Severe hot flushes?

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hello, I'm new to this discussion group, I am 55 and have not had a period for several years, I had a more a coil for quite a few years, this was removed a year ago. I had thought I might have just gone through the menopause, with very few symptoms. However, I am now experiencing severe hot flushes very frequently. I have been making a note of when they happen, I have at least one every hour, these leave me drenched and feeling quite sick. If I am moving moving about they are far more extreme. This has only been going on for a week weeks, and I am wondering if this is normal or if I should be seeing my GP. Any advice of what I could be doing. The only thing that seems to help is taking off my clothes and living down with the windows open! This is ok whilst I'm on holiday, but not so good when I have to return to work! 

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Might be worth a trip to see the Doc...maybe get another Mirena coil fitted?

    I know hot flushes are the pits (I had a hysterectomy 5 weeks ago, and hot flushes have kicked in big time), but if you read around, HRT and such can cause so many side effects, I would be cautious of starting any of it, if flushes is the only symptom. I am 51 years old, and hoping to not go on HRT.

    • Posted

      Thank you VauxhallGirl, I think I will go back to the GP. I hadn't thought to ask for another Mirena coil. I had thought I might be able to avoid the HRT route, but am desperate for something to help. I have been reading about the super cure that HRT seems to be, but also of how people are effected once they stop taking it. How are you managing the hot flushes?
    • Posted

      That's just it....HRT is NOT the super cure its cracked up to be. Reading round here, its scary how much worse some brands of HRT can make women feel...or bring on other problems. I would rather not go down that route. And yes, I am beginning to thinkHRT only delays the Meno, as so mnay women, when they stop, get all the symptoms anyway. Better facing them when we are in our 50's than in ten years time!

      I am not really managing them very well. My nights are spent throwing off the covers...falling asleep...then waking up cold and covering up again! Daytime, I try to wear as less as possible - layers seems to be a good way to go. Currently, vest tops and shorts is my uniform. smile Spicy food and caffeine - oh and alcohol - seem to be triggers for a lot of people. Keep a drink of water with you in a cool you by drinking, and putting the bottle on you forehead or neck to try and cool you down a little when they come on. I have also used a menu in the restaurant as a fan to cool me down. wink

      Let us know how you get on with the Doc. x

    • Posted

      Dear Vauxhall Girl, i think i spoke to you before as i am in surgical meno due to having ovaries out, i was wondering if or what vitamin wise etc you take etc. Im a little confused as to what i should take, i dont take hrt due to hormone risk and family history etc. I take a calcium tablet and multi vit with cod liver, im a little unsure if this is enough or not!
    • Posted

      Hello Pinkcatfairy.

      Yes we have spoken before. I take a multivitamin with that covers pretty much everything that should be floating around in our bodies through good diets! smile Also one that has iron in it. May as well cover all corners.

      I also take calcium, due to Osteoporosis in our family (been taking that for yeas). Calcium tablets also have magnesium, so as to help the absorbing of the calcium.

      Also cod liver oil - or Omega 3. Pretty much the same.

      These things all take at least a month to kick in, though, so take daily, and hopefully in a month you will start to feel some improvement.

    • Posted

      Thanks again. I will let you know hat my GP suggests and what I decide to do. 

      Jo x

    • Posted

      Hi vauxhallgirl, I'm going off the mark here, I have a question or to anyone at the moment I'm peri with a lot of the usuall symptoms migranes more frequent, acid reflux aches and pains my main is tiredness through the day, I'm peri for about 9 months now and probably for the last 2 weeks I have become real tired is there anything that could be recommended for the tiredness? Anyone please. I take Sumertription, Propanolol (for migranes) and acid reflux tablets BUT need something to help combat this tiredness. YES I'm ok at night for sleep and probably get 8 hours sleep!!. But lately come lunch time I'm really tired!!!......... Why?????!!!.
    • Posted

      Sorry Michelle, I can't help with that one. There is a thread on here asking for anyone to add their symptoms and what they did to help them. That is a good read...several women posting in there. Have a look. Might find some help. x
    • Posted

      I'm 54, can sleep all night like a baby and wake up barely able to stay awake plus anxiety. It's depression caused by hormones. I've started Celexa and Xanex along with HRT. Waiting to see if Celexa helps starting fourth week tonight. My daughter has depression caused by MS. I had no idea depression was a physical thing as well. She's the one that told me that's why I was so tired. Something better kick in soon. UGH!!!
    • Posted

      Dear Suzie, I hope things start to improve soon, I had no idea about all the different symptoms or treatments, this site is a god send.

      all the best


    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply it was very helpful, I have some calcium tablets with magnesium in, I was taking one a day which gives 50% calcium wasnt sure as to up it to two or not. I do have milk in tea and like cheese! x
    • Posted

      If you add a multivitamin to that (as I have), there should be calcium in there, too, so that will give you a bit more. Think I get about 75% with the added multivit. smile Then the cheese and milk and rest of your diet should top that off.
  • Posted

    hi Jo 

    bless ya with your flushes .. i am age 51 and almost two years post menopause ( no HRT) but the hot flushes returned for me last summer very severe and with living in a hot country as soon as the weather got hot i was having 20 plus severe flushes a day..  and again in May they returned again this year..

    i cant take and wont take HRT but... my doctor gave me very low dose Escitalopram its an anti depressant but not the dose for depression.

    been on it since May just 5mg a day and wow the flushes have almost stopped .. amazed ... and i feel more relaxed too..

    he suggested 10mg a day but i wanted to slowly introduce them into my body and halved them so still taking just Half ( 5mg) and they help no end .

    ( no side effects for me personally just all positives in my case) 

    i always dismissed anti depressants as was not depressed .. but this one has changed my life ..  menopause anxieties gone too..

    i didnt realise that low dose anti depressants are the new HRT ..

    have a google low dose antidepressants the new HRT.

    food for thought if you feel you cant cope with it .. i couldnt it was getting beyond a joke ..

    the only type of HRT i do use is Ovestin vaginal Ovules ( estriol) as Gyno suggested for dryness but that only treats that nothing else ..( very good too) 

    good luck hun

    jay x

    • Posted

      Thank you Jay, this is certainly worth thinking about, I hadn't heard about the anti depressants, there's so much out there it's good to hear about how people are coping, and new ideas. I will write down all the suggestions and try to see my GP early next week. 
    • Posted

      That sounds like one for me to make a note of, too, in case it all gets too much. Does it have a high success rate though? Thanks for the imput, Jay. smile

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