Severe pain in upper centre abdomen

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I have woken up with a severe pain just below my ribs in the centre of my abdomen. It’s so intense it’s frightening. It started at about 8pm but not enough to bother me so I went to sleep. I have an ice pack on it but the pain comes in waves and I can’t speak or move! Any ideas?? I would go to A&E but not sure I can drive, plus have 2 little ones asleep...!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi you could possible having gallbladder attacks. That how they are. No need to worry you aren't having heart attack. Any nausea or vomiting. Also could be gas pains. When did this start.

  • Posted

    It started as a mild pain early evening but just ignored it and went to bed. But the waves of pain kept me semi awake until 4am when I woke up shaking with pain, I’ve been sat upright for 2hrs and it seems to have settled but still having waves of it. No nausea or vomiting..
  • Posted

    It could be a hiatus hernia or possibly pancreatitis. If you are in the UK phone 111 and explain all your symptoms. Do you have any blood in your poo?
  • Posted

    No blood no, it’s exactly like having a labour contraction but higher up.
    • Posted

      How are your bowel movements do they affect the pain? Is this the first time this area of your stomach has felt strange or has it ever been tender or felt weird before?
  • Posted

    Bowel doesn’t affect it no unfortunately.. it has been painful before a few months ago but only at night, not as severe and went away. I’ve been to the dr now, she said it could be gallstones but gallbladder didn’t feel hard or inflamed so gave me some buscopan instead..
    • Posted

      I have had something similar and I am going to get an endoscopy to see if there is an issue. Mine was uncomfortable in that area and I thought it was trapped wind or constipation for ages. But earlier this year I had really bad stomach pains. I felt really bad on and off for a couple of weeks. It cleared up a bit so I just left it, but it has come back again quite badly. I am avoiding eating too much and I am not touching alcohol until I get my scope. If I eat until I am full it hurts, I think I could possibly have a hiatus hernia but I won’t know until until I am scoped.

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