Severe Hair Loss
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I am new to these forums. I found this site today, really helpful.
It is extremely interesting to read about your experiences with peri/meno!
I confess that I thought I might just scrape through without too many problems. I talked to one lady who had absolutely no symptoms and was fine, to others who all mention hair loss, quite a few.
I am nearing my 52nd birthday, and since turning 50 I have noticed that may hair has just thinned out so much and with it my confidence. It is bad; I just don't recognise myself anymore...
Sunken eyes, dark circles, thin greying hair I look awful and somedays I just feel so weak.
Lately I felt such pain and tighness in front on neck with some swelling and I fear my thyroid may be going awol, if not gone.
My skin is dry and I am cold.
Can anyone relate to these symptoms? Sorry my brain is foggy today hence meadnering post here.
I do feel desperate as hair loss is just something else, when I wash it out it comes in strands and when I try and dry it is eveyrwhere, I get so weary clearing up bathroom afterwards...strange thing is I can't cry about it or get too depressed about it, just seems pointless,but I feel helpless, particulary about tightness and pain around throat area it;s a misery!
I could scream! Does anyone have any ideas? What should I do, GP won't listen and I am fedup of visiting them.
PS. My white cell count is very low and I wonder about this?
Sorry heavy first post I know, but just curious about your similar experiences or any ideas...thank you for reading! (off day today and can't string a sentence together!)
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rcharris8 Highlands51
rcharris8 Highlands51
middlemuddle Highlands51
I know it is difficult but you need to go back to the GP for blood tests for several things including thyroid, iron, folate and B12 plus FBC. Have you asked for blood tests. I know it is difficult, I am hopeless in the surgery and usually cry.
marlene21102 Highlands51
Hair thinning is down to menopause ,or even thyroid problem .Id go get dr check it out .Know what's going on .
Jan999 Highlands51
jayneejay Highlands51
i am 50 post meno and i have had this hair loss, first in peri when my hair use to block plug hole and brush or comb was covered..
i took Kelp 1000mg a day and it stopped, infact i forgot it even happened.
then i carried on taking the kelp 1000mg for years... hair never came out ..
kelp is like friendly iron for thyroid health.. a doc once said to me take it it will help.
anyway.. i stopped taking it last year as i take loads of supplements and then noticed my hair coming out again, i have already mentioned it on other posts ..
its was quite bad, clumps in the bath when using the shower to head to wash hair, combing it would come out in clumps, and i could feel hairs tickling my back that were shedding out ..
so i got some more Kelp 1000mg ( simply supplements) infact i have almost used the bottle so been on it a few weeks now again, the hair thinning is almost stopped..
also .. i use those pantene one minute treatments, three in a pack, wow they put the shine back and the gloss and my hair on the road to recovery again
jay xx
my doc told me to take kelp as he noticed my hands were cold ..
a thyroid blood test may be a good idea..
my thyroid was fine, but the kelp helped maintain thyroid health and helped my hair problem ..
good luck hun
jay xx
Highlands51 jayneejay
Your experience sounds so similar, especially hair down the plug hole, that is the worst. I am so pleased for you that your hair has stopped shedding!! Well done!
Pantene treatements sound good too.
Can you recommend kelp supplements, any specific brand?
Did you recommend the magenesium bisglycinate, I think I saw you mentioned it.
Thank you!
jayneejay Highlands51
solgar chelated magnesium 400mg
i live in spain but get mine off amazon uk..
magnesium oxide and citrate has laxative properties, i made that mistake and was running to the loo ( like a penguin) every morning..
as soon as i changed to solgar chelated 400mg.. never had an upset tum since .. its also good for all peri symptoms
jay x
jayneejay Highlands51
i also get from UK
kelp 1000mg from simply supplements site
also get my Vit E 400iu from them
and my menapol plus supplements
jay x
jump1 jayneejay
Thank you for all your helpful suggestions!; The Gillian Ford book sounds excellent so thanks for recommending. I don't sleep well either, continually waking up if I am honest. Do you rate any particular omega supplement?
Thanks Middlemuddle for recommending B12, funnily enough I bought some the other day. Actually like yourself the only place I become emotional is in GP surgery, so I can relate to you there, it is so difficult talking to some doctors! I hope you are not suffering as well?
Finally thanks for suggesting thyroid and testing, however I have to be honest and say last results were normal, and this is the thing, Gp's, most seem to go on blood tests. They will not refer to endocrine specialist when TSH appears to be in normal range. Thats' my frustration here.
I have read that certain menopausal/peri symptoms can mimic thyroid problems, and I am guessing this is to do with an oestrogen imbalance? Can anyone advise?
However I take on board your kind advice and will go an beg for more tests, I just pray that something appears.
Hairloss is so unpleasant, truthfully thinking of buying a wig.
However this is last resort, I am not that vain, but!
Thank you.
rcharris8 Highlands51
jayneejay Highlands51
i had insomnia for about 12 years was in peri for 10 years..
nightmare not sleeping classic peri symptom
solar chelated magnesium 400mg ( bisgylcinate ) 30 mins before bed is known to aid sleep in meno ..
works for me ... i am much better now
jay xx
Highlands51 jayneejay
Interesting about mirtazapine, had no idea about this, pleased it's helped you!
Ah sorry jaynee chelated magnesium of course, you did explain in other post, magnesium is crucial especially with thyroid all things related so.
I must make sure I get some,I have used solgar magnesium before, so I will go back to this. Its is the better form.
Another thing on my shopping list!
Many thanks!
jayneejay Highlands51
B6 and B12 have been my saviour
jay x