Severe entire back burning

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The strangest thing today happened and it's still going on. I don't know if this is peri or not. But my entire back is burning . It started with lower back and lower stomach but now it is the whole entire back. The weirdest thing if one touched it you can actually feel the hotness from the touch.

I've been seeing a chiropractor for the past few months. This sympton started last month but was minor but it has gotten worse

Today was the worse of all. This is period week but no show. Don't know if it's hormonal or if problem with spine or something else. Don't think I'm continuing therapy for chiropractor.

Anyone else experience buring back?

May I add that I was experiencing coldness a few weeks ago but the bottom part of my body . Now it's hot...

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi mary i do nt hav those symtoms but we all r going tru changes i hope an pray u get over quickly
  • Posted

    Hi Mary. One of the only symptoms I have now is icy cold chills to the bottom of my legs and feet like someone tipped ice on them then I'll get hot burning the same place. Its from my knees down to my feet only and only seems to happen in bed. Used to get the total body hot flashes but they've gone now. Friend if mine only get a burning hot face. Yours definitely sounds like Peri.

  • Posted

    Yes, it is a hot flash from the adrenals. Sometimes drinking salty water help sthe adrenals recover a bit. But it is normal. I have them too. At night and during the day someimes.
    • Posted

      Really? Peri is so unpredictable . How long does yours usually last? Because mine last a long time.

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