Setraline and weird thoughts

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hey, just need some advice or even just to make sure I'm not going crazy. been on sertraline for around 6 months now 100mg, but since I've been taking them I have weird thoughts about the same sex. I'm a heterosexual mum in a happy relationship, I know I'm not attracted to women and never have been but have weird thoughts. like if I notice a womans boobs am I a lesbian!! or if a I dream about a woman in my bed!! makes me want to stop taking the antidepressants, my thoughts are just so weird and out there.

hope I'm not alone

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    if theyre constant and out of control thoughts - then theres a chance that its OCD

  • Edited

    Hi Lucy, definitely OCD obsessive thought. Now why would I know? It's because I've had it myself more than 2 decades ago, before I even realized it was OCD. It was when I was in college and I started freaking out thinking I was gay...even though I was in a very happy relationship. And I'm not homophobic or anything like that. Then I started thinking what if I was gay and not know it? And then the thoughts just went on and on, spiraling out of control. If you google OCD common weird thoughts, which I did years later, you will find out that this is actually a very common obsessive thought. I've actually had most of them. I went through a phase of being afraid of contracting AIDS, then another phase of hurting the ones I love without knowing, etc.

    The fact that you've been on this sert at 100mg for 6 months means that it's helping you. I think you are getting these thoughts more now because something triggered it. Has there been some event in your life recently? Are you more stressed? That's usually the cause of my OCD thoughts coming back. Take care. Please know that these are just thoughts and they are harmless. Laugh it off. Make a joke out of it. Do NOT try to reason, because you will make it worst because you mind will go in a loop and drive you mad. Take care.

  • Posted

    hi guys,

    thank you for replying, I feel the sert has helped my PTSD, anxiety and depression. I've never considered OCD because I just assumed it was for people who did personal rational actions like flipping g a light switch 12 times or not walking on cracks in the road.

    I feel like the thoughts do consume me sometimes.

    when I was in high school I did kiss a girl in a game of truth and dare, this quickly spread round my high school at the time and I was bullied for it. Maybe its connecting to that?

    with regarding to stressful times, we all are with corona virus etc

    thank you again

  • Posted


    I was hit with the exact same issues roughly 4 months ago. I am 25 years old and ive never considered my sexuality, its something that comes naturally and your sexuality CANNOT be changed. People who are gay or bisexual know this from childhood/teenage years. you cannot suddenly turn gay likewise if youre gay you cannot suddenly turn straight. People who are gay can also obsess that they are turning straight. I also thought that OCD was handwashing, cleaning etc. then I stumbled across "Pure-O" do your research and see if you can relate to it

    • Posted

      Hi matt,

      I feel less alone now that I know I'm not the only one with these thoughts. I will definitely will look at pure-o.

      I'm hoping these thoughts will subside!


  • Posted

    hi Lucy,

    this is currently happening to me at the moment, in a happy hetrosexual relationship but kept getting thoughts that maybe i was gay, which i have never thought before. i didnt realise OCD was so much more than just cleaning and having things in certain places and realised this is what it is with these thoughts, can empathise its strange because if i think on acting on the thoughts i realise its just a ocd thought because thats not what i want! it really is awful, sertraline has made mine worse but i hope it will pass soon!! take care

    • Posted

      hi Jane,

      thank you for sharing, I really appreciate it. I've shared with my boyfriend my intrusive thoughts, and I'm lucky he's supporting me.

      just want them to subside now. I'm starting to obsess, suppose thats why its OCD.

      hope your OK


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