Sertraline & Trying for a baby, is it safe to be on them whilst pregnant?

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I was on sertraline 100mg for a year and a half and came off them as wanted to try for a baby, six months gone and no baby and now got anxiety feelings back and been put back on 50mg sertraline, we want to continue trying for a baby, but not sure if this is safe or not, can anyone help? I am not ready to not be on anything whilst being pregnant, and heard good and bad comments about them, my doctor said to avoid being on them, but I literally need them to cope right now.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, yes it's one of the anti ds that u can be on while pregnant and breast feeding. Good luck with the baby making x
    • Posted

      That's good to hear, because the doctor I saw today said to avoid it and it would be at my own risk to carry on taking it whilst pregnant, which I thought was a bit rude. Glad someone is able to tell me that I can be on it, whilst pregnant, as was worrying about that.

      Thank you for your reply, much appreciated smile x

    • Posted

      that's terrible that a doctor would say that to you, as if you're not anxious enough about being pregnant or trying for a baby without being told that!!


    • Posted

      I know right! I got really confused because the first time I went to the doctors just for the flu, I told them I was getting anxious feelings back and asked them then if I were to be pregnant could I still go on the tablets and she said yes, that there is always SSRI's that can help you even when you are pregnant, but then when I went to the doctor again yesterday she said you should avoid them and it is at your own risk if anything were to happen whilst pregnant sad Thanks again for your adice and help smile xx
  • Posted

    I was told it was fine - and better a non stressy mum to be than a stressy mum to be and then stressed baby. Good luck. I stopped taking last year when I fell pregnant as I was feeling ok but was on them for bf my boy and all was fine x


    • Posted

      Thank you for replying Lorna. Brilliant another person who says it's okay, that brings aload off my mind smile glad it is safe and not harmful.
  • Posted

    Hi there

    firstly don't panic! It can take a healthy couple up to two years to conceive so six months is nothing. Keep trying!

    Although sertraline is the SSRI currently thought ok in preg and bf your doctor is right to warn you of the potential risks, because there are some to be aware of. There's a good resource on, search for sertraline and pregnancy to find out more.

    It's about balancing the risks and benefits when you take any drug in pregnancy and you need to be fully informed. But it is good to know that they do use sertraline in pregnancy so there is a wealth of experience with that SSRI.  If you've had it in your system for some time before pregnancy I seem to remember it's thought to be better than if you start it once pregnant (?). I agree, happy mum equals happy baby, but pleased be informed and realistic too. Having babies can be a stressful life event in itself. 

    Final thought, sorry to ramble on, but I found online CBT very helpful with my postnatal depression, just Google MoodGym, it's very good if that's your cup of tea, may not suit everyone but give it a go. 

    Wishing you you the best of luck!

    • Posted

      I suppose they are saying that in case anything were to happen, thanks for all your help and advice, I will check out these websites, I had CBT treatment before and it didn't really help me, I tried hypnotherpahy instead and that worked great, because it is all about your subconscious mind, and you do things without thinking, where as CBT is all about how you can control your fears and thoughts. xx
  • Posted

    Hi Holly,

    I was on 50mg of sertraline and told my doctor that we wanted to try for a baby and she said I had to come off it, I saw another doctor who said the same thing. I was really unhappy about it but came off the tablets after a few months my anxiety returned so this time I went to see a another doctor, she said it was absolutely fine to take the tablets whilst trying to get pregnant and being pregnant , she said they are the lowest risk of most SSRI's. I'm back on 100mg now and trying for a baby with the support of my new doctor. Personally without sertraline I don't think I could cope with a pregnancy as my anxiety was so bad.

    It might be worth trying another doctor so that you can get the support you need.

    Good luck x.

    • Posted

      Thank you for the advice Clare, I might do that, going to see how I get on in the next month with side effects etc, and go from there, but by the sounds of it, sertraline is safe and I think I will speak to another doctor about trying for a baby and see what they say. I don't think I could cope with pregnancy either without the sertraline as my anxiety gets bad at times too, the hormones and high emotions are going to be bad enough sad thanks again for the advice, much appreciated x
  • Posted

    hi holly,

    i have been on them for over a year and got pregnant in january, both my midwife and GP and at my booking appt at hospital say it's fine for me to be on sertraline whilst pregnant.


    • Posted

      First of all congratulations Gingemacsmile Thanks for replying and letting me know, I am going to be trying again once the sertraline has kicked in. What dosage are you on, if you don't mind me asking? xx
    • Posted

      thanks, it was a shock i don't mind telling you, i only had my copper coil out 22nd dec and i'm 10 weeks now so got caught first try!! lol but very very happy indeed and so grateful as i know alot of women don't get caught as easily as we did.  i'm on 150mg, i was worried about my dosage being high but the doctor, midwife and antinatal nurse at the hospital didn't even bat an eyelid at it, they asked how long id been on it for.  i've been on it for over a year now so they said that it makes it even better if you've been on it a while and it's settled in your system before you get pregnant. there is no way i'd have been able to get through the pregnancy without it so feeling chilled and relaxed about it :-) good luck xx


    • Posted

      Ah so happy for you smile Really glad I registered with this site, its really helped over the past two days, as this one of my big worries, so a big thank you to you smile xx

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