Severe pain after partial knee replacement

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I had PNR the 19th of September and i still have really bad pain. i had to use a walker for the first 3 weeks then went to a cane. I'm about 6 weeks in now. The pain is so bad I'm beginning to wonder if something is wrong. I "thought" I should be better by now. My Dr says i don't need anymore narcotic pain relief. I understand why drs dont want to give narcotics but for people like me that cant function normally it really ticks me off. Cause there is no way possible for me to continue with my PT. And I love PT but It's hard enough to walk around the house. I REALLY wish i had never had the surgery, it hurts way worse now than it did before.


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    if you are in the US you need to get a referral to a pain mgmt doctor. That is the only way you will be able to get pain meds afterr 3 weeks.

    I feel your pain. ☺️. Literally. i had the same issues after a tkr, explant due to infection and then a revision.

    • Posted

      Thank you. I"ll bring that up with my dr today.

  • Posted

    Oh my goodness. I can't understand why your doctor has taken you off your painkillers. Without them I couldn't have done any of my exercises. I had my partial knee replacement at the end of July. I still need them and its been 3 months now. I don't need them as much but they are a godsend when the pain is bad after exercise or I have walked a longer distance.

    I know how you feel. I did get very down because the pain seemed constant. I don't think anyone can understand how painful the knee operation is. I'm pleased I had it done but I don't think I was fully aware how painful it was going to be and how long its going to take to get back to normal activities again. The hospital that done my surgery was so hot on pain relief and said without them you won't be able to exercise which is the key to recovery. Thankfully my GP has the same way of thinking.

    Could you go back to your doctor's. Are you in England or America?

    I really hope you can get your pain under control.

    Kind regards


    • Posted

      Thank you!

      I'm in America.

      Last week my Dr. did give me more pain med. He said it could be my fibromyalgia causing me to still feel so much pain. But he also said it was still swollen pretty good. At least now he understands.

      EVERYTHING you said is exactly right. People think that because it's a partial replacement it's not that big of a deal. I thought I knew what to expect but boy was I wrong. The pain was beyond what I expected. At 2 weeks I had a little breakdown and cried cause I felt like I wasn't getting better. I've had to remind myself this is an ongoing process. It's going to take time. And eventually I'll be glad I had the surgery. Therapy was a little harder yesterday, having the height of my step increased.

      Thank you for replying, it helps knowing I'm not alone. I'll say a little prayer for both of us.

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