Severe pain in penis, testicles etc. ossibl
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I'm hoping to find a solution or help on the severely discomforting symptoms I've been suffering from for the last 4 weeks. 28 y/o male. Circumsized. Sexaully active with my most recent partner since October. 2016.Both tested before intercourse.
It all started with some discomfort I began to feel on my penis tip Everytime I took a shower. This disappeared shortly after.A week progressed and I was struck with a constant full bladder feeling in my peniss shaft and tip as well as frequent urination for a few days (every 30mins in some cases) since then, in the past two weeks I have developed much more symptoms and have been experiencing the following:
Frequency in urination, full bladder sensation in penis shaft and tip,. Pressure and pain in bladder(especally when sitting down) burning when peeing sometimes, penis tip is very painful and. very sensitive to touch(Some nights it's feels like it's being twisted off with some vice grips it also feels like its being scratched or rubbed with sandpaper against underwear and clothes and any movement or walking is unbearable (essentailly couch bound now). It doesn't look physically abnormal although there is a bit of red under the ureatha but my doctor advised me this is with in normal limits and wouldn't present anything of interest? General nerve like deep pain/ throb and ache at times throughout my general genital/abdomenal/ bladder area. Pain around prostate area at times? Sexaul dysfunction in general, takes forever to get arroused. When I have a sexaul thought I get a strange painful burning tingle in the tip of my penis. I'm barely able to get errections. Even begining and errection I feel a horrible nervey likee ache in my tip and when I start to produce an errection they become very strange in the way they take form? The bottom half of my shaft seems to fill with blood and starve the top half which creates a horrible deep ache/throbbing nerve like sensation, eventually the shaft will fill enteirly, though when errect its very painful and throbbing and not entirely hard . I Have only tried to masterbate a few times during all this for pure self evaluation purposes. The fist time I managed to finally get and errection I was unable to maintain it full errect and it was barely semi errect while ejaculating. Ejaculating cuased a bit of stabbing pain felt throughout my right testical shaft . Pernuim/prostate areas? Upon the second time I maintained an errection the same thing happened again though the pain was excruciating this time it almost bought me to my knees, the stabbing and cramping was so intense.Another 10 minutes past and a splurge of trapped semen came out. Which This also left me with a spaziming in my pernuim area for the next 4-6 testicals both ache the right one being worse and senstive to the touch I sometimes get a painful shock through that area. I feel a general fullness and pressure around my penis and testicals especially when sitting snug between my legss. I can't sit down on a chair property. My penis and testicals feel like they're being squashed in a vice. This makes driving in a car unbearable and trying to 'ajust myself ' makes no difference .Also while sitting down it feels like a golf balls resting between my tescles and anus rectum is in alot of discomfort and. Feels wet when its not? My stools are uncomfortable and produce alot of pressure on my bladder/prostate area. Bending down gives me general discomfort and shooting pains. Theres probably more things I can rattle off but this gives an idea to the extent of symptoms I'm dealing with.
I have had urine tests that have come back negititive for infections and have come back negititive for STIs. My doctor is at a local for what it could be and 'assumed' it was epididymitis.. he threw some cefelaxin at me and told me to try them to see if it clears anything up... I am at yet to see a urologist but I have very low expectations of the public health system in the city I live in
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steven43881 brian58388
uncklefester brian58388
Curious Brian what country are you in? I would get to see a urologist as soon as posible. Sounds like prostatitis but I'm not a doc. The urologist can do a digital rectal exam and squeeze your prostate a little then culture what comes out. This is one way they can look for baterial prostatitis. My uro never did it even though I had symtoms similar to yours. They said I had BPH and said I needed surgery. Bear in mind I'm old ( 59 ) I 'm sure they'll look into prostatitis in your case. Good luck with problems.
joe74831 brian58388
Also as far as the urine test showing negative for infection, that is very common as well. Mine has never shown anyting. If you cant get into a uro quickly, ask your GP to do aprostate massage, and look at the fluid that comes out under his microscope to check for white blood cells. Also ask him if he will send it off to be cultured so you will know exactly what type of bacteria you have.
Also if you can get him to do the massage (some gps will not) it will help to relieve the pressure. But fair warning, it hurts like hell.
Good luck buddy, Do a search on here for orstatitis, its very common, and theres lots of ideas form other guys with the problem.
uncklefester joe74831
I've heard the same thing about prostate being hard to deliver antibiotics to. I wonder why they couldn't inject them instead
uncklefester joe74831
Some uros won't do the massage either. It more $ for them to operate on you
joe74831 uncklefester
joe74831 uncklefester
kenneth1955 brian58388
Good morning Brain. Sorry your having a problem my young friend. I'm 61 and like a few of the men have said. It may be Chronic Prostatitis. My doctor just told me I have that. After I sent him a e-mail of my problems. Going to the bathroom alot pain in groin back pain penis going numb. But Chronic Prostatitis is different they Bacteria Prostatitis. My doctor told me to drink alot of water and try not to irritant the bladder. And no sex or maturbating for at least 2 weeks. I think you should go to a urologist. Talk with him and tell him what you are going through. Play it by ear. If he is not the one to help you. You will know and they get another one. There are many good doctors out there. Please at 28 you don't want any more problems. Your prostate is inflamed My doctor told me Chronic Prostatitis is stress related. Try to relax Good luck Ken
Hi guys sorry I haven't checked in since posting.symptoms are still the same with no relief all the urologist said was that it could be chronic pelvic pain syndrome although I'm sceptical. Anyway life as I certainly knew it has disappeared, everyday is a struggle. Even moving without pain. Sex is nothing more then a distant memory I couldn't even bare to try in fear of the pain let alone even getting an errection in the first place. I have had to quit my job .and I am now waiting in limbo for a miracle.
Self-help brian58388
You will be amazed of what problems a weakened pelvic area can do to your groin / prostate.
You can read my previous posts and also
Google "Yoga Prostatitis Perineum Pain"
Exercising your pelvic region is cheap (no cost), and 1 more potential cause that's checked off your list.
brian58388 Self-help
Self-help brian58388
For abnormal skin color, you are probably looking at types of skin infections like tinea cruris, which can be caused by bacteria, fungus, weakened immune system, ...
Quick checkup with your doc can potentialy save you huge costs in meciations and discomfort.
josh69727 brian58388
hi did you ever get to the bottom of this or did you ever recover from this? I'm having the same problems and its not great at all.
kenkenken josh69727
its prostatitis
some bug infected your prostate..
u have any casual oral or sex
thats the cause in most case