Set back with anxiety

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So was starting to feel great again and now I have found a lump under my chin a few cm down towards my neck I’m booked in the Doctors for half 4 I’m so scared my anxiety jas gone mad what if it’s cancer I’m 29 have a 4 year old a 10 year old and I can’t leave them alone ??😰

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    It’s probably just a cyst, my brother has one on the side of his neck. But please keep us posted! God Bless. 
    • Posted

      Hi joe just back from my appointment doctor said 1000% nothing to worry about as it’s on the surface of my skin I can grab it so it’s not deep inside she said probably a cyst could get bigger etc if I have any problems go back but my stupid anxiety has got me doubting what my doctor said and maybe she’s got it wrong 🙈😩 xx

    • Posted

      Right on, glad everything seems ok, now you can get that anxiety back down to normal lol!! 
  • Posted

    Hi Claire. Great to hear it’s nothing too serious! How are you getting on with sertraline? I think we are similar. I’ve been on it 4 weeks on Monday just gone. 50mg! Are you on the same? X
    • Posted

      Hi Lauren yea I’m on my 4th week now day 33 feel ok still gettin the odd headache feel lazy like hardly any motivation but I am quite a lazy person lol 🙈 my stomach still seems to be affected to odd cramp dioria and a burning sensation in my belly to how do you feel hopefully we are not far from the point of feelin the full effect xxxx

    • Posted

      I’m on 31! My anxiety seems to of got a little worse this week but I have read that some people have had bad weeks on 4/5 then starts levelling out between 6-8! Hope so! It’s been a long 4 weeks. I feel okay just tired and the above.... you still getting anxiety as bad? Are you on 50mg? X 
    • Posted

      Yeah I’m on 50mg love I feel tired and my arms feel heavy n achy to xx
  • Posted

    I know what is it to be scared of health issues. Im just like that and its really annoying to get to focus on everything on or in our body.

    My psy always remind me to stop worriying about my health but instead to start taking care of myself. But its hard to switch that "mostly" unconscious cycle.

    • Posted

      Yes it’s hard for me not to worry and not think something serious is going on xx
  • Posted


    It’s probably nothing to worry about.  Don’t stress yourself out by jumping to the C word! I had an odd fatty growth in my chin, it went away on its own. Please let us know later today, ok?

    Calming Hugs to you - x kat

    • Posted

      Hi I seen the doctor she said it’s definitely nothing serious she jus had a look and a little feel I’m still doubting what she said though but that’s health anxiety for you isn’t it xxxx
  • Posted

    Yes, I do the same thing. Listen to your Doc, take a deep breath and turn the page by having a good day. Go do something fun that will make you laugh. It really works. - x kat
    • Posted

      It’s bedtime soon so a comedy and sleep for me but I shall do something with the kids tomorrow xxx thank you

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