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Does anybody have a feeling that they are on an emotional roller coaster? Also, hot flashes don't help. If so, how long does this last? Is it my circumstances or is it my hormones? I've been to the doctor and they just want to pump me full of anti depressants and tranquilizers. I do not take hormones, as I am a smoker and I am afraid to.
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Jan999 mary53597
loretta63638 mary53597
If so you may want to consider quitting. Every woman is different some suffer longer than others and worse than others . You can only decide what is best for you. For me quality most important than longevity . Don't want to be miserable while I am here . Best to you.
elle127 mary53597
Yes I know exactly how you feel. My moods are all over the place. When I went on HRT just over 3 years ago it improved my mood and even my hubby noticed. I was previously on anti-depressants but came off them and didn't go back on them since taking the HRT. However, I'm now 50 and have found out I've got fibroids (HRT make them grow bigger) so I'm having to wean myself off the HRT. I can feel the mood swings returning already!
Why not try some herbal medication? I've recently started Starflower so I'm giving it a chance to get into my system. It has good reviews as does other herbal medication. I'm sure some of the other ladies on here will be only too willing to give you advice on herbal medication.
Good Luck x
teresa06347 mary53597
I am and have been on the emotional roller coaster, sometimes irritated and snappy then feeling like your going to cry or start crying for no apparent reason, I am on antidepressants already.
I am now taking hrt since Tuesday last, at the moment I dont feel any benefit from it but have to allow time I suppose, I am a smoker but with many symptoms you get with peri some of us need the hrt tabs such as I.
The docs gave me alot of information about the risks etc asked about family history and booked a double appointment so we could have time to discuss it. I will be having regular checks, and if he is not happy then we will try something else.
Menopause just does not give a rollacoaster of moods theres hell of alot more problems that come with it.
I hope you feel better soon love take care x
annieschaefer mary53597
It will get better, just not quick enough for any of us. And I am reminding my ownself, this will pass, even though right at this moment, I fear I'll be a wackadoodle for the rest of my life (I won't, just feels like it!).
Tried the HRTs for very short term, because I already have fibroids and well, let's just say, the ones I was given simply weren't a good fit. Tried the Antidepressant bit, but while the symptoms come and go, they are constant (anxiety and depression) so that didn't really help much either. I am trying yoga, supplements and simply keeping myself so busy (for me, that seems to be the best medicine, so I don't focus on the awful feelings) when I can. There are times it is hard to motivate.
I do love this forum and am very thankful for all the nice women on here. I don't feel so alone with symptoms that others may not understand.
See what works for you, HRTs may, talk to the doctor and see what they say about the smoking biz. Not sure.
I do hope you feel better, you sure aren't alone on this wild emotional roller coaster ride.