on that bit?

it's nice to know theres lots of options. And I know I will get there, just like you will if you are suck too. I will use this forum to track the rest of my story. Any advice and stories are appreciated. Here's to fighting this, and being strong and hopeful people 😃

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rchch.

    You are absolutely right that we are not alone and this forum is such a help.

    My own story is anxiety bought on by the menopause sometime ago. Doctor prescribed Citalopram and it was a great help. I eventually came off them but after sometime my anxiety crept back. New doctor suggested Sertraline. I started on 50mg and went up to 100mg after 2 weeks. my side effects were few which was good. I thought i was feeling better at week 7 only for the anxiety to return. At 11 weeks i went up to 150mg - that was 1 week ago. My anxiety seems a bit worse, I am hoping because of the increase like you mention?

    I have come to the conclusion after chatting to my GP that I would benefit from some counselling which is what I am looking for now. I feel irritable and low. I am so hoping that the combination of the tablets and counselling will help as anxiety sucks.

    I think the thing to remember is there is no magic timeframe to feel better, we are all different. People on here say they feel better after a few weeks, a few months or even more. Also for me maybe sertraline doesnt work?

    We will see! Here's to better days ahead...

    • Posted

      hey mo,

      how are you getting on now? if you havent started counselling yet i can't recommend it enough, i started a talk therapy a few weeks back and its really helpful for working through the things.

      but yes there is no time frame, its just a big journey. I've had 2 weeks of 'no bad days, now, still though looking to change the med as side effects are annoying and dont want them if i stay on this long term

    • Posted

      similar enough with med with me, i did find the 100mg did help me afte a month or so. it was worth it.

      read my post

    • Posted

      Hi rch, Sorry for late reply.

      Yes I started therapy 3 weeks ago! Its exhausting but great at the same time. Its really helping me. I would say I am not 100% but feeling much more positive. (not sure if thats the meds, the therapy or both?!).

      How are you doing?

    • Posted

      Thanks Neal.

      I hope you are doing ok? I am starting to feel better 😃. Having therapy which is really good. i have been on 150mg for nearly 7 weeks now, total of 18 weeks on Sert

    • Posted

      yes , it seemed to take along time ti work , i am not perfect but feel so much better, always still work on it.

    • Posted

      i agree! I definitely feel so much better but its taken well over 4 months! glad u feel better

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