Severe episodes of abdominal pain!

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For 3 weeks I've had this constant sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. It has flared up very severely 3 times and I've needed to go to a&e. The pain becomes so bad, I just faint. In a&e, the blood tests and scans are all normal and there are no signs of an inflammation/infection anywhere. They did however find blood in the urine. The only pain relief that seems to work is morphine as I am allergic to other pain relief (ibuprofen, codeine, tramadol and aspirin).

Doctors don't want to do anymore tests and can't seem to find out cause of the pain.

However, they do have a few theories as to what it could be:

  1. stump appendicitis
  2. endometriosis
  3. burst ovarian cyst
  4. adhesion pain from previous laparoscopy operations

They say the last resort is doing another laparoscopy - which I am trying to avoid.

I don't want to keep going to a&e to get some morphine and possibly getting an addiction to it. It's really frustrating and I don't know what to do!

I've been referred to a gynae clinic, but even then that could take weeks! What do I do in the mean time - keep passing out from the pain!

Past medical history:

  • ovarian cyst removed through laparoscopy
  • appendicitis (appendix removed)
  • stomach ulcer
  • kidney and lung infection, leading to sepsis
  • small kidney stone

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    • Also, just to add I am a 22yr old female.
  • Posted

    in my humble opinion you just answered your own question....

    note i have no medical background....

    the pain and location you are describing match kidney stone in my book. i had it in my mind before reading your post fully....

    take care

  • Posted

    Hi yasmin230

    If there was blood in your urine i would think you should be referred to a Urologist and as already mentioned checked for kidney stones also have a cystoscopy to check all well with your bladder.....

    • Posted

      I did ask the a&e doctors to be referred but they said no. One doctor even asked me 'what did I hope to achieve by coming in tonight'. I am getting nowhere with these doctors. They just keep giving me morphine but not wanting to find the cause of the pain.

  • Posted

    The only thing you can do is to wait for your referral to the gnae clinic.. I can't understand why they don't want to do further tests since the only way of proving whether you have the other conditions they suspect is to do scans. You may need another laparoscopy. Go back to your doctor and push for further scans

  • Posted

    What did they conclude from the blood in your urine? You would need a cystoscopy/urine test from urologist and also get checked for kidney stones.

    • Posted

      Doctors tested the blood in the urine, but didn't follow up with anything. One doctor said it was fine and nothing to worry about. They don't want to do anything else even after insisting.

    • Posted

      This is very strange. When I had tests, I was always told the results and when I requested tests, they agreed and I had a follow up after the results came through.I never had to insist. I would change my doctor or make a complaint since you aren't satisfied.

    • Posted

      No further test after blood found in the urine ? You insisted ? There are a few quacks in the medical field , and i am afraid yours is one of them ! Find another and get answers . Knowing is a peace of mind . Get well soon

  • Posted

    I have been to hospital for similar pain, and a lot of tests with no answers. I did not have blood in urine though. I also feel a pulling in the area the pain was that goes across the pelvic area. They said not kidney stones or ovary issues. it has been over a year and now last few months at night I have to pee several times but not emptying bladder fully. also feels like my nerves are in pain in the abdominal area across where the severe pain was. I don't understand why medical professionals just stop doing tests and give up on patients. it is destroying my day to day. I am seeing a new dr in 2 weeks and hopefully we both get answers.

  • Posted

    I have been given an appointment to go to a specialist gynae clinic, so hopefully it goes well !

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