Severe depression during panic attack
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Hi everyone,
Some quick info on my condition. I was diagnosed with mononucleosis/glandular fever in Oct 2015 and now i am dealing with a post viral syndrome/chronic fatigue type of illness. You might be aware with this virus that it's common to feel better and then relapse and then feel better and then relapse. Well,1 week ago i experienced a relapse and my anxiety has been through the roof. I have been having multiple panic attacks during the day, negative racing thoughts etc. This morning i woke up feeling ok but shortly after getting out of bed i experienced a different style of panic attack. I began feeling SEVERELY depressed and felt like i was going insane as well as anxiety but honestly the severe depressive feeling was the stand out symptom. I felt suicidal it was that bad. It was absolutely terrifying. I went to the ER because i wanted to get assessed by a doctor because i felt like i was literally going mad.
I've had many panic attacks in my life but never one quite like that.. i didn't even realise it was a panic attack until the doctor and mental health care nurse reassured me. Of course i'm absolutely terrified of it happening again now.. I just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has experienced this type of panic attack? I was sweating and shaking uncontrollably and felt like rolling up into a ball and dying and i don't put that lightly.. it was just horrible.
Hope to hear from someone. Thanks!
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kezjane Aquin
Yes I've had similar to this and now feel the same way after. My dr reassured me this is typical of a panic attack and also to go on to fear having another panic attack. I'm used to panic and anxiety so when I had an almighty panic attack I didn't realise that was what it was. I called for the paramedics as I thought I was dying! They also reassured me it was just anxiety/panic. I'm assuming panic attacks can change and can range from mild to severe. Also the feeling of going insane is part and parcel of panic/anxiety from what I've read.
Aquin kezjane
Thanks so much for your reply Kezjane. Although it's a seriously messed up experience it's good to know i'm not alone. No one should have the deal with the severity of those depressive thoughts. Mental illness seriously sucks.
el90680 Aquin
Aquin el90680
Thank you so much for taking the time to reassure me. And i appreciate the tips too. Ive been using insight timer which helps but ive been using small amounts of xanax to maintain my sanity. Im going to see my doctor today and getting on something longer lasting like valium. I can't handle ssris assuming thats what cipralex is.
abby60315 Aquin
OH MY GOSH. I know you posted this a long time ago but I really hope that you get my message. I have had a couple of these types of panic attacks in the past few weeks and I have never been more scared in my life. I've been prone to panic attacks for a few years now, but NOTHING like these ones. The ones I've had previously were more physical symptoms but the ones recently have of course had some physical symptoms but the mental symptoms were MUCH scarier, feeling like you're going to hurt yourself, or just go comPLETELY insane and lose it is absolutely terrifying. Feeling so dark and everything seems so scary and like you just want to rip your skin off and die. I just wanted to respond because I have been searching and searching for someone who has felt this way before. I've become avoidant of people and places because I'm so scared that I will have THIS type of a panic attack there and if I did, I honestly don't know what I'd do. I feel like I'd start just babbling in a corner saying weird stuff or hurt myself or someone else. SO weird. Brains are honestly crazy. When you went to the ER did they tell you to see a psychiatrist? What type of medication are you on now to help? I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious. If you don't want to say then thats totally fine . Thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope you get this message because I'm in the exact same boat and so scared!
GerardCB abby60315
Abby I wanna let you know as well, you aren't alone. I have experienced panic plenty of times, but some of them were absolutely horrible in my mind. I felt so depressed and so alone, just crying.
I am currently taking Citalopram which helps a bit, but I am not going with what the doctor wants, which is to up my dosage, because I don't want to be dependent on it. I take ativan on occastional flare ups maybe three times a month.
I recommend reading books about panic. I have gotten in trouble on this forum for recommending a specific book, but I recommend to look up popular books on panic. It has helped me out more than therapy, meds, and any other breathing advice I see on the internet. Books on panic bring your mental state into seeing it in a different perspective.
I also recommend taking B-Complex vitamins. It could be possible that the lack of vitamins in your diet is increasing your anxiety and panic. Also, 200mg magnesium and 200mg calcium helps relax the muscles for anxiety and panic. Really, it doesn't hurt to try because if your body is lacking it, then it will help tons. If not, it will still help a bit and its good for you.
Take care Abby!
abby60315 GerardCB
Thank you so much for replying, Gerard! I actually have been on citalopram before and had a pretty good experience with and stopped taking it last summer because I felt I didn't need it anymore. I actually have a couple of books on panic and theres a certain one which I definitely need to re-read but I won't name it because I don't want to get in trouble . I actually have an autoimmune disease which is known to cause depression and anxiety and worsen them if you already have them so, lovely. Haha I currently take a b complex and calcium as well as other supplements but I will absolutely look into the magnesium, I definitely need help with sleep too (it's currently 3:11am where I am now). Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. Hope you're doing well. Anxiety is a complete b*tch!!!
GerardCB abby60315
Yes look into magnesium! Yeah you seem to be doing the best you can at treating the panic Abby. The most helpful thing I have EVER learned about helping panic is to ALLOW it. If it's weighing you down, just find a way to shift your mental state to just be like "you know what, it wont kill me. I'll just accept it." That alone gives me more comfort than any other supplement.
For sleep, L-theanine works to calm the mind if thats your problem. Also, valerian root helps for sleep (so I've researched). I'm gonna try that out soon. If you just look up supplements for sleep you can find tons of info.
Also, meditation helps me sleep too. Just look up tutorials on that. Helps make me bored out of my mind haha so I just drift off to sleep like I do in my college classes
abby60315 GerardCB
Thank you! I'm always trying so hard to fight the panic/depressed feelings when they come, and feel guilty for having them and then it just feeds the fire so I definitely have to work on that. I've done meditation before and it was awesome, almost fell asleep haha but I loooove relaxing music so I'll have to turn some on and just zone out. I've heard good things about L-theanine and valerian root as well! Thanks for all your help once again and kind words. Trying to distract myself as best I can, and trying to avoid DRINKING, ugh. Hard to do in a small town, but it makes everything 2737472 times worse the next day. 🙄😂
Aquin abby60315
Hi Abby! Im still here! Im soooo sorry to hear you've been going through something similar. It was awful and an absolutely terrifying time for me. I ended up taking 20mg fluoxetine (prozac). Because I was so sensitive (i could barely leave the my bedroom let alone the house) i gradually built up from 5mg to 20mg over literally like 4-5 months. I have been doing SO much better since being on a stable 20mg dosage as well as meditating daily. I can't even put into words how hopeless and absolutely terrified i felt at the time. It was a nightmare. But im almost a fully functioning human again! You will get there i promise. You can message me any time too ?
abby60315 Aquin
Yay!!! I'm so glad to hear you're doing much better. I actually have a full bottle of Prozac 20mg sitting in my kitchen now because my endocrinologist suggested I take it for my anxiety but I've been on honestly almost 10 or so antidepressants and they've all made me feel so foggy and disoriented but I still feel that way so I might give them a try again. It's just such a slippery slope with them because I also am superrr sensitive to meds! Scared to take anything besides ibuprofen haha. Thank you so much for your reply. I will be fine soon enough I'm sure, going to try to meditate, do yoga and eat better and exercise and if that doesn't seem to do a darn thing then Prozac it is! Thanks again, and I hope you continue to feel well!
GerardCB abby60315
A lot of people say that drinking makes anxiety worse the next day. But for me I dont feel that. Maybe after drinking for a while I've learned to ALWAYS drink water while I drink and eat beforehand so I don't get hangovers. I used to get hangovers a lot BEFORE I had anxiety, but now can prevent them.
Is it because of your hangovers that you get anxiety after drinking? Because of so, try eating beforehand and drinking a bunch of water the whole time you drink.
abby60315 GerardCB
I'm honestly not sure if the actual hangover itself causes the anxiety. I'm very familiar with hangovers unfortunately haha, and while I usually am a bit more anxious the day after drinking, it's been just recently that I get reeeeally bad anxiety and depressive symptoms after it. I think it's mostly because I'm just insanely stressed at the moment and alcohol really exacerbates it. I definitely drink a bunch of water before bed and normally eat before drinking too . I guess I just need to abstain from drinking a bit until I get my ducks in a row, it's just hard to do when that's mostly what my friends and I do when we get together. Thanks for your response!
gwen45436 abby60315
Hugs to all - we will crack it.