Severe cough, rib pain, chest pain, anxiety... can't deal!
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Hi everyone,
Before I start I'll just state that I'm 19 years old, slim and generally healthy. I've been suffering with a cough for 3 weeks now, and it only seems to be getting worse. It is a constant violent cough, dry, but wet if that makes sense? I cough up clear mucus. It seems worse at night, I can't lie down without having a coughing fit and the pain in my throat and my ribs is unbearable I also have awful pains in my upper back, and weird shooting nerve pains in my arms. I've been to the doctors twice, first time he listened to my heart and lungs said they were clear and said I had Costochondritis which is causing my pain. Didn't say anything about my cough. So I went back to see a different doctor, by now I was also having pains in my left leg and googling this and as always it comes up with the worst case scenario... Blood clots which got me really worked up. She told me I didn't have blood clots, just by feeling my leg and saying it was soft, and said I have acid reflux which is causing my cough and all the other symptoms. I still can't stop worrying that my cough is something much worse and I have been misdiagnosed and there is something wrong with my lungs
I also keep worrying about the pain in my leg, which is getting worse... I feel as if it was just brushed off but when I read online about others who ended up having blood clots their symptoms were just like mine and I'm so scared of this happening to me
I realise I have really bad health anxiety, but it makes it worse that I haven't even had proper tests or anything done to rule out the worst things!
I'm finding it so hard to deal with this, I feel like this anxiety is taking over my life Thanks to anyone who reads this essay of a post, I feel I just needed it off my chest.
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beverley58530 Hol5112
Hol5112 beverley58530
I have heard about them nasal rinses, I think I will definitely try one!
Thank you for your response, hope your cough goes soon as well!
julieanne_85209 beverley58530
Have exactly the same.. 若❤
ptolemy Hol5112
mcirish Hol5112
Don't worry hon, you'll be fine.
Hol5112 mcirish
Thank you for your reply
josephine_30311 Hol5112
Bronchostop is a cough SUPPRESSANT.. in fact any cough suppressant will help, I just happened to like the taste of Bronchostop.
Most importantly, calm down. The anxiety you're feeling is making it worse because you're constantly tense.
Try a cough suppressant, and if the cough hasn't cleared up in a few days, go back to your doctors.
And Beverley is right .. nasal drip will make you cough. I use Nasobec .. not sure you can get it over the counter, but your chemist will advise you.
Most importantly .. calm down.
You're going to be okay.
Hol5112 josephine_30311
It really is awful
I wish I could just stop the anxious thoughts! I know the thoughts in my head are probably causing all the strange pains I feel, but I still just end up panicking whenever I get them thinking I'm going to die!! 
It makes it worse that I have exams this week, which is making me even MORE anxious and stressed out... I just wish I would start feeling better soon
thank you for your post x
josephine_30311 Hol5112
Have a look on Youtube for some breathing exercises to do .. Yoga, or Buteyko breathing. Whenever you feel anxious, close your eyes and breath. Calm down.
And good luck with the exams!
Hol5112 josephine_30311
And thanks!