Sertraline when will I feel like me

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hi ihad been on paroxetine for over 20 years dr changed to sertraline as not working

started 50gm after twp week went to 100gm feel like ive been to hell and back

now 8 weeks on 100gm still grinding my teeth, feeling anxious but not as bad but cant get a calm relaxed feeling

terrible buzzing in my ears and very dizzy waking during the night to check if the horrible feeling is there

im also type 2 diabetic but had to cut back on the meds for that due to the runs

i feel like am at my wits end is 100gm too much just want some help please xx

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    hi I'm only 3 weeks in and feel horrific. I'll pm you something somone sent me about there experience and hope it helps x

  • Posted

    im 8 weeks on 100 mg sertraline up from 50mg. i would stick with it another while. people on here seem to say 12 weeks. some days my ears are ringing or i feel like my body is aching. sometimes jittery but i am confident things will improve. keep at and believe. god bless.

  • Posted

    your best bet is 100mg sertraline am and 15mg mirtazapine night time. im into week 6 now and feeling much better

  • Posted

    8 weeks is still very early so it's hard to say if that is too high of a dose just yet. I would say if you're not feeling much of an improvement in another 4 weeks of being on 100mg or if they are just too bothersome before that I would talk to your doctor, those do sound like symptoms of being on too high of a dose. It's such a trial and error thing with these meds, and just finding your sweet spot. Once you get it right you should be feeling much better!

    Best Wishes!

  • Posted

    why oh why oh why do some of the medical profession not give a dose the chance to work! You may have been fine on 50 but 2 weeks was way too short to find out. However it is what it is now, I would say give it another 4 weeks on the 100 and if you are still struggling then maybe go down to 75, if you are having some improvement then it sounds like it is just a case of giving it more time, all the things you are feeling are perfectly normal side effects and should clear once your body gets used to the meds

    • Posted

      75mg did the trick for me the last three times. At 100mg I had too many side effects. Restless legs syndrome, occasional severe dizziness, problems sleeping, fatigue during the day. Unfortunately, I am not doing well right now. My mornings are still very rough and I am at week 10 on 75mg after starting over again. I stopped taking my meds (bad mistake) because I was feeling well.

    • Posted

      Do not beat yourself up about coming off the meds, loads of us have done it, this is my 4th time of being on an ad, this time though both my Dr and myself have agreed that I need this and am not planning to come off ever again. For some reason everytime we go back on it takes longer then the last time to recover, maybe something to do with the chemicals in our brain needed more time to adjust. If you are seeing some improvement towards the end of the day then they are starting to work, mornings are always the worse due to cortisol levels and our hope and expectations that today is the day we are going to feel normal being dashed. If the meds worked well last time they will again, it is just a matter of time

    • Posted

      Thanks Sue, I pray your right. If I had done what your going to do I wouldn't be going through this right now. I guess some of us like to really beat ourselves up...

  • Posted

    thank you everyone it feels good to know someone will listen xx

    im sat crying and i dont know why☹im going to go to drs tomorrow

    im going back to work on monday after 3 months off and dont want to feel all weepy 

    • Posted

      Sandra crying is a form of release for all those emotions you are feeling, you do not need a reason, I used to cry buckets for no other reason then I felt so sorry for myself, have a good wallow and then tell yourself 2 things, you will not be like this forever and it is the medication making you feel like this

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