Sertraline up from 25-50mg andfeel worse! Is this normal???
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I started sertraline nearly 3 weeks ago (although the first 14 days I was only taking it every other day as I was coming off citalopram) it's been 11 days since iv been taking 25mg of sertraline on its own every day. Last night I was told I could up it to 50mg, so I did last night, although today my anxiety has increased! And I'm so much more tense and nervous. I'm scared to take 50mg again tonight in case these symptoms increase further! If the 25mg is still adjusting in my body should I have upped it so early?
Just don't know what to do for the best. You put your faith in your GP hoping he knows what to do for the best but they don't have to go through the side effects!
I don't want to take any more diazepam as iv been on 2mg for 6 weeks, although not every day, just as and when I needed. And they don't have the same affect on me as they initially did. It's frustrating because I haven't had a diazepam for 2 days now so it's hard to tell if the increased anxiety is due to withdrawal of Diaz or the increase in sertraline.
Any advice/opinion would be appreaciated.
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Gerrymoo claire33434
Hi Claire, I'm not much help I'm afraid but I would have thought the increase in anxiety is due to the increased dose of sertraline it's all so confusing isn't it?
I hope you can help me in some way - I've been on 10mg citalopram for 3 wks and another 9wks on 20mg. Anxiety wise I went through hell adjusting to the citalopram. I'm still not right and some mornings just feel yuk! This may be due to terrible insomnia,either waking every hour or just not sleeping. My gp has suggested switching to sertraline but I'm too scared to. I can't face any more side effects.
Just wondered how long you were on citalopram for and what dose and why you've switched to sertraline. Also how exactly did you make the switch?
claire33434 Gerrymoo
I was on citalopram for 4 years at 20mg. I'm sorry to say the side effects are horrendous!! If after 12 weeks your still struggling I would speak to your GP as it may be that it's not working for you. I came off citalopram because my gp felt it had stopped working for me. I myself was wary about taking sertraline, I was cross tapered off citalopram on to sertraline. Took citalopram 1 day, then 1/2 a 50mg sertraline the day after and so on for 12 days and then just sertraline on it's own. With both meds being ssri's and given the amount of time you have been on citalopram you should be able to withdraw from citalopram and start sertraline straight away but it will to the discretion of your GP how he/she decides to do it.
I myself had side effects with sertraline but not as bad as I did with citalopram. In my opinion citalopram have the worst side effects. You could increase the dose of citalopram maybe to 30mg. I'd hate to think you changed meds and went through the same thing again. While I was on citalopram it took me a few months to feel back to normal.
I hope this helps and you start to feel like yourself again soon.
If I can help in any other way you can private message me.
Gerrymoo claire33434
Thanks for your reply Claire. To be honest I am so much better than I was and many people have said so. My main problem is the insomnia and that's why the GP suggested switching to sertraline but has left it to me to decide. I think I only feel a bit yuk due to lack of sleep. I've come so far and it would be such a shame to switch and deal with more side effects with no guarantee of improved sleep.
What a could do with is a sleep aid (not sure which one) just to take on the 3 nights before I'm due to work the next day.
lauren_21564 claire33434
bch413 claire33434
I went from 25mg to 50 mg's as well nausea increased along with some diarrhea. 4 weeks in and still seem to be fighting some side affects but I'm no doctor so it may be something else.
claire33434 bch413
Are you 4 weeks in since you started sertraline or are you 4 weeks in to the upped dose from 25-50mg??how long were you on 25mg before you went up to 50mg?
bch413 claire33434
claire33434 bch413
Hopefully things will settle for you soon. It can take a few months to feel back to yourself but if you are feeling better already after 4 weeks then that's a good sign. Even though some anxiety is still there if it isn't as bad as it was when it started then that's a positive x
bch413 claire33434
Do the side effects of going up from 25-50mg get worse? I could prob just about handle how it's made me feel today but if it got any worse the more I take it I don't know how I'd manage!! I'm thinking of going back to 25mg tonight as iv only taken 1 50mg last night. Would that be safe to do?