Severe healthy anxiety due to real symptoms (Large Hiatal hernia, heart issues, etc)
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Hello! I hope my message finds you all well, or at least better than me!
I suspect to have a very large hiatal hernia. Symptoms ongoing for about 4 years. It was brought up by a single but very violent vomiting episode 4 years ago.
I have a history of anxiety, allergies and heart issues, which caused me to vomit chronically for years, this is what caused the vomit that worsended it all.
Now I have afib and other arrhtyhmias due to my stomach most likely shifting place.
I am terrified of putting myself under anaesthesia for endoscopy because of my severe low weight (male, 180cm , 55kg)
This started to get much better,but a few days ago, I simply laid down on my sofa on my left side, felt a strong flutter in my heart, and then felt a severe pressure on my left side of abdominal area, and a sensation of what I can only describe as "shifting"./ Like my stomach anatomically shifted it's place.
All of a sudden, many minor symptoms (trapped air, gurgling sounds, burping and hiccups) were instantly gone, however , lots of pain and shortness of breath when eating go way worse.
Now I get arrythmias and severe heat sensation on my left arm after eating.
I don't want to go to doctors because they dismiss it as anxiety.
I am waiting for my pychiatry appt , because I feel only a shrink will help me (all I want is an Xray with contrast), as they do not label patients as "crazy" like regular doctors do.
I just feel like my stomach is really wrong, and it will end up pressing my heart, like many cases I have found in google 😦
Also I am going to be a dad, I don't want to be this type of horrid creature to my child.
PS: Sorry for the long text, needed to vent out.
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jan34534 clive59268
sorry you are going through this however you need to get diagnosed so that the proper treatment can be given. Otherwise you will live thinking about this all the time and making yourself miserable.
we can overthink things to the point of making ourselves sicker than we need to be. And sometimes the things that we think we know are not actually accurate. We tend to self diagnose ourselves and most of the time we are wrong about it.
googling symptoms is also a waste of time because it doesn’t pertain to your individual situation.
If it were me, I would definitely get the endoscopy to see what’s going on. You may not even have a hiatal hernia and the only way to find things out is by getting some testing done.
"what if" thinking is a waste of time because it tries to predict what can or will happen.
Stick with the facts by getting some testing. otherwise you will go around and around in circles and never have the correct diagnosis. Let the doctors do what they are trained to do. Hope you feel better
clive59268 jan34534
Thank you so much @jan34534 for your response!
However, I have received great advice like yours in the past, and sadly it had not effect. Mostly because I know that I have to go through the endoscopy, I just can´t.
Also, an acquaintance of mine died during a routine endoscopy a few years ago (young girl, mediastinal perforation), making it impossible for me to not consider the fact that it is an invasive procedure. And that they also require you to sign a waiver explaining you can have a perforation and even die from it.
Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly appreciate your kind advice!