Severe health anxiety is awful
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anyone else suffer with severe health anxiety? i really can't cope much longer. i keep telling myself I'm not ill but it's a battle. Am having my mammogram next week and am convinced i will have cancer - i even began to look at funeral planning and who i would leave my stuff to.
Sorry to be a pain
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Ladymay maureen175440
I don't think your a pain you can't help what's going through your mind any Anxiety is awful to live with mine is noise Anxiety it's really hard to stop the thoughts that are negative you will soon get the results and put your mind at rest
william68728 maureen175440
All the time. Every ache I have must be cancer, a strained muscle becomes a heart attack, blurry vision means I must be having a stroke. I've lived with it for a long time, and getting on some anxiety medication, talking to a therapist, and researching the actual statistics has helped me. I can tell my logical mind that the chances that I'm having a stroke versus just a migraine are staggering small. That helps, and then knowing I have health anxiety actually helps as well.
It's a viscous cycle, because the mental symptoms of anxiety can cause physical symptoms, which then make your mental symptoms worse, which then makes the physical symptoms work, and on and on it goes.
I hope you find something that works for you, but I would try not to worry unless you get some actual results to worry about, and even then only worry about what you can control. I know it's easier said than done. Good luck 😃
jan34534 maureen175440
Believe me, I know how it feels. It’s just awful. It will definitely be a relief once you find out that the mammogram is just fine. Try to keep yourself busy even after you get the results. The more things I have to do the less I think about things. Take care
sasical72 maureen175440
Yes, I suffer from very severe health anxiety. It is awful and takes over your life completely. When I was younger I had agoraphobia which was also awful because I couldn't go anywhere, but at least if I stayed at home I was allright, now with health anxiety there is no escaping it, it's with me all the time.
So yes, I know where you are coming from. Sorry I can't be of any help x
james36953 maureen175440
I suffer two and have for years, I wouldnt wish it on anyone.
Currently dealing with extreme tiredness, dizziness, tingling all because of it
barbara66703 maureen175440
i think its very normal what covid anxiety has been the cause. i think about the same things but cant get past the thinkin mode. its so complicated. i think well when im gone i wont know what happened to all my stuff thing been saving for kids, savings anyway. it's like im stuck in a circle ,no answers. no matter how hard i try to figure out this conundrum.
kieran35167 barbara66703
Hi sorry to jump in on your post,
I have the same thoughts as you all the time, I run everything through my mind of what will happen when I'm gone how will my son be without me, I'm now taking tablets for it but now I have the side affects to deal with I'm now telling myself I must have something wrong with me, I don't eat when I have my anxiety which again doesn't help, its really hard but its good to know we're not on out own with it.
barbara66703 kieran35167
these intrusive thoughts is the effects of all the stress we have had to cope with lately.
they just creep in while watching something a video or music or even e-stories. something will trigger it and before long i am ruminating about the issue triggered and lost track of where i am in the video or story.
its very frustrating and hard to control once it begins. i try to discipline myself to concentrate ... and in many cases it will drag out until i change what is going on either by walking , or anything else to occupy my wandering hyper brain.
joe14488 maureen175440
Hi Maureen,
I suffer from the same thing. I had a really nasty accident 5 years ago and since then I always fixate on symptoms.
I started having balance problems earlier this year and to rule out anything sinister I had a bunch of tests (spinal mri, brain mri, neuro optho, blood work, eye testing). Everything came back clear but rather than being okay with that I moved onto thinking oh well ALS wouldnt show up on an mri so I could have that and of course this makes the anxiety 100 times worse. So I definitely know where you are coming from.
rajat1818 maureen175440
ask your doctor for fluvoxamine cr it will help with your intrusive thoughts .
and propranolol cr 20 mg .