Severe health anxiety - so many physical symptoms! Can't cope

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Hello everyone!

I've been suffering from (what I think is) severe health anxiety since November last year.

I get light headed + really intense head rushes, sinus pressure, restlessness, neck and back pain, esp on left side and weakness and pain in my legs (again, esp left leg). I actually feel more or less okay when sitting down but as soon as I get up I feel worse. It's esp bad when walking outside - I have tried breathing exercises to calm myself but to no avail - I literally feel like I'm gonna collapse.

I think the problem is - even though I know it's most likely to be anxiety, a small part of my brain tells me there's something else, something much more sinister going on (inside me). I try not to google symptoms anymore and have tried reading the anxiety forum on here (hoping this helps me) but I just feel like I'm getting worse.

A few days ago, I had a really scary episode in the supermarket where I felt like I was going to actually faint. I got palpitations and this strange feeling came over me - as if the wool was being pulled over my upper body and head, kind of like a head rush but much worse! - and I thought that is it. The episode only lasted 10-15 seconds but it has made me even more anxious!

I don't know how to break the cycle. I have always been a very anxious person but these last 7-8 months have been so bad... I don't remember what it's like to feel normal anymore!

Can anyone relate or offer any tips?

I'm so scared to go to the doctors.

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    Your story is so similar to mine. I've had a steady build up of physical symptoms since October last year, and I'm at a point now where I just feel out of it & not myself 24/7. Every night I go to bed hoping I'll wake up the next day & feel like my old self and not in the constant 'fog'. I'm on high alert every single day for physical symptoms & I'm mentally & physically drained.

    I will say that you do need to speak to your GP. It's the first step in trying to get yourself back to the old you. I hate going to the doctors but I've reached a point where its the only option to try & sort myself out. Don't be afraid to speak to them. You'll feel better once you have spoken to them trust me.

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry you also feel this way! I'm exactly the same - on high alert all day! I actually feel more or less okay right after waking/getting up but I then start 'expecting' the symptoms - dizziness, weakness etc - and sure enough, I get them very soon after! And they last pretty much all day!

      I did see a doc last November, had ECG and blood tests and was prescribed blood pressure med (bisoprolol) for my high BP and pulse... Both are now pretty much under control (apart from when I have proper anxiety attacks) but I actually feel worse after that hospital visit (it was very traumatic for me). Now I am even more scared to go to the doctor.

      I hope we both feel better soon!

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