Severe abdominal pain for months

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Hello, my problem started about 6 maybe 7 months ago now. I used to have pains in my lower belly from time to time for maybe couple of years but thought it's normal women's issues, however at the beginning of this year the pain started to be unbearable and I keep getting more and more symptoms. Now I am suffering from pains that go all the way to my lower back, uncomfortable discharge, pain during and after sexual intercourse, bleeding when I am not supposed to, I feel bloated and I am not even able to wear my normal size trousers as it hurts too much, can't properly bed over without being in pain, sometimes it hurt when I go to the toilet, I am slowly but surely starting to lose my appetite as well as I feel very much like throwing up after every meal and there is many more issues. The problem is I have gone to see my GP who has done all sorts of tests - they sent me to see gynaecologist as they said there is nothing else they can do. The specialist has examined me, sent me to laparoscopy to potentially look for endometriosis however they haven't found anything at all. Now I am getting very frustrated as I have had my appendix out in the past as well so that can't be the problem and on top of it my mum has suffered a cervical cancer in the past. I feel very very stressed as my problems are only getting worse and I feel like no one knows what is happening. Anyone ever had any similar problems?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi anetmau

    When you say you have all sorts of tests can you be more specific.....

    • Posted

      I have had test for all STIs they've done a test for womb infection, bladder infection, ultrasound, some swaps were taken for other vaginal infections, I was examined by gynaecologist and then had the laparoscopy with no result. Which I'm sure is not all the tests possible but the thing is all the doctors told me there is nothing else they can do which frustrates me as I'm sure there's so much more.

  • Posted

    Hi anetmau

    You don't mention if you have had a cervical smear test for cervical cancer or a CA125 blood test for ovarian cancer....obviously you are anxious about cancer because your mum had it...ask your health provider to have these tests carried wishes...

    • Posted

      Hello and thank you for your replies,

      unfortunately I have asked about the smear but as I am only 22 years old I was told they can't do it because the minimum age is 25. But I'm sure no one said anything about ovarian cancer to me so I will ask about that, thank you.

    • Posted

      Hi anetmau

      How ridiculous not giving you a smear test because of your age....anyone who is sexually active and has your symptoms should be given a smear sure you ask for and get the CA125 blood test....mention the pain when bending..but if you have had an ultrasound scan of the ovaries anything wrong with your ovaries would have been picked up such as they may not do it.....but ask anyway...i do hope you can get an answer it must be so frustrating for you. . .is there any way you can go private and get a smear test? best wishes to you to get a diagnosis....

    • Posted

      I know, it's really annoying especially after being told that apparently they have tried everything else that could possibly be wrong. But two different GPs have told me there is no way they can do the smear till I'm 25. I do have another appointment fairly soon so I will be sure to mention the blood test and if they still do nothing I guess going private will be my only option. Thank you very much for your replies I appreciate it.

    • Posted

      No problem at all... .just happy to be of some help....i sincerely hope you get some answers soon..keep us posted...
  • Posted

    Discharge could be an infection. Have you had any tests to see if you have thrush or bacterial vaginosis?  I had discharge and my test came back positive for thrush.  I had it twice and medication cleared it up.  Have you been checked for cysts or fibroids?

    The other possibility is having your appendix out can cause disturbance to your intestines.

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