Sertraline Withdrawal or Problems restarting

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Hi, Sorry for the essay i am about to write...just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar or can offer advise.

Prescribed sertraline a few years ago for low mood. Stayed at 50mg the whole time (about a year) but had problems with sleep and weight gain so decided to withdraw.

Was advised to take 1 less per week over a period and eventually came off completely. Few weeks later I got (what I now know) were the heavy head and brain zaps.

Stupidly (as I now know) I would just take one tablet to resolve these symptoms until they appeared again. Eventually seemed to no longer get the brain zaps.

Probably 1-2 months since last tablet I begin to get the heavy head and concentration problems. Took 1 50g tablet and within hours was completely wiped out and exhausted. Next morning took another tablet and by the time I got to work was suffering with shakes, chills, high anxiety, feeling like head didn't belong to me. Racing mind, headaches. Came home from work to rest.

The next day the anxiety was so severe and all consuming. Couldn't relax, shaking, constant wind, knotted stomach, unable to calm my mind. Random thoughts popping into mind. Not yet able to return to work. Concentration and short term memory awful.

Went to A&E where doctor suggested a virus as he was doubtful that withdrawal could take so long to appear like this or that just taking two tablets could have effected me so quickly.

Given GP appointment next day and doctor prescribed diazepam for a week and to come back after that.

Prior to taking sert. for the first time I had minor anxiety but never experienced anything even close to this.

Is it possible that just re-taking the two tablets could have caused this? Or perhaps its just some late developing withdrawal.

Or could it be a relapse of illness with some new anxiety and taking the 2 sertraline was just a coincidence?

So confused and worried and feel like the docs don't seem overly interested but my nervous system and brain fog/disassociation is in overdrive and I am finding it so hard to cope and can barely sleep.

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Okapi,

    Gosh I remember feeling like this once, I really wish I could take away your pain , it's awful I know, but it will pass I promise you.

    I'm no dr , but I've been on sertraline for 14 months now, and have been trying to reduce over the last 3 months.

    Now my personal theory is you are having a bit of both (withdrawal and the start up affects) and dr's are wrong you CAN have side affects just from one dose! The flu type symptoms sound like the withdrawals, I recently cut down to 25mg from a bit less than 50mg, I felt like I had the flu for a few days and was very low and tearful !!

    The anxiety you are having sounds like the start up of sertraline, I was the same in fact it drove me to feeling suicidal.

    I think now you need to keep taking them until you get well again. Then after few months , if you want to stop, you must do it very very slowly. The general advise on her is to reduce you're dose by 10% each month, or even longer depends how you feel.

    Try and stick with it now, and use the diazepam to help at worst times, for me was mornings.

    Keep chatting on here for support.

    Big hugs to you xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for the reply and support.

      The diazepam doesnt seem to do a great deal...what dose were you taking?

      I have a weeks prescription until I see the GP again so I will continue to take it.

      I got scared after (what I assumed) was the reaction to restarting the sertraline so today took a quarter dose 12.5g in the hope that it might quell some of the WD without me taking such a bit hit of anxiety.

    • Posted

      I used to take between 3mg and 4 mg, 3mg would keep the anxiety away, and the 4mg would put me to sleep, but I wouldn't always stay a sleep.

      If I were you I would get. Ack on a 50mg dose and keep on it till I was ok again.

      Then maybe summer time start trying to reduce it again slowly Hun. Xx

    • Posted

      I have been given 5g diazepam but it doesn't seem to make a big difference. Should it kick in almost straight away or take a few hours?

      I have brought my sert up to 25 mg and feel I will stick with that until I see my Dr next week. Felt like I'd turned a corner yesterday but not great again today.

      P.s do you take your sert at night or in the day?

  • Posted

    I'm so relieved to read your post, this is happening to me at the moment - I switched from Sert to Venlafaxine 3 weeks ago and felt ok at the time but I'm now struggling with very low mood, brain zaps, confusion and short term memory issues - my stomach feels full of wind and I'm getting pain in my lower gut, thick, heavy head - I have an appointment with my gp on Tuesday.   I came off Sert, no because it didn't work, it did, beautifully, but it caused 'intimacy issues' and that made me feel sad after many happy years in that department.

    I'm not sure now what to do - whether to go back to Sert with its happy me but side effects, stick with Ven and hope the withdrawals go away or try something altogether different.

    This maybe isn't of much help to you but I'm thankful for your sharing, it makes me feel much less alone on a day where all I really feel like doing is sitting with my head in my hands and having a good cry!

    Sending much love your way and hope your doctor can give you some answers soon.


    • Posted

      Thank you for your comment and I couldn't agree more. While very sorry to hear you are also struggling it certainly helps to have contact with others going through the same thing.

      It is so difficult to know if the side effects are worth it...when you have no idea if, or when they may subside. Hopefully you have a very sympathetic Dr who can talk through all your options with you and with luck perhaps you see reduction in side effects soon.

      I am not too confident in my Dr but it would have been a 3 week wait until I could have seen a different one at the surgery.

      Take care of yourself and good luck with your appointment

    • Posted

      Thank you Okapi - I feel we need to keep in touch over this issue - how are you doing today?

      I'm low as can be today and I'm not sure what to do, clearly the venlafaxine isn't helping.  The sertraline worked wonders for my mood it was just the side effect that was the problem - perhaps I have to make the choice to live with it as an issue and hopefully it may resolve over time or when the dose is lowered again when the days lengthen and I start to feel better again.   The venlafaxine is giving me horrible head zaps when I get to within an hour of needing the next dose and today I feel like my mood is in my boots - all I want to do is sit and cry, sorry, feeling very sorry for myself today - got my SAD light next to me in the hope that will help too.

      Sending healing thoughts your way, I really pray things will work out well for you very soon, and you get some help from your doctors.

      Look after yourself.

    • Posted

      I actually went to work today for the first time in a week. Very anxious but I made it through and it give me less time to dwell on things even though I was only operating at about 10% capacity.

      It sounds like you are having a horrid day and never apologize for how you are feeling. It is incredibly hard to cope sometimes.

      Try and get to see your Dr...I know they often will say to stick with it for a while but sometimes the side effects are just not worth it.

      Take care and keep telling yourself you are talking the steps necessary to try and get better or at least be stable and productive. You will beat these current terrible feelings

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your lovely reply.  I'm seeing the doctor later today, how ironic that this morning I feel so much better, the sun is shining, I got a good night's sleep and the world feels a better place to be . . . bad days can be so awful can't they but it was a real help just knowing that I'm not alone, thank you so much 

    • Posted

      Good to hear you are having a much better day today. A good sleep can make the world of difference. First time in a week I slept at a reasonable time and with no interruptions through the night and I also feel a little better.

      Hope things are productive with the doctor and yes it helps so much to have support from others in the same situation smile

    • Posted

      Really, really pleased you had a better sleep time too, it really does help doesn't it.

      So after chatting with my GP yesterday I've made the decision to switch back to Sert.   A decision made which feels better.   I was mentally so much better on Sert, just the side effects of insomnia and intimacy issues but I will work with those . . . better to have side effects to work with and feel mentally well and go about my day with a spring in my step than to struggle as I was doing on the Venlafaxine . . .  fingers crossed I've made the right decision.

      Thank you for sharing your experiences and for our conversations.  


    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      How are you getting on?

      I thought I was improving but seem to be going backwards again. Not been able to get out of the house for the last few days.

      I am beginning to wonder if perhaps somehow my body has changed during the withdrawal and now won't tolerate the sertraline anymore

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear this Okapi - this journey can be a real rollercoaster can't it . . .

      I'm doing reasonably ok, Saturday was good, yesterday not so much and pretty similar today - I'm not coping with anything unexpected or with time pressures.   I'm not sure how much of this is down to changing back to Sert and tapering Venlafaxine.  Got another appointment in a couple of weeks.

      I'm not sure if your body has changed during withdrawal - is this something you could discuss with your doctor?  Maybe it's anxiety lurking, sorry you can't get out of the house, do you have a garden you could take a walk in, or just open the window perhaps and enjoy some deep relaxing breaths of fresh air?


    • Posted

      Luckily I managed to get a cancellation appointment at the doctor. They have advised me to stop with the sertraline for now and want me to see a psych doctor for a more specialist opinion. So I guess I see how that goes. Got out briefly for a walk as its a much nicer day today and spent some time with my parents dog.

      Slightly better after a good chat with this doctor who seemed much more interested and involved (rather than the previous one...who seemed to just want to throw diazepam at me and get me out of there)

      I hope your day picks up a bit. I agree, its a tough ride and seems a lot of trial and error which can be tough and tiring!

    • Posted

      I'm really pleased you're getting somewhere - having the right doctor really helps and it seems like you've found one.

      And wow - you got outside and enjoyed the sunshine, that's a really positive step.  Dogs are good therapy too - I used to have a horse, I really, really found being with him so peaceful and I miss him now he's no longer with us.

      The dreaded insomnia hit me last evening, I'm running on just over 4 hours sleep so I'm going to have to find something non prescription or addictive to help me get into a good sleep pattern.

      Thinking of you and glad that we're having this conversation, I feel much less alone knowing you're here and we are both on a very similar journey.

      S xx

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear about the insomnia...I was the same. Only about 3 hours sleep. I did go to work today though (nearly turned back twice since I didn't think I could do it but pushed through). So difficult. I feel I am barely there and doing anything but at the same time it does help to give the mind something other than myself to focus on.

      Hope your day has managed to have some sort of positives. Yes it helps so much to speak to someone who understands!

    • Posted

      Good morning Okapi - well done on getting to work, thats great news.  My day yesterday was good thank you, like you I managed to keep busy and I have another busy day today, busy, but volunteering busy so it doesn't feel so pressured.

      Managed to get some sleep last evening too which is good (I cheated a little and took some prescription pain killers which make me feel drowsy - I'm waiting for knee replacement surgery in a few weeks so I have the need to take them anyway) - and they helped me doze off which is lovely - feeling positive today.

      Hope you have another good, positive day.


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