Severe menstrual cramps and other slight (?) abnormalities
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Hi. Uhm, so... actually, right now, I'm having severe menstrual cramps. I thought that I'm used to it already because it has always been like this since a long time ago. Maybe around 4 years ago or so, that's when I started to have an abnormal menstruation. I don't know what to really call it... At first, I thought it's only because I'm an Irregular-- because I don't really follow the schedule, I can have period sometimes, twice or thrice a month, with a span of 4-7 days. Sometimes, it's practically a whole month. Not all heavy flows, but some, just blood stains. Well, I would always find blood stains on my pantyliners. It got to the point where I got used to it, that I'm no longer surprised to find blood stains, like somehow it's part of my routine already. I always marked on my planner the days that I have blood stains, then indicate whether it was my period (I can differentiate because if it's my period, it's overflowing and I got cramps) or it's just the usual blood stains that I get, but sometimes, the blood stains are worse that I have to put on napkin, even though it's not really my period.
Then, whenever I'm on my period, the menstrual cramps are just so painful I have to skip school (and just few years ago, even work) because I can't handle the pain. I'm not sure if it's just my pain tolerance but it's really painful every time that I can barely stand anymore. Like right now, my legs are shaking whenever I stand and they feel so weak, and I get goosebumps all over. I have to be on bed the whole day. I can't do anything else.
And also, whenever I'm on my period, it is no longer unusual for me that I wake up to a pool of blood, or that I have to repeatedly change napkins and pjs because my blood is overflowing. It was fine, because it's hygienic,?but what got me bothered is that I use napkin for ultra-mega-heavy flow (hehe you know what I mean) already and yet it still overflows. My mom told me several times that I really have to use adult diaper but I'm stubborn so I always refuse.
My point is, my period releases so much blood, that is probably the reason why I'm so pale and get dizzy at times; but sometimes, it feels like it's not releasing enough, like my blood is too thick that it won't even reach the back part of the napkin. Then, it also gives me severe menstrual cramps (regularly on my 2nd day), and whenever I have cramps, I also get diarrhea and sometimes, I also vomit. I just can't handle the cramps and the diarrhea anymore. It got me worried what's really happening to me. What if these are symptoms of something more serious-- like ovarian cancer, or cysts, etc.
My family and friends have told me that it looks serious and that I have to schedule for a check up but I'm not really particularly thrilled in doing it because I'm scared and it's really out of my comfort zone. I don't know what will they do to me or what the results could be.
So my questions are, what do you think is this case? Is it just, uhm, I don't know, a menstrual cramp that other girls also experience and I'm just overreacting? Or is this uhm, a sickness or something that needs medical attention? Surgery? Or maybe, pills and medicines will do? And if ever that I've got no choice but to really see a doctor, what procedure would possibly be done to me???
This became a really long post, I'm sorry. I'd appreciate the answers. Thank you so much! X
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cwashington36 wtfjjj
I'm having the same problem since I started having periods in middle school. I've gone to doctors and don't have pcos or uc. Still seeking help with this craziness called my body lol
michelle1215 wtfjjj
I have really bad cramps, and I'm only a teenager. I cramp so bad I pass out, and sometimes they are heavy and sometimes spotting. The doctor said mine from anxiety issues that was making me do that, but also learned they can be inherited from your mother. My mom had the same issue has you and me. So I got that trate I guess
but it could be either. They said I was ok and nomral though, and I didnt surgery. They did put me on birth conrtol though, it helps a lot with crmaps, and help regulate it.
treena21872 wtfjjj
Hi, sorry to hear you are in so much pain! have you done a laproscopy? Has your doctor recommended one?
Severe pain and vomiting and irregular spotting in between sort of sounds like possible endometriosis.
It could also be nothing, and you could be incredibly unlucky, but it is worth getting checked out!! Even if it isn't cause by something like pcos or endometriosis you could probably still be given some treatment options to help reduce the pain. So worth going to the doctor for, especially after four years.
Best of luck to you!
kellygrant wtfjjj
I have always had severe period cramps, to the point that I could not even leave the house sometimes when I had my period. I have always been so desperate to find something to give me some relief for those 5 days a month. I did a lot of research and FINALLY found a product that really works. It is an Organic Pad that uses negative ions to relieve period pains. I was so skeptical when I first heard about this, but like I said I was desperate for some kind of relief. I was so pleasantly surprised when I wore this pad for the first time, because not only did it relieve my period cramps (there were points in the day I forgot I was on my period), but it didn't even feel like I was wearing a pad! This pad is really a game changer, I never thought that I could have a period and I could remain a real person of society and not a ball in bed. [big smile] The best part is that they are very affordable as well the cheapest place that I found them is here,
I will NEVER Wear Another Pad!!
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