Sertraline (Zoloft) & Headache/Jaw Pain

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Hi all! I've been taking Zoloft since the start of April. Started on 50 mg and have steadily increased up to my current dose of 150 mg. I've been taking the 150 dose for 2 weeks and over the last few days I have noticed a tension type headache that won't go away (it will dull if I take Advil and then come back) then last night the left side of my jaw started hurting. I've read teeth grinding can be a side effect of Zoloft. Has anyone experienced this and have any advise on how to handle it?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I had a similar experience when starting Sertraline. I had a constant tension headache for nearly 3 weeks and then one day,  it just stopped. This wasn't until I was about 8-10 weeks into Sertraline though. I also had chattering teeth rather than grinding. Hang in there. It does get better. 

  • Posted

    Thank you for letting us know about the tension headaches.

    I feel my headache is behind my eyes, it feels like a sinus headache, but it could be tension , that may make more sense.

    I will keep at the medication until I speak to my doctor on the 2nd.

    Thank you for your thoughts .

  • Posted

    I have had the exact same type of headache, it’s been about 8 weeks on 50mg. I have an appt in 3 days and I have a feeling they are going to try a different medication. 
  • Posted

    My common when you increase/decrease dosages I’m on week 5 of 50mg, had the sore jaw for around 11 days then just stopped. Like a lot of people will tell you your body just needs to take time to adjust. 

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