Severe head pressure and ringing ears

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Today has been a day of me laying in bed crying. My head feels so much pressure that it feels like my eyes, nose ears are going to pop off like Mr potato head in toy story. I'm laughing. i cannot believe i wrote that but that is how i feel. The ringing in my ears is driving me crazy and the dizziness is making me feel sick. Back pain and rib pain is to much to take. Thank God for my son who came over and is going to stay over night in case i need him. Thank God for good kids. Has anyone had these crazy symptoms at once. I cannot take it. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Having the same kind of day! It's awful us ladies have to deal with so much during menopause. I have had all these symptoms and more all at once. You are not alone. I get out and take my dog for walks when it gets too overwhelming. I also do yoga and this really helps. I keep hoping the next day will be better.

  • Posted

    my blood pressure sky rockets before my period, during and when i ovulate. my doctor put me on a HBP med that SENT OUT A LEGAL WARNING DUE TO DUE TO CANCER CAUSING POSSIBILITIES. i now take cinnamon cayenne burdock and due deep breathing every morning and night. hormones do some crazy stuff

  • Edited

    Those of you that have ringing in the ears .. is it like a pounding i.e hearing you hear beat .. it's so overwhelming when lying down trying 2 go 2 sleep .. HELP

    • Edited

      yes I get that on top of the buzzing, hissing sound. so so so sick of it, I feel that makes my anxiety worse, I also get ear and head pressure along with headaches.

  • Posted

    iv also had this on and off for years the head and sinus pressure is unreal and the dizziness takes over my life i get up feeling dizzy it then wears of during the day then comes back for bedtime and i also get blury eyes this is all made the worse with anxiety and stress i also have hight blood pressure and when iam stressed it goes through the roof and that makes me more dizzy so its just a vicious circle i hate the way iam feeling and cant wait for this crap they call the menopause to be over and iam still only in bloody peri at 47 and have been since my hysterectomy at 39 so hang on in there and goodluck and big hugs in feeling better soon xx

  • Posted

    yes lately i have just a weird feeling in my head its like a pressure but not pain its on both sides of head only and it feels like behind my eyes too makes me feel spacey and lately my legs ache and feel like jello its starting to make me anxious where im super aware of everything i feel ughhh i think im crazy lol super tired but hyper too it sucks

  • Posted

    yes ,yes and yes! Seems like everyday its hard to get through for me I'm down on my back and side now pain/pain especially if I turn a certain way on bend!!

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