Severe panic attack in sleep

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Last night for the first time i experienced a panic attack while sleeping. I jolted out of my sleep in horror. My heart started to pound, i was shaking from head to feet and felt total doom. I had trouble swallowing and my throat felt tight. I thought my room was closing in on me. It was one of the worst nights of my life. I couldn't wait to see morning. Has this ever happened to anyone ? I cannot see this getting any worse.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    hi there Hope, i see you've posted a few times recently, you must be in the peak of peri and i feel for you - how old are you, have you had your hormones checked ? many women have experienced this, ive had many panic attacks, mostly during the day though as i take sleeping tablets to keep me asleep in the night as i cant function without sleep - are you taking any medication? many women get through this unmedicated and i applaud them, but if there is one time in life when we should be allowed to give in to the meds its now, i pretty much take an ativan every other day atm - 0.5 - 1mg really helps calm me down, and ive started meditating as well, which i really have to take care of yourself because no one else will ! x

    • Posted

      Hi Karen thanks for your reply. I am 44 yrs old and new to all this. My symptoms started in mid January and seems to be getting worst. I am currently on no medications whatsoever. Friends have been telling me that i should go on them for a better quality of life, but i am so afraid of the side effects. Tomorrow i will be getting my hormones checked to see how far along i am in this journey. It's so good to know that i am not alone and thanks again for your response. Hugs

  • Posted

    hi !!! yes yes yes!!!! ive had so many!!!! not during my sleep but daytime! they scared the wholly hell out of me!!!!! i know now they arnt real and its fight or flight!!! all the sensation you are having is totally normal for panic attacks ... hang in there!!! mine started 12 years ago... i read a book about panic attacks and it helped so much!!! ill find the name if it and private message you!! ❤❤

    • Posted

      Pam they sure are scary. One of the scariest things i've gone through. Has your calmed down ? Is this thing ongoing ? I will be glad to read that book. Thank you kindly. Hugs to you

  • Posted


    yes, i get those terrible attacks and i understand the feeling of doom. i even get chest twinges that go away but scare me. i tell myself its a panic attack...i splash water on my face... watch something or read to calm down.

    watch WONDERBRO on youtube and the anxiety guy. i go to therapy too... talking anout it helps!!!

    • Posted

      Thanks Rose. I will definitely watch it. I need all the help i can get. Hugs

    • Posted

      i understand... we need to "get out of our heads"

      google ACT ACCEPTANCE...

  • Posted

    yes had this a few times ... now have medical marijuana and cbd oil which i take before bed. helps !

  • Posted

    hello, yes panic attacks are real!! I had them several years ago and after many trips to ER,

    and not eating or sleeping, I finally found peace and strength through prayer and reading the word

    and like someone mentioned watching a good movie to help take yiur mind off things really helps.

    And also eating healthier.

    I hope you feel better:)

    • Posted

      Hi Grace. I too read the word and pray. I think that God is the only one that can ease this madness up. I am fearful of tonight. i have all lights on. My son will be staying over. I hate being so vulnerable. I never been like this in my life. It is such a learning experience and it is humbling me. Do you still get panics attacks ? Hugs

    • Posted

      no I dont praise GOD!! hang in there keep doing what your doing , better days will come.

      for God has not given us a spirit of fear.His perfect love casts out all fear.:)

  • Posted

    Hi there this also started for me in jan i woke up at 3am sweating,shaking palpitations, tight dry throat and feeling so bad i thought i was having a heart attack this then happened most nights for weeks i even rang 999 on one occasion i was so frightened and apart from my bp being through the roof my heart was fine paramedics gave me a full check up and ecg. i was then told by my gp after blood test and breaking down in front of him i had peri menopausal anxiety so i was put on the sick for 8 weeks been back work a month now and even thow i have my bad days with palps and dizziness and feeling like crap its getting easier to deal with as i tell myself iv not dropped dead yet and its all bloody hormones so take it easy and it does get better to deal with Big hugs to you xx

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