Severe anxiety over neurological disease
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For the past two months i have had severe muscle twitches and pains all over my body. I have been to many hospitals because i felt like i couldnt breathe and they said there was nothing wrong and it was just anxiety. My doctor did many blood tests and said nothing was wrong and that it was just anxiety. I had an ANA test which is to test for autoimmune diseases which came out positive but my doctor said they did other tests to look for the diseases but couldnt find any which he told me i didnt have an auto immune disease. I went to the neurologist today and told them all my symptoms and are going to do a head mri and an emg to check my nerves and muscles. I also told them about my ANA test and she said that they are gonna look more into it since it came out positive which scared me more. I am scared that it might be MS and dont know what to do. I also have been experiencing a new symptom which feels like drops of water drop sometime on my arm and it really scares me that it is something neurological and not just anxiety. Does anyone else experience these symptoms where drops of water are on your body and it feels cold.
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jan34534 joaquin00537
yep ive had the drop of water sensation on my skin. It’s just anxiety once again. I really think you’re going to be just fine. When you find out that the testing is normal, that’s when you have to remind yourself of all the symptoms that can be produced by anxiety., Including the muscle twitching. . Take care
sasical72 joaquin00537
Yes, "just" anxiety can cause all these symptoms.